
Sony's Decision to Skip E3 2019 Is Starting to Look Really Smart

PushSquare: “When will we learn not to criticise Sony too hastily? Our first reaction to the Japanese giant’s decision to skip E3 2019 was one of horror, but we later took a step back and pointed out that the platform holder couldn’t (and probably shouldn’t) be judged until we see how everything transpires. On the basis of this past weekend, the firm has once again proven that it knows best.”

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Jin_Sakai1873d ago (Edited 1873d ago )

I agree. They got the word out about PS5 and also Death Stranding gameplay with a release date. Much better than sitting through nearly 2 hours of CGI trailers.

naruga1873d ago (Edited 1873d ago )

also FF VII trailer and date......current consoles slowly walk to their death and their big hit games are starting dwindle ...Sony wisely didnt spent not even a dollar and managed to hype their audience far more than anyone in E3 ..and in someway scaled back the importance of this ultra expensive-little substance show .

bouzebbal1873d ago

That Kaz troll laugh.. I love it.
Some heavy hitters are still coming to PS4, and I think the fact Sony skipped e3 is another great move.
All 1st party studios have switched to PS5, and we'll for sure be getting a massive e3 next year

Saigon1873d ago

Because of that, we are now going to hear how E3 will be revamped to be more inclusive to the gamers and the developers. Not saying they already aren't it just that media will now make a bigger deal about the situation of Sony making the right choice and why does E3 exist again to force the hand of change. This is just a loop that never ends with this conference. No other conference goes through these many highs and lows each year.

_SilverHawk_1873d ago (Edited 1873d ago )

Sony playstation won e3 .

Unspoken1873d ago Show
Potnoodle9991872d ago

I’m not sure they will ever be at e3 again, it worked for them this year why not every year?

1872d ago
UltraNova1872d ago

That meme though....haha

kreate1872d ago

I feel like maybe they weren't ready for the E3 so skipped it until they are ready for a proper presentation. I really Sony to not abandon E3.

+ Show (5) more repliesLast reply 1872d ago
mkis0071873d ago

Still cant believe after E3 2016, where sony revealed games like God of War and Horizon Zero Dawn with live gameplay on stage, we are still getting pure cg trailers.

Hardiman1873d ago

I agree and Sony's E3 16 was one of my favorites! Absolutely killer show and really the way it should be done.

Be great if others could at least do that but I also wish others would take a hint and deliver games like PS does.

Nintentional1872d ago

And live flute playing during e3 2018 😂😂

mkis0071872d ago


Personally, the art that goes into games is what makes me love playing single player games. The flute set the mood, and then another gameplay demo followed.

RosweeSon1873d ago

Thing is you know when their presentation would be due in a couple of hours they’ll drop some big guns somewhere Twitter their own websites it’ll happen 2-3 hours time last of us 2 gonna be getting shown off ;)

--bienio--1873d ago

Agree what a boring e3 come on . Big disappointment.

Mystogan1873d ago

Lol please shut up 😂😂😂

100_SavAGe1872d ago

Now say that without crying

Nintentional1872d ago

Really smart until Nintendo kills it tomorrow :)

KickSpinFilter1872d ago

Ya last year with the flute, and moving people around to different rooms, and the taking heads while moving people around to the other rooms played awful as a conference. But what you saw in each room for game play was amazing. TLOU2 and Ghosts of T, Spiderman etc

Ceaser98573611872d ago

Jin Sakai
Agree I don't know why the dislikes. because Sony had nothing new to show. So its was a good decision.

FanboySpotter1872d ago

I hope you didn't think halo infinite was cgi. That was straight from the game and confirmed

StoneyYoshi1872d ago

It said "Game engine footage".
Yeah the game could look like that but its definitely gonna be a bit more polished up compared to gameplay. Sony did the same thing with Uncharted 4 back when the ps4 first was announced. It was in-engine, but the full game wasn't identical in the fidelity the original trailer had shown.

I do have high hopes for games to finally look as good as the cutscenes for this new generation so let's hope in game does look as good as whet the had shown us last night.

Kumakai1872d ago

so giving the impression you have nothing new to show is better than showing trailers of new stuff coming... got it. #fanboy logic.

strifeblade1872d ago

I actually think its really stupid. Its better to have some sort of e3 than nothing. Honestly its a tradition. No amount of sony fanboys defending the fact the sony failed to show up is better. Thats downright disrespectful- sony is just comfortable in this position and had nothing to hype

+ Show (7) more repliesLast reply 1872d ago
Christopher1873d ago

I bet opinions would be completely different if they did have a show, though.

Overall, I think there's some rose-tinted viewpoints out there and E3 hasn't changed nor has Sony shown a light on what it is to the gaming community, as it's been a known for the last decade.

The Wood1873d ago

'I bet opinions would be completely different if they did have a show, though.'

You could say that about most things in the gaming industry but you must admit the decision to skip e3 doesn't look so careless now. I think Sony will rely on their own functions or other smaller shows to twist the blade or reveal more info on this gens games and next gens hardware and games.

Shout out to that commenter that kept saying 'see you at e3' how ***** does he feel now. . It's not to offensive to call Microsofts showing as a damp squib is it? I've been restricted for less.

sixthelement1872d ago

Did you watch Sony's E3 last year and how poor it was? The only reason Sony's decision to skip E3 this year being seen as a good thing is because if they did another show this year, it would be even poorer.

Eonjay1873d ago

So, if you follow what has happened since last E3, Sony stated that they would shut some shows down because they didn't have anything to show meaning quite obviously that they wee working on Next Gen. So when PSExperience comes it will be jammed packed with next gen content. Microsoft has been doing the same thing.and that is why their E3 is lack luster.

AspiringProGenji1873d ago

You know what would have been different? MS wouldn’t hold back. I am sure because Sony didn’t attend MS may have not showed everything they have, and that is something smart to do too

We have been saying that E3 is a joke even with Sony attending there. Sony’a no show is actually showing that it would not affect any company that doesn’t go there. They have not been showing up at Gamescom either and despite all the fuss about that, it didn’t matter in the end. They have their own show as well, they can have their own show to reveal the PS5 and more ganes like they did with PS4 reveal as well, and that actually works better for Sony.

I mean this article wouldn’t exist if MS didn’t hold back and capitalized on their no show. They would have proven otherwise, but they didn’t. MS is the one who should be trying harded to get on top. Sony is already poised to have another great gen in their hands with all the greatness they delivered this gen, sonthey have the luxury to not try as hard or do something different , at least for now

xX-oldboy-Xx1873d ago

You can't believe that, ms should have gone for the kill. They need all the momentum going into next gen. They've been stuck in 1st gear all gen, looking back, looking forward - all the while not addressing the problem right in front of them.

PowerOfTheCloud1872d ago

Ms seems to hold back on e3 for years now. This is waiting!

Christopher1873d ago

***You know what would have been different? MS wouldn’t hold back.***

That's not how marketing typically