
PS5: 10 Developers Sony Should Acquire Before the Next Generation

With reports that Sony is looking to snatch up more developers, Gameverse looks at 10 studios that the PlayStation team should pursue.

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KillMePrettyPlease1901d ago

It's not. many of the studios listed are owned by big companies, Sony is not going to acquire Warner, Microsoft nor Kadokawa. This guy is delusional.

ziggurcat1901d ago

which one of those is owned by MS? Are you getting Team Ninja mixed up with Ninja Theory?

ziggurcat1901d ago

Of this list, Remedy, Insomniac, Hello, and From are the ones they should seriously consider in addition to their proven practice of building studios from the ground up or adding more teams to their existing studios in order to expand their range of offerings.

NarutoFox1901d ago

They should go with Insomniac and From Software imo. I won't be surprised if it's Remedy though.

Chevalier1901d ago

Insomniacs wants to remain independent, Sony has made an offer to acquire them once. From Software is part of Kadokawa which is a huge publishing compnay so that seems extremely unlikely. In fact half that list is already owned by huge companies so they can't be acquired. Rocksteady is already owned by Time Warner so why is it even on the list?! Team Ninja is part of Koei Tecmo so its doubtful they would sell one of their main studios

neutralgamer19921901d ago

Definitely bluepoint they are talented. Insomniac would be a huge get, they tried Ea and ms yet 2 of their recent games became company's best selling games in their history(first ratchet and clank and now Spiderman so their success is with sony) Talk to Kojima since he always liked playstation

They will also have a lot of natural growth within their already owned studios. Some of their studios more than one development team

ziggurcat1901d ago

Bluepoint is another potential one, yes.

sprinterboy1901d ago

Didn't we have a article like this 3 days ago.

NarutoFox1901d ago (Edited 1901d ago )

Tbh we had a lot of similar news articles in the last couple of months

I_am_Batman1901d ago (Edited 1901d ago )

Yep we had that one: https://n4g.com/news/227665...
And even this same opinion piece was submitted once before but failed: https://n4g.com/news/227694...

Ausbo1901d ago

Most of these aren’t realistic. Especially rocksteady. Warner ain’t giving them up.

Remedy and team ninja are possibilities, but I’d bet on them acquiring smaller studios because they already have the AAA narrative games down.

Chevalier1901d ago

Why would Koei Tecmo give up one of their main studios though? Rocksteady for sure Time Warner won't give them up and From Software is owned by Kadokawa publishing so thats pretty unlikely as well. Bluepoint and Remedy would be great acquisitions though.

Whitey2k1901d ago

I would like rockstar or capcom or one of the developers that was part of making CoD. I wouldn't mind sony bringing back the old Westwood studios. I miss RTS Red Alert

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Knightofelemia6d ago

Even if they do crack down all a person needs is an Everdrive and a regular old school machine. Or modify a disc based console that has a dead laser to boot off an SD card. Some of those illegal devices look neat and some of them are just plain crap.

XiNatsuDragnel6d ago

This won't stop it unless you have a great service.

Inverno5d ago

What a stupid thing to be wasting time, money and effort. Aren't these guys literally drowning right now? Maybe y'all should focus more on that instead trying to stop people from playing old games no longer being sold.

Inverno5d ago

Pretty sure I've read and seen parts of Italy experiences/ing pretty bad floodings. Id argue that's more important than trying to prevent the sale of emulation devices.