
Borderlands 3 Review - IGN

Borderlands 3 sticks to its guns and outdoes itself with an amazing arsenal of weapons, humor, and missions.

Brave_Losers_Unite1782d ago

Hopefully the reviews will be this good. I would hate to see Borderlands do bad.

Sgt_Slaughter1782d ago

Lots of 8's along with some 9's, sound good to me for now

drunkenspy0071782d ago

@Inzo, I've seen one from PC gamer from a reviewer who admitted they're not a fan of the series. Where are these other reviews?

Sgt_Slaughter1782d ago

@drunkenspy that's what I was going to say, I see more 9's than 8's than I did earlier and only one 6 so far, not "quite a few" like the other person said.

Lore1782d ago

People should read the detail of the review prior to writing off any reviewing outlets. It’s obvious that IGN has become a joke in recent years compared to where it used to be, however this particular review by them seems solid.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 1782d ago
jznrpg1782d ago (Edited 1782d ago )

Seen a couple 6s already and this 9 so far . Now a bunch of 8s

1782d ago
UltraNova1782d ago

IGN has a huge Borderlands 3 promotion right now, that might explain their favourable review. It only takes reading some other reviews around to connect the dots.

Steppenwolfmother1781d ago

@UltraNova their score lines up with most others if you check meta critic. IGNs reviewers are purposely kept separate from sales and marketing. I don’t believe at all that IGN gets paid off for reviews, given some of the high profile games they have given low scores, even when doing the same style of promotional advertising. Their boss (Peer Schneider) has a pretty good reputation

UltraNova1780d ago (Edited 1780d ago )


IGN hasn't mentioned a single bug or any other kind of issue with the game and as we know there's a lot. They received the same pre-release Epic account code as all initial reviewers out there (many of them giving the game 8+/10) who on the contrary reported on issues with the game. Again connect the dots.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 1780d ago
Thunder_G0d_Bane1782d ago

Day one!

I booked my week off for release :)

Fluttershy771782d ago

Hopefully the game is good too

Steppenwolfmother1781d ago

@Lore oh they are a joke when you don’t agree with one of their employee or freelancer opinions but they are ok when you do agree? A review is one persons opinion, either look at meta critic for the average score or find a reviewer/influencer that has similar tastes to you and follow their impressions

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 1780d ago
criticalkare1782d ago

So far i seen 9s and 8s with few exception

djplonker1782d ago (Edited 1782d ago )

As of me writing this comment n4g has three reviews up

9/10 - ign
8/10 - gamespot
6/10 - pcgamer

And one article calling it "third times a chore"

so unless you can filter metacritic to only show 9's and 10's I have no idea where you are getting only amazing reviews?

MrDead1782d ago

out of the 17 reviews posted on metacritic so far the game has

11 reviews with 9 and above
5 reviews with 8 and above
1 review with 6.3
1 "review" from "Polygon"

I don't know where you look at reviews but as of right now criticalkare is correct.

CP_Company1782d ago

pcgamer review is garbage, so that's that. there is always one whos gonna write the click bait review and that reviewer is known for that.

djplonker1782d ago (Edited 1782d ago )

Edit: doubt post

Relientk771782d ago

Man this weekend can't come soon enough. I can't wait. Shoot and loot baby, shoot and loot!

djplonker1782d ago

I know it's borderlands but after:

aliens colonial marines
Duke nukem forever

I am surprised people still preorder their games, borderlands 2 is the exception not the rule.

djplonker1782d ago (Edited 1782d ago )

Nah I am staying for the denail stage of some the fans who have been waiting 8 years and are unwilling to accept any criticism and will lash out at anyone who talks ill of the game.

I didnt spend 8 years waiting for them to make a worse game than the last and I wouldn't expect them to because they are bad developers who's ceo is a total clown.

drunkenspy0071782d ago

"Nah I am staying for the denail stage of some the fans who have been waiting 8 years and are unwilling to accept any criticism and will lash out at anyone who talks ill of the game.

I didnt spend 8 years waiting for them to make a worse game than the last and I wouldn't expect them to because they are bad developers who's ceo is a total clown."

wow, nothing better to do huh? better just to be a complete asshat to others then? enjoy your forever POS status.

djplonker1782d ago (Edited 1782d ago )

Nah just funny watching people try and defend a game they haven't played against someone who has and doesn't like it.

If you want to do the psychological version of running head first into a wall over and over I will point out what you are doing makes no sense once but after that I'm not going to stop you and you can't stop me laughing at your idiocy.

Ooh personal attacks because I am defending someone's right to have an opinion on a game they don't like but you do even though you haven't played it.

What's your next move....... Tell your parents on me?

drunkenspy0071782d ago

"Ooh personal attacks because I am defending someone's right to have an opinion on a game they don't like but you do even though you haven't played it. "

You're not defending anyone kid, you're just being a hater for the sake of being one. Acting like trash ain't nothing new kid.

