
THQ Nordic will announce a new game at Gamescom 2019

THQ Nordic has announced the games that it will show during the world’s biggest gaming convention on August 21th in Cologne, Germany, Gamescom 2019. According to the press release, the team will reveal an unannounced game that will be playable for all attendees at Gamescom 2019.

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Sgt_Slaughter1829d ago

Do something with Timesplitters, tons of people have been waiting for a remaster/sequel

darthv721829d ago

TS is long overdue. Hell... I'd even take a full hd remaster compilation.

SkatterBrain1829d ago (Edited 1829d ago )

Mercenaries 3:Reign of Ashes Please ,or timesplitters

King_Noctis1829d ago (Edited 1829d ago )

THQ Nordic is coming back with a bang.

LOGICWINS1828d ago

I just got Red Faction: Guerilla for Switch. What a gem! Cant believe I missed out on it when it initially came out.

sander97021828d ago

Didn't they buy the Kingdom Come Deliverance devs as well?

King_Noctis1828d ago

I didn’t know that (or maybe forgot about it). If the devs are in THQ’s hands, we can totally be sure that KDCD will get a sequel. I can’t wait for that.

Smokehouse1829d ago

Thq had a lot of good stuff. I’m glad they brought them back in name and spirit and I hope it’s a franchise I’m fond of.

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gold_drake8h ago

that merch tho.

ridiculous the numbers they pull in, which makes it even worse when i think about the low budget broken games they make. or have made recently


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