GameCyte: Hudson Gamers' Day: Bomberman Ultra

GameCyte writes: "Last night, Hudson Entertainment invited gamers and journalists, far and near, to join them for their 2008 Gamers' Day. Cheerful Hudson staff spent the evening hawking their wares, providing hands-on demonstrations of the latest titles Hudson had to offer. We spent some time with quite a number of intriguing new titles, though at least one familiar face was on hand as well - after all, it just wouldn't be Hudson without Bomberman."

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Multitap | Player 5: Games to play with large groups

Planning to have friends over and play some games? Good for you. There are lots of great options, as readers of this column know, and you can jump in wherever you’d like.

You know, until that fifth person walks in the door.

It’s a thing that can cause a train wreck in the head of any gracious gaming host. All those games you planned to play? Either you’ll have an awkward person just sitting around and watching, or you’ll have to split up, which isn’t the best option. But while your options may be limited, they’re not gone: there are some great games that support five or more players.

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Bomberman Cosplay Gallery

Hunter Johnson: "When it comes to cute and loveable video game characters, Bomberman is one of the cutest (even if he does have a weird explosives fetish)."


Top 10 Multiplayer PSN Games

Botchweed: "To release a list of the best multiplayer games on the Playstation Network at a time when the PSN Store remains inaccessible may seem ironic, or even distasteful. Nevertheless, there are many people who are itching to spend their hard-earned money on some top-quality games once the doors of the Store re-open, and here are 10 games that all multiplayer fans should own.

Seeing myself as something of a social gamer (paradox, I know), this list is based more on local rather than online multiplayer games. Games that will have you giggling joyously with your mates, but also punching them and giving them dead arms in competitive frustration."

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Emilio_Estevez4877d ago

Fat Princess is awesome! 4 player drop-in/out anytime, online or not is great.