
Blue Protocol Reveals “Blast Archer” Class With Screenshots and Details

Today Bandai Namco revealed one more class that will be included in its online JRPG Blue Protocol, the Blast Archer, with screenshots and details.

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Bandai Namco Will Refocus Game Development on Quality Following Declining Financial Results

Bandai Namco announced its financial results for the third quarter of the fiscal year, related to the period between October and December 2023.

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TwoPicklesGood131d ago

So now they will focus on quality? lol

blackblades131d ago

To be fair, they the only ones. Square and other Japanese devs been lacking is quality for a long time and they made up for it in good games.

SilentZeroX131d ago

Capcom, Nintendo, and Atlus are far better than Bandai, and you can't really count FromSoftware as one of Bandai's studios.

blackblades130d ago

@silent yeah I know, i ment to put a few. Example square gives quality to FF, with SO and valkyrie nope. Koei quality been eh but there games are fun. Its not just Japanese though.

1Victor131d ago

Good let’s hope others follow them before the industry get too close to collapsing again.

-Foxtrot131d ago

Yeah…when they realised we’re not all massive suckers

Pepsi_Man3000131d ago

Absolutely insane that quality wasn't already a focus

H9131d ago

That's the most insane statement I have ever heard, it's basically saying "from now on we will try to make good games"

CrimsonWing69131d ago

I mean, why in the f*ck wasn’t this the priority from the get-go? Now that you see consumers aren’t going to swallow up your dribble for full price you have to make the announcement that you’re focused on making “quality” games now? What a joke.

jznrpg131d ago (Edited 131d ago )

Quality should always be the focus and that will get you $$$$. Though I have to say Bandai Namco has made some great games but some of their anime stuff could be better quality

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Blue Protocol Interview - Amazon Discusses Localization, Monetization, & Representing Western Voices

TechRaptor interviews Blue Protocol franchise lead Mike Zadorojny from Amazon Games about the global version, its localization, monetization, and more.

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Blue Protocol - Amazon Explains Changes You Can Expect in the West Compared to Japan

Amazon Games will launch Blue Protocol globally next year, and the localization process will bring some changes for the Western audience.

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Soileh300d ago

Reading the article it seems they only changes to be expected are censorship? No breast size slider is becoming a common occurrence, even BG3 heralded as the RPG that respects your choice doesn't let you change the size of a female character's breasts.

Snookies12300d ago

Yeah, it's kind of BS. People should be able to change the size of their junk or their boobs in pretty much any character creator. It's just another part of the body, after all.

Abriael300d ago (Edited 300d ago )

The breast size slider is actually there. Surprisingly.
They removed a button that lets you test the physics of the character (hair, breasts, and such). You press it, and they bounce.

Apparently, according to them it has become "the breast bounce button" and they may not have noticed it was to test all physics, and male characters had it as well.

Lorshna2022300d ago

I suppose I can see why they don't want to add it in, kind of. Sensitive people rule the world now. And god forbid they become aware that some people like boobs.
For me though as a female gamer its nice to make characters that look like me. Maybe not completely I'm not that confident, but boob size is a variance that actually exists, so what's the issue?

Yung-T300d ago

In what world does the sentence "the button that tests the physics of the female characters' breasts" translate to removing the size slider?
And the people jumping on the bandwagon should maybe also read the actual article instead of commenting blindly.

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jambola300d ago

Not paying full price for cut censored garbage sorry

Vits300d ago

I'm pretty sure it is f2p.

GameBoyColor300d ago

Mmm lame. I heard jp version already had issues that made players quit playing, add censorship on top and I'm just not interested anymore. shame.

PapaBop300d ago

After Lost Ark and New World, I won't touch anything from Amazon now. The way they lock full servers stopping people from playing with friends and guilds etc completely turned me away.

muffingems30299d ago

got to cover up women like Taliban