
Review: WarGroove - an impeccably good, turn-based strategy title - KnowTechie

KnowTechie writes: WarGroove is everything I want in a deterministic strategy game, from an engaging story mode to a large myriad of alternative modes.

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Humble New Couch Classics Bundle out now

The Humble New Couch Classics Bundle just launched today. It features games like Biped, Wargroove, Ultimate Chicken Horse, Door Kickers: Action Squad, and more. A percentage goes to support charity.

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Three Games Are Leaving Xbox Game Pass In April Including Wargroove

Microsoft has updated the official Xbox Game Pass store on their website to list the three games that will be leaving the service on April 15.

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1271d ago
Magog1271d ago

At $15/mo I would rather use gamefly. Larger selection and you choose which games to rent.

King_Noctis1271d ago

“ GameFly's base subscription lets you rent one game at a time for $15.95 per month. Paying $22.95 per month ups the number of games to two.”


Oh yeah, Gamefly is much, much, much better than Gamepass.

Magog1271d ago

I only play one game at a time. I don't see the point in doing otherwise.

jukins1271d ago

So being able to play ALL games on ALL systems for about the same price as full gamepass sub. Playing all tje games not juat what gamepass allows and on ANY system.

Ive bought gift certificates from gamefly $30 for 3 months stacked up until 2024 adsitoonal games are only 7 each up to 4 games out at a time. I havent bought a game in years because of gamefly. Except games that dont have physical and collectors editions.

Gamefly way better selection that gamepass just not as convenient

kaylee54121271d ago

Since I began with my online business, I am raking $42.4 every fifteen minutes. And, as unbelievable it sounds, doable for you is, as well, cause I’ve never had a job as easy as this one. Everyone can do it, with no exception. I suggest you, Don’t pass-up this hot chance, which you can do even in your spare time for some extra bonus bucks to your main source of income, because you might regret it afterwards. Anyway, here’s what you have to do to get started …... https://is.gd/tNxO7H

galmi1271d ago

enjoy my friend, its a free world

1271d ago
gamer78041271d ago

Nah they only have physical games and it doesn’t give you an instant library that’s the same as all your friends so you can pick and choose what to play with any of your friends

jukins1271d ago

Because you cant plan? Lol i get gamws from gamefly 1 day after release. Fiends bought outriders or played on gamepass on day 1?? I had to wait one extra day...

KyRo1271d ago

Here in the UK we have Boomerang games. £9.99 unlimited swaps. Saved myself a fortune on some games that I'd never have tried if it weren't for the service.

CYALTR1271d ago

Different strokes I suppose. I used to subscribe to GameFly a long time ago. I did like it, but the problem I had was that the games I wanted were rarely available. That may have changed now, but a bigger selection of games that I can't actually get doesn't work for me.

1271d ago
CaptainHenry9161271d ago (Edited 1271d ago )

When Sony start doing this (and they will just a matter of time) will you rather still use gamefly?? I have a feeling the whole game industry is going this route except for Nintendo

Magog1271d ago

Playstation now let you rent games digitally before gamepass and no I didn't even use the free trial.

Edgelordsupreme1267d ago

When you’re a teenager and think you have a point.

+ Show (5) more repliesLast reply 1267d ago
Imortus_san1271d ago

Gues I will buy Wargroove since I never finished the game.

LabRat1271d ago

You still have till the 15th. Maybe you could still power through it

Imortus_san1269d ago

I have a ton of work and that games takes a ton of time to play, I will wait until it's cheap I buy to complete latter on.

arkard1271d ago

But what about the preservation of games!

Wrex3691271d ago

Please try harder jesus 🤦🏻‍♂️

arkard1271d ago

Nahh don't think I will. This is Microsoft endgame plan. Kill off the secondhand market, kill off ownership, and then they can decide which games you have available to play.

MadLad1271d ago

Only one of the big 3 who has actively supported BC for generations.
Still supports disc based games.

This is a subscription service. They pay third party devs/publishers for timed access to their titles. That deal doesn't last forever.

Do you even have a point?

amazinglover1271d ago

Yup that's there end game all right we all remember how Netflix killed off Blu-Ray and now I can never own Fear and loathing in Las Vegas because Netflix wished it so.

Tedakin1271d ago

You can buy games digitally from 2001 on Xbox and they run on the Series X. How's Sony doing?

RosweeSon1270d ago

Winning, yet again. Great you can buy games from 2001 the very few that are worth playing these days how about any quality games from 2021. Yeah I’ll wait 😑🤣 people making out Sony or Nintendo never done BC ps3 could play ps1/2 games Ps5 does PS4 Wii did gamecube, Wii u did wow 3ds does Ds they were the ones doing BC majority of gens and the majority didn’t care for it not that much. Now Xbox are doing it and Sony only doing PS4 and a lot of ports and remasters but now it’s the best thing since sliced bread. It’s amazing how the mind works when nothing new and exciting to look forward to 😑🤣🤷 27995;‍♂️ Switch 2.0 will be BC Xbox will run out of old games soon enough there’s barely a handful worth going back to (check a top 100 games list you’ll rarely find anything from Microsoft on it that’s not already available-Halo)
It was just an easy fix for an age old issue with Microsoft lack of new games oh let’s just make all the old ones work again like they did with all their previous consoles 🤔🤨😑 29315;

Orchard1270d ago

@RosweeSon Yep it’s super rough being an Xbox owner with this lack of new games. I guess we’ll just have to make do with Zenimax games like ES6 & Starfield, The Show, Outriders etc. What a shame.

1270d ago
SpineSaw1270d ago (Edited 1270d ago )

Sony is doing GREAT!

Edgelordsupreme1267d ago

Don’t feed into the fanboy prattling.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 1267d ago
Orchard1270d ago

I thought they were only removing these from game pass - are you telling me these games are being completely removed from the store?

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 1267d ago
CobraKai1271d ago

With these games leaving x service and Sony closing PS3 store, this is why I buy physical first.

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Wargroove - Nindie Spotlight

Chelly Beardsmore brings us another wonderful Nindie Spotlight. This time around, it is Wargroove, the fantastic turn-based strategy game.

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