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Check out the nine games leaving PS Plus in August 2024

PS Plus has nine games set to leave the service soon. Here is every game earmarked on our PlayStation Plus leaving list for Essential, Extra, and Premium.

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Zenzuu13h ago

Saved you a click.

Among Us
Borderlands 3
NBA 2K24
Need For Speed Unbound
SpellForce III Reforced
Destroy All Humans
Destroy All Humans 2
Trials of Mana

jznrpg12h ago

If you added Among Us and Borderlands 3 to your library they won’t disappear. Not sure if any others were part of essential or not but if they were and you added them to the library they also will still be in your library


PlayStation Plus Monthly Games for July: Borderlands 3, NHL 24, Among Us

All playable July 2.

Read Full Story >>
LG_Fox_Brazil30d ago

Seems like I'll finally play my first NHL since the PS1 days

OtterX29d ago

Yea, I honestly have never been a follower of hockey, but I did grow up occasionally playing games here and there with some of my friends. Especially Blades of Steel NES and I honestly think my last one was one of the NHL ones on PS1 also! This may stir up some nostalgia. I wouldn't have bought it otherwise, but I'll give it a go w PS+.

monkey60230d ago

Well that's a lot of nope from me.

Doesn't Among Us sell for a whopping €2.50 anyway?

30d ago
phoenixwing30d ago (Edited 30d ago )

Never bought borderlands 3 since they picked that Jesus mockery of a photo. Was not impressed. There was literally no reason to use it other than to be blasphemous. There's no angels or demons in the game yet they had to be profane toward God and go out of their way to do it.

monkey60230d ago

I'd have said that cover art was easily the best thing about the game. Shame they neutered the humour in game so much.


Driving boring ass mainline Christians into rage fits is reason enough. Are you not entertained? 'cause we are...

(Also the third game revolves around the radicalization os Bandits and Psychos into the cult Children of the Vault which see the female twin as literally a goddess, in fact the whole franchise always made extensive use of tropes such as cult like factions and villains with a Messiah complex, so it's fitting, however a logical rebuttal to your whining is just less fun).

phoenixwing30d ago (Edited 30d ago )

No the point is they could easily have pictured a character from the game who they're worshipping but instead go after Christians. If they were so altruistic to stop and point out radicalization as if they're brave people they would have put Allah on the cover but oh no we can't upset them because instead of taking it in stride they'd have to actually confront the Muslims who would be outraged. But yeah let's do our weak attempts at being edgy on people who are more mature toward others. Basically all you atheists like to punch down why not go to an Arab country and protest.

Hofstaderman29d ago

@phoenixwing Allah is the arabic word for God used by Christians in the region too.

DarXyde29d ago


I can think of a few reasons why the Jesus imagery works better.

1. The intended audience would understand Christian imagery more than Islamic imagery. I'll also add that it's fascinating to observe Christian whataboutisms largely run to Islam to criticize when they feel attacked.

2. If you're trying to sell a game in more countries, there's literally only one Christian theocracy in the world. Do you think B3 not selling in Vatican City has the same impact as being shut out of the multiple Muslim theocracies globally?

3. Islam has an image problem in countries with high Christian populations in the modern era due largely to 11 September. There are people outraged by Hamas' actions without any willingness to engage with the context of how it happened. The Zionists are pretty supportive of the ongoing genocide of innocent civilians. In light of this, your imagery complaint feels very entitled if I'm being honest.

If you want to take it as a W, perhaps the devs in a weird, islamophobic way see Christians as being more tolerant of such imagery being used...? That you can disapprove and boycott without violence? I don't really know.

It's fine if you don't play the game on the basis that it upsets you, though as a member of a racial group that either gets dunked on routinely or pushed forward to further some tolerance agenda, I've learned to laugh at it. If I can learn to do that for immutable characteristics, you can for your beliefs.

You don't have to.... But you can.

thorstein29d ago


"Atheists like to punch down"

You poor, oppressed Christian.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 29d ago
MrBaskerville30d ago

Sounds like it was overall a goof decision. Nothing wrong with some blasphemy.

Profchaos30d ago (Edited 30d ago )

You missed nothing the game sucked key reason why it was selling for under 5 bucks not even a year after launch

Chance_of_Raine29d ago

I used to be like you, then I realized its all a fraud. You'll wake up, when and if you want to, in your own time.

thorstein29d ago

I bet you think pronouns shouldn't be taught in elementary school.

+ Show (5) more repliesLast reply 29d ago
RhinoGamer8830d ago

Compared to June, this list is fantastic.

30d ago Replies(1)
Shane Kim29d ago

Hell no! It had Crusader kings and anno!
But city builders/4x aren't that popular among console users.

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"Borderlands 3: Ultimate Edition" (Switch) Review \\ paulsemel

Though far from the best version, this does a mostly good job of bringing this snarky sci fi shooter to the Switch.

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