
EA: "I Struggle with the Perception that We're just a Bunch of Bad Guys"

GamesIndustry - "Behind the big blockbusters, EA is offering very friendly deals for indie developers -- EVP Matt Bilbey tells us why."

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Nitrowolf21851d ago (Edited 1851d ago )

The the small employees aren’t the bad guys, But you’re working for a company that has time and time again made several greedy moves That the vast majority don’t like

The head honchos dictate things. They set the tone but you guys follow it still and I don’t blame you because it can be tough to find a job in the game industry.

I’m sure there’s internal conflicts happening all the time there but at the end of the day it’s the final decisions that lead the company Identity

Bleucrunch1851d ago

That is a perfectly sound argument. The senior management are the ones making the decisions, the smaller employees know exactly why the company gets so much hate from the gaming community, they are not the stupid ones.

indysurfn1851d ago

EA is feeling what I have been preaching for years. Eventually they will have the Circuit city effect where there is a tipping point of bad will towards them from consumers.

Retroman1850d ago (Edited 1850d ago )

It's Not the senior management making decisions but the Investor's telling them what to do
Trickle down to ghost games.

rainslacker1851d ago (Edited 1851d ago )

EA actually is really good with their indie publications. I've worked with them, and found then to be knowledgable and really capable, and they dont "intefere", although they often have really good ideas on how to make games better...which doesn't mean add MT.

Most of the hate for EA is centered around their big games, because obviously that is what most people care about.

But, the trickle down effect means it's all one corporation. Not much can be done about it unless you can get the execs.to stop doing things that people dont like.

Dabigsiebowski1851d ago

@rainslacker The plan for Games as a service and the amount of Microtransactions in nearly all lineup of their games if pretty bad. EA was successful in a big way even before all that nonsense and I used to not actually mind buying a game under them. Now I won't touch them or anything that has their name on it with a 10 foot ethernet cord.

Chexs19901851d ago

The problem is primary stakeholders and top-shelf management IMO. Management is trying to too off their fiscal turnover come a new year.
This basically led to all the dumbass decisions we've seen for the last 3-4 years especially.

The regular employee just follows directions, but the top is the one giving the direct orders to "innovate" the monetization scene and push it in there, harder and harder.

I do think it's a pity though, since I expect the top management isn't looking at ethnographic consumer behavior, only the raw numbers from their analysis.

DarXyde1851d ago (Edited 1851d ago )

"The head honchos dictate things. They set the tone but you guys follow it still and I don’t blame you because it can be tough to find a job in the game industry."

Keep in mind that EA is massive, especially in this industry. It goes without saying that the executives are the ones at the reins, but I think you may be underestimating how much control they have. Specifically, you seem to be understanding, but also kind of judgmental by saying "The the small employees aren’t the bad guys, But you’re working for a company that has time and time again made several greedy moves That the vast majority don’t like".

I don't work in this industry, but if you've spent your entire career as a game developer at EA with no other experience, it's rock- meet- hard place. If I'm being candid, an employee doing anything to piss off EA could very well be a career death knell. They're programmers, sure, but at the end of the day, they're still in the entertainment industry, and that's pretty tough to recover in when you've aggrieved the powerful.

WelkinCole1850d ago

How free market is suppose to work is that gamers vote with their wallets. Unfortunately for many of us many more still buy EA games.

EA need to get their profits up yoy for their shareholders and for their top fat cats to get their million dollar bonus

The money has to come from somewhere so thats us while they try to spend the least they need to. I mean look at Anthem for example.

It is what it is.

Imortus_san1850d ago

The majoraty of people love EA, if they don't, then how do their games sell so freaking much.

DarXyde1850d ago (Edited 1850d ago )

I wouldn't go that far.

