
Bethesda needs to update their Creation Engine

You might not care about such things, but give it time and you’ll begin to feel that maybe Bethesda Game Studios are not doing the best they can with the Creation Engine. It needs some fresh blood.

NecrumOddBoy1904d ago

This is the same old news we have dealt with for nearly 3 generations. Bethesda's game engine is complete garbage.

harmny1904d ago

They confirmed they are updating it. I don't know why this article exists.
But even updated. Mod support and easy modding is why their games run awful. Not the engine.
And since that's what keep their games relevant I don't expect the new ones to be different

BioShockGX1903d ago

I bet it will still look the same even after updated.

NeedleEye1903d ago

They have updated the engine with every new game they have released. And yet pretty much all of the issues that gamebryo is known for still remain.

harmny1903d ago

Bully uses gamebryo. Works great

Imortus_san1903d ago

So is the Souls engine that can never mantain the frame rate, and last gen was running at 10~15 frame a lot of time.

Sciurus_vulgaris1904d ago

Bethesda needs a new engine for their RPG. However, Bethesda won’t create or license a more advanced engine for their RPGs because they like to recycle code and assists more so than other developers.

killswitch801904d ago

I don't think you know how developing engines works. Software engineers can take a game engine and modify it enough that it is pretty much a new engine. This is done successfully all the time.

Ratty1904d ago

Finally someone who gets it xD

sinspirit1904d ago

Then what's with anyone making new engines? Why do that at all? You can get more out of it but you certainly gain benefit out of an all new engine. You can design it around multithreading and different architecures or API whereas updating an older one will only do so much for new hardware since working with older code requires even more updating to be done to other things. It can get complex to where further and further updating gets to be too much work and creating a new one is simpler.

If they made it pretty much a new engine.. Then it's not exactly the same engine. There's a reason why it's rare to get nearly an entire engine to be updated thoroughly. Not tweaked. Updated.

porkChop1904d ago

You can only modify an engine to a certain extent. When the core framework/foundation of the engine is out of date or inefficient, it isn't as simple as just modifying it. You do get to a point where you need to create a new engine in order to progress forward. Bethesda has been at this point. Their Creation Engine was just a rework of Gamebryo. It's old, inefficient, and was built for last gen consoles. Bethesda really needs a new engine for next gen.

-Foxtrot1904d ago

When the engine they have now can’t even have a player climb ladders (true story look it up) then you can a problem. It’s a small thing but can you imagine how many things they could have done in Fallout or Elder Scrolls with something as simple as climbing ladders within the map, could help create shortcuts and everything you’ll unlock when you reach certain places

killswitch801904d ago

and all they have to do is modify their current engine...look at all these experts.

Darkborn1904d ago

Why haven't they added in something that's been in games for over a decade then?

harmny1904d ago (Edited 1904d ago )

You don't understand. Bethesda's number one priority is mods. Not ladders. Mods is the reason Skyrim a single player game launched in 2011 is still played by 20 thousand players on steam. A number current games would kill for.
Yes the performance is buggy and bad. But the mod support is unlike any other game and that's their goal.
Don't think for a minute they'll trade mod support for polish and better performance.
That's what their engine is designed for

-Foxtrot1904d ago

Thing is the mods do things wth the crappy engine that Bethesda say they can't do or is hard to do so why not take some of the best mods out there and either buy them or grab the people who made them to work on the next games.

It's not solution to the problem, more like putting a bandage over it but it would at least offer more creative ways to play in the next instalment

harmny1904d ago

Oh yes I agree with you on that

Sirk7x1903d ago

It's still pretty crappy though. It's like "We're shitty programmers, and we know it, so we'll just give the community the foundation they need to make the game they deserve for themselves."

BlackIceJoe1904d ago

ZeniMax owns Id Software and they know how to make great engines and so Bethesda should work with Id Software to make an engine that works for Bethesda's open world games.

IamTylerDurden11904d ago

If id couldn't even use id Tech in their own game Rage 2 i have little hope it will become the Frostbite or Decima of Bethesda/Zeni.

Notellin1904d ago

Frostbite is just as bad as the engines we're talking about.

BlackIceJoe1904d ago

I understand what you're trying to say, but you must remember Avalanche Studios made Rage 2 and they like to use their own engine when they make games.

IamTylerDurden11904d ago (Edited 1904d ago )

This engine was old during Oblivion, during Skyrim it was archaic, but the fact that they are still creating games with it is a joke. The problem, however, is two fold. First, their rpgs are extremely large and open encompassing many unique systems. The engine needs to be very specific and probably built in-house. Second, they haven't had a reason to dramatically overhaul the engine or create a new engine entirely. FO76 is the first game in God know's how long that hasn't exceeded sales expectations and creating a new engine after 76 would've severely delayed development on ES6. Basically, people continue to buy Fallout and TES games and have given Bethesda little incentive to change. Likewise, critics continue to shower these games with sparkling reviews and GotY awards. FO76 is the first stand in the fight against Creation. I know games like HZD, FFXV, and Witcher 3 aren't as systems driven or as technically deep as the Fallouts and Skyrims but they show us that you can have a visually stunning open world rpg and on a technical side they put Bethesda to shame.

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RaidenBlack4d ago

Wonder what happened to the leaked medieval game that they were working on ... hope that's still on going and gets released sometime after GTA VI

gold_drake4d ago

eh wat?

its been on "break" for 11 years now ha 5 came out literally 11 years ago

isarai4d ago

Seeing as how it's been like 12yrs between releases, i don't think taking even more time is a good decision for the series

TheNamelessOne4d ago

So GTA 7 in around 2045 or 2050 lol

Mr_cheese2d ago

So make one GTA every human generation instead of every other console generation?

Come on...

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darthv723d ago

Well I really hope they make some $$ AND make a HFR2 in the process.

Sciurus_vulgaris2d ago (Edited 2d ago )

I’m wonder if Microsoft fully sold the Hi-Fi Rush IP. They kept the publishing rights of the original game. I don’t even understand why the IP was sold. MS could have had another of its menagerie of studios do another Hi-Fi game, despite such a thing being unlikely.

mandf2d ago

It was given for free on gamepass. It didn’t sell well. Look at starfield it only sold 2.5 million because of gamepass

Sciurus_vulgaris2d ago

Starfield did $235 million in revenue on Steam alone from Sept-December 2023. So I’m sure it sold considerably more than 2.5 million copies.


ZwVw2d ago

Yes, it did sell well. GP version has a fraction of the reviews that the Deluxe Edition (more expensive purchase version of original) has. If anything, it shows that more people actually bought the Deluxe version than played the GP version, on Xbox at least.

LucasRuinedChildhood2d ago

Hi-Fi Rush on the Switch 2 at launch would probably sell a good amount.