
Ninja Gaiden: Slaying the Early Demons

Cultured Vultures: The infamous origins of one of the most infamously punishing franchises ever made as we look back on Ninja Gaiden.

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The History of Ninja Gaiden: The Messy Bits

The series went through one sloppy port and cancellation after the other.

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BillytheBarbarian2800d ago

Man, 1991 was a great year. I remember Streets of Rage, Toejam and Earl, Bonk's Revenge, Joe Montana Football with the sports talk, Police Quest 3 the kindred, Quack Shot, Road Rash, Street Fighter 2, Tecmo Superbowl, TMNT Turtles in Time, WWF Wrestle Fest,...too many spring to mind. That was a huge gaming year for me. 16-bit was in the most bitter war at this time. Sonic versus Mario, Streets of Rage versus Final Fight, FZero versus Road Rash, and while kids were fighting over which was better I was playing everything I could get my hands on.


Ninja Gaiden III: The Ancient Ship of Doom | Nintendo Life

Nintendo Life:

After dealing with that dark sword business Ryu Hayabusa might have hoped to put his feet up, but more evil schemes are in motion and so he must do his ninja thing once more. The powerup from the previous game that could provide duplicates to help in his quest has gone, but it turns out there is still another Ryu running around. Unfortunately he's something of a bad egg, and as Ninja Gaiden III: The Ancient Ship of Doom begins our blue-garbed hero has found himself framed for murder. As you would expect, finding out what's going on involves jumping between platforms and slashing a variety of nasties.

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