I think most people are kind of "hardwired" to buy the annual sports franchises and recognize EA as "that logo that comes up every time I play my sports games"; I don't think it's love, so much as it is tradition. Like, I think if there's a string of truly abysmal sports titles year after year, people will stop buying them without really blaming or confiding in EA. If you can believe it, I know people who have had to Google "who makes Metal Gear Solid"- this conversation came up about a month ago, actually. And companies know this, which is why they often advertise new projects in terms of games instead of companies (e.g., "From the creators of [insert franchise with a positive reputation]"]Even if another company picked up the Madden license, if a high tier studio like, say, Naughty Dog made a Madden game, those same people who moved away from the series would probably not come back without some kind of assurance that a quality studio is handling it. I don't think the average person attributes much to EA nearly as much as the game itself, which actually protects existing franchises with a good reputation.

The people on this site are actually more informed than the general population who kinda just see a trailer for a game and get hyped.

But yeah, I don't think saying people love EA is quite right. Anthony Mackie made a point about movies that I think is also true in games where he said in the 80s, people went to see "the new Sylvester Stallone movie ", but now, it's about going to see "the new Captain America movie". It shows you that people attribute excitement for the product rather than who brings it to life; likewise, the average person cares about "the new Madden", not "the latest game by EA". So yeah, I think people will continue to buy EA: because the company practices aren't relevant to the average person. I think it's a shame because the "surprise mechanics" comment will go largely ignored, I'm sure.

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 1850d ago
xRacer74x1851d ago

EA keep making money ignore the haters. Those people complain to complain its what the USA does best now. Whine and complain about everything small and big. Looking forward to Madden in a few weeks. Than you can hear people whine and complain it has not changed enough or that you own console rights to football. Its always something these days with the whiners and complainers.

ApocalypseShadow1851d ago (Edited 1851d ago )

You have no idea what you're talking about. And, you're part of the problem of why they do the things they do.

Anyone familiar with EA and their practices over the years, the closing or shady management of good developers after buying them, the locking up of more than just the football license to kill competition, the money hungry schemes to please their investors, their tag along jumping in with Microsoft in 2013 of trying to kill used games and gamer ownership, the lazy yearly development using the same game engines they acquired after buying their competitors, their "SURPRISE MECHANICS"...

You may love them. I'll continue to boycott them. Any money given to them only leads them to use it to monopolize more licenses so that no one else can make a licensed game that could be better. Or make them step up to produce better products.

Thank you for your poor consumer spending and blind loyalty.

gangsta_red1851d ago

So xRacer just can't enjoy the games from EA without having to get into some sort of backroom politics about it?

Everything you described has happened with pretty much every huge developer and publisher in this industry, the fact that EA seems to get singled out for this is not only puzzling but hilarious. Money hungry schemes? Shady management? Pleasing investors? Are you just running the generic big business gamut of what you believe is happening, because that's exactly what it sounds like.

You may have a valid complaint about EA closing a lot of studios they bought but then again, who in this industry hasn't done this?

Maybe you're the problem, unable to put aside some bias or high horse attitude towards a company but then excuse other companies when they have been doing the same thing for a while now. This is evident when as per usual with you, you want to drag in MS with your agenda, but lets not even talk about Sony's own exploration or "tag along" into the so called "killing used games" space.


"...only leads them to use it to monopolize more licenses so that no one else can make a licensed game that could be better"

Who else is handing out their licenses for others to use? Seriously, this makes no sense at all. Isn't this why companies go after licenses, for them to be the only ones to use.

"Or make them step up to produce better products."

EA doesn't make quality products? EA games may not be for everyone but saying they're not stepping up with better produced products is definitely not true.

"..using the same game engines they acquired after buying their competitors,"

Yes, because no one else does this at all. Are they suppose to completely trash an engine after purchasing it? How much sense does that make?

"Thank you for your poor consumer spending and blind loyalty."

Says this guy who is just as blind from others devs/publishers doing the same thing in this industry.

Shikoku1851d ago

Yes he can't @gangsta_red shill if he is on a forum running his mouth about it. If you don't want to be involved then STFU and stay home pretty simple.

FITSniper1851d ago

EA has certainly engaged in behavior designed to get the most money out of people, but as far as closing developer studios, blame the studios for getting greedy themselves. They weren't forced to sell out to EA. They did it for money.

Christopher1851d ago

***the fact that EA seems to get singled out for this is not only puzzling but hilarious.***

Not really. They're the most notable and egregious of the offenders outside of mobile games and they make horrible comments to try and cover it up that can be easily ridiculed by the gaming community. Their SWBF2 response was seriously bad. Their recent comments about "surprise mechanics" and how lootboxes are "actually ethical" were even worse.

Sure, they're not the "only ones" but they are a major problem and have had clapback from Disney alone because of it, let alone the gaming community. Add in their handling of BFV controversy, Anthem being the game it was thought to be but wasn't, and the like, it only makes them a bigger target.

xRacer74x1851d ago (Edited 1851d ago )

Im the problem. I support a company who releases games I enjoy. if you do not like them Do not buy their games. Easy as that.

gangsta_red1851d ago (Edited 1851d ago )

"Add in their handling of BFV controversy, Anthem being the game it was thought to be but wasn't, and the like, it only makes them a bigger target."

Should we also not recognize some of the great games they also released or were involved with from the past or upcoming games, Apex Legends, Sea of Solitude, past Battlefields, BattleField Bad Company, A Way Out, etc.
Being the supposed biggest target doesn't necessarily make them the right target to turn all this cynicism and hatred on. Especially when there's an admittance of every company doing the same thing as EA does.

They have had their share of problems like any other company who has been in this industry for this long. But a lot of these *issues* seem like they're being blown way out of proportion by folks on the internet that continuously have nothing good to say or hold extreme grudges against a company no matter what they do or how many quality games they still release to all systems.

Besides, ridiculing EA is one thing, adding a hefty amount of exaggeration (shady, money hungry, etc) makes it sound like EA is the Extensive Enterprises ran by Tomax and Xamot of the video game industry.

rainslacker1851d ago (Edited 1851d ago )

EA likes to try and defend itself against practices the consumer doesn't like. Other companies dont. That's why EA gets more attention. People complain about other companies, but those other companies dont keep poking the bear, hoping the bear will share their honey.

Basically, EA gives openings to be attacked, and historically, they say they'll change, do better, and start listening, only to do worse on their next attempt.

EA doesn't need to defend itself against haters, but if their practices are causing sales to not meet expectations, then they have to explain themselves to investors. That's what's been happening the past couple years with a couple games that came up short. Some of the openings they provide aren't because they want to discuss it, but out of necessity.

Other companies just dont have the same negative perception. Whether they deserve the same hate or not is irrelevant to how people view them, but in general, other publishers aren't quite as ecstatic to find ways to fleece the customer, and certainly they dont brag about how it's good or necessary.

RememberThe3571851d ago

EA sucks and most of their games suck. I'm a Battlefield addict and BFV is a shit show. Sparse content, the new updates have actually made the game run worse (constant frame drops, invisible enemies, missing animations), terrible stat tracking, lack of identity. And before you all point to DICE, EA gave them roughly 8 months to make this game. 8 fkn months...

Zenbaby3691851d ago

I for one just hope that when my kids get a little older. That I don't have them come to me and ask me to get them something that can ONLY be gotten from a loot box. Then my options are A. Make the kid sad and try to explain to them why. Or B. Give in and be forced to literally gamble for the kids happiness.

On another note. Can you guys imagine if back in the day you had to pay the full price of a game for each world/level in mario games? lol

+ Show (6) more repliesLast reply 1851d ago
-Foxtrot1851d ago

You...yes YOU are the reason the rest of us level headed people keep getting screwed over by EA

The type to lube themselves up before big Daddy EA has even parked his car on the drive way.

harmny1851d ago Show
Christopher1851d ago

Eh. I wouldn't blame most gamers who are informed for the issues. It tends to go down to those who are less informed and play games because of streamers or the like. The goal to be better sooner than anyone else, not just because they like the game.

xRacer74x1851d ago

Yet, I find you the to be the issue. complaining about microtransactions you do not need to buy is just plain silly and a waste of your and my time.

xX-oldboy-Xx1851d ago

xRacer74x - People BANG on about others buying MT's because it validates them and give EA the ammunition to sit in a court house in England and say things like - "People like surprise mechanics".

As is indefensible in this regard, but here we are people are defending them! It's bullshit and then EA have balls to cry foul - bunch of pricks.

rainslacker1851d ago (Edited 1851d ago )

I'm not screwed over by them because I dont buy many of their games. The ones I do buy tend not to have significant MT to get into the politics of it.

Its helped they've moved away from a lot of their SP offerings, because i dont have to worry about missing out on a good game which has bad practices attached to it.


Sometimes their games are designed around MT, and it effects the main game. Others just find it distasteful to sell things the way they do...namely with loot boxes, because they feel its exploitative. Even if they aren't personally affected by them, it doesn't mean someone can't recognize what may be a bad practice.

More so...EA has a bad habit of only getting worse over time. It may be hard to comprehend what may be worse than loot boxes, but one thing that most can agree to, it's that EA is the one thinking of that right now. Probably watching the mobile market to rip it off from that market.

PapaBop1851d ago

@xRacer Say that to Star Wars fans. Microtransactions ruined Battlefront 2.

Christopher1851d ago

***Yet, I find you the to be the issue. complaining about microtransactions you do not need to buy is just plain silly and a waste of your and my time.***

I disagree with this. I don't disagree with being "too harsh" or "too whiny" in how we present it. But, complaining about things is important and playing it off as "if you don't need them then don't buy them" isn't the right thing to go with.

Why do I say this?

Gambling is regulated for a reason and has limitations for predatory actions to entice people to participate. And even with those regulations, it's easy to still sell it as something you can definitely win at.

Lootboxes/MTX are similar. There needs to be a boundary between what is acceptable and what isn't so that it doesn't become predatory.

Ubisoft used to be way more predatory. Then they backed that train up and started doing less predatory things and making it easier for people to obtain mostly cosmetic, non-gaming affecting stuff via normal gameplay (or weekly challenges).

EA was extremely predatory with SWBF2 release. Complaints didn't remove MTX/lootboxes, but it did force them to make them more reasonable and less taxing so that it would almost guarantee that if you wanted to get something you would need to spend money rather than wait for two months or so and hope it dropped for you.

There should be limitations on the predatory elements of these games and complaints about them help to announce when they are predatory and when they need to be fixed.

+ Show (4) more repliesLast reply 1851d ago
ANIALATOR1361851d ago

If you don't whine and complain, you never get change.

gangsta_red1851d ago

So has EA changed, because I've been seeing a lot of whining and complaining about them for a long time and yet EA is still doing what they're doing

Shikoku1851d ago Show
NXFather1851d ago

That's because you are a vocal minority group unfortunately for you guys and it often does not end up working but, oof.

Christopher1851d ago

***So has EA changed, because I've been seeing a lot of whining and complaining about them for a long time and yet EA is still doing what they're doing***

Yeah, they have...

SWBF2 changed.

Apex Legends is more acceptable rather than heavy handed like other EA games.

They're actually making a Star Wars SP game after cancelling two others and citing that the profit margins for a SP game wasn't a good investment for them.

Now, FIFA... that's something that hasn't really changed. It's like a blind spot for EA and the community.

gangsta_red1851d ago

Didn't SWBF2 bring back the loot boxes in some other form even after the backlash? No clue actually, i thought i read that somehwere.

Besides loot boxes was a controversy that wasn't just specifically aimed at SWB2, but was the industry hot topic for a while with that game included.

Point is, whining and complaining never seems to get the change done more so than actually not playing or purchasing the game.

rainslacker1851d ago

Best you really get from EA is some promise they'll do better. Then they usually end up being worse.

Christopher1851d ago

***Didn't SWBF2 bring back the loot boxes in some other form even after the backlash? No clue actually, i thought i read that somehwere. ***

The complaint: The implementation of lootboxes was extremely predatory.

The initial response: "provide players with a sense of pride and accomplishment for unlocking different heroes"

The response: Holy crap, you're not getting it. Let's downvote this Reddit response.

The follow-up response after being contacted by Disney as well: "Okay, we've drastically reduced how much time it would take to unlock the stuff you want."

The response: Okay, that's better. Let's not do that initial set up ever again, ok?


The feedback by actual players of the game wasn't to remove the lootboxes, but to reduce the predatory nature of them that created a sense of never being able to unlock the content within a reasonable amount of time. There are still people who are anti-lootbox, but the players of SWBF2 got what they wanted.

This is similar to NetherRealms and Injustice 2 issues. They reduced them drastically as well. And in MK11 they moved game affecting unlockables to accomplishments and had lootboxes as almost entirely cosmetic items.

So, the issue is that people think the complaint was about lootboxes existing, it wasn't, it was about how bad they were. People complained. They responded horribly. People complained to new levels. They made changes and those changes reflect what they've done in Apex Legends and will likely do going forward.

***Point is, whining and complaining never seems to get the change done more so than actually not playing or purchasing the game.***

You can't stop other people from buying games. You can get people who own the game to agree with a complaint, though.

So, I disagree with you there. Let alone the fact that if people don't buy the game they tend to blame the developers when it's a publisher issue applied to the game.

Potnoodle9991850d ago

You know what gangsta, you may be right. I mean look at the colossal amount of disagrees you get and all the whining about your completely nonsensical opinions.... and you haven’t changed! You are the entertaining one on here, MS Butt buddy and now your in for EA too!? Holy hell I think you just like to go against public opinion😂 ah well keep doing what you do, it’s hilarious to read👍☺️

+ Show (6) more repliesLast reply 1850d ago
gangsta_red1851d ago

You have a point but I disagree with the "USA does best now". Why this whole notion that only people in the USA complain is hilarious especially when you have sites like this one filled with complainers from all over the world.

Hungryalpaca1851d ago

You’re complaining about complainers. Sounds more like you’re the issue.

indysurfn1851d ago Show
NXFather1851d ago

Cuz it was his idea to start it all the time, oof.

spicelicka1851d ago

What's worse than whiners are people that bend over and take it, and worse than that are people who ask others to bend over and take it too. I think you're camp # 3.

NXFather1851d ago

People uninterested in EA games are good though. You guys know a thing or two about taking it since "As I said, we could never beat you."

zodiac9091851d ago Show
Eulderink1851d ago (Edited 1851d ago )

it's not the problem that they make money but how they make it...
and yea i hate on them cause of that just like i hate on other practices i disagree with.
It's just common sense.

I mean you're also hating on people who are hating on EA, guess we're not so different after all ;)

Angyobangyo1851d ago

It's not xRacer74x is a surprise EA shill!

Interesting how they're the company that caused legislation by governments to be brought forward. It even got bipartisan support in the US and banned their mechanics in some EU nations. For whiners and complainers, we are enjoying seeing EA trying to lie to different governments by re-labelling their mechanics to keep screwing over gamers like you.

You sure do use complain and whine a lot for only 4 lines. Who's the whiner and complainers again?

yoshatabi1850d ago

Oh look. One of the idiots EA does this for in their natural habitat

Potnoodle9991850d ago

Mate... you are just the WORST! Quit being part of the f*****g problem.

SephirothX211850d ago

Oh please go for in a fire

People love jumping on bandwagons and hating like sheep. Sure EA are underperforming but they are no greedier than any developer. It's just that their games of late are not as good as they used to be. That's down to the designers. Not executives. And people complaining about frostbite haven't a clue what they're talking about because they're not technical. A game engine is constantly being updated and evolved by the engine team like any piece of software and the reason for their games being below par has nothing to do with the engine. I'm a software engineer working in a games company btw...

+ Show (11) more repliesLast reply 1850d ago
Activemessiah1851d ago

Thats exactly what a bad guy would say...

Steveoreno11850d ago

Let them keep thinking this as we watch their slow destruction. We will never forget! Say its name..........anthem. that one game taught me so many lessons. Thank u EA.

Sgt_Slaughter1851d ago

I mean, EA is a bunch of bad guys so yes that's correct.

Father__Merrin1851d ago

EA have made some of the most brilliant franchises ever.

KwietStorm_BLM1851d ago

*EA have made some of the most franchises ever and eventually ruined 90% of them.

1851d ago Replies(10)
Srhalo1851d ago

Correction: EA has bought companies who made some of the most brilliant franchises ever.

Then they shut them down.

indysurfn1851d ago

THANK YOU! Perfect comment.

rainslacker1851d ago

EA way back in the day was an awesome publisher. Near the beginning of last gen is when they started becoming what they are now. Not everything they do is bad, but they certainly have some notable bad qualities.

annoyedgamer1851d ago

EA have BOUGHT some of the most brilliant franchises ever. And EVERY SINGLE ONE is ruined.

InflectionPoint1851d ago (Edited 1851d ago )

To be fair, EA has done NOTHING. EA is a publisher, its game studios that do the work. All EA is there to do is distribute and market. The fact that they are able to push the game studios to implement their publisher schemes is sad, but the alternatives are for the studio to not have funding to make or complete a game.

nommers1851d ago

Technically EA provides the money to the developers for them to be able to create, much like any self preserved developer. It's the same as any other game company regardless if they are the publisher or the developer. It's on EA however to manage those funds appropriately since they are the publisher and can pull rank creatively.

Rachel_Alucard1850d ago (Edited 1850d ago )

EA assigns revenue goals and the game studios have to find a way to reach those goals. Separate budgets are assigned to different departments like textures, models, sound, etc. They also do all of the marketing. So they do way more then you think. Game studios are also to blame in this regard since it's up to them how they get the revenue each quarter. Some studios will implement horrible predatory items like Treyarch did with Blops 4, others like Massive make more fair ones with Division 2. That's one of the reasons why Anthem is so bad economy wise is due to Bioware's half assed market where they just couldn't finalize on a price point for items and kept the grind slow and awful and kept making it worse. They realized not enough people were buying the game to warrant the predicted revenue target they were trying to hit, then instead of leaving it they just made it worse. Never increase the workload on players. Only so much time in the day.

Source: EA insider

Brave_Losers_Unite1851d ago

Yeah like a decade ago. Now they are the greediest pieces of s**t

Angyobangyo1851d ago

.....and then single-handedly destroyed them

wheresmymonkey1850d ago

No EA holds the rights to some of the best franchises ever.
The people and studios that made most of them are long gone thanks to EA.

+ Show (5) more repliesLast reply 1850d ago
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The Pokemon Company Had Retail Sales Worth $10.8 Billion In 2023

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gold_drake11h ago

that merch tho.

ridiculous the numbers they pull in, which makes it even worse when i think about the low budget broken games they make. or have made recently

-Foxtrot2h ago

We’re never getting an amazing mainline Pokémon game again are we

phoenixwing2h ago

Of course not. That's why I have tem tem because even if it's not the greatest I at least know the indie dev was trying

ZeekQuattro1h ago

Great plug for Tem Tem right there. It's not the greatest but at least they tried.... 🤣

phoenixwing15m ago

@zeek that's right it's as good or better than a pokemon game but they didn't have access to pokemon game money. So it's more of a stain on pokemon company to be in the same ballpark as them

Inverno7m ago

It's time we admit that they were never really that amazing to begin with. The games have never quite reach the same level of awesomeness as the anime. Look at the last few seasons we got to wrap up Ash's adventure, and the new series. 4 lazy Switch games and a remake which was so low effort that you wouldn't be able to tell it's a remake if your weren't told beforehand. The concept of Pokemon will always be awesome, but man the games absolutely suck.


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VersusDMC6h ago

Love me some third person action games.
Reminds me that Black myth is weeks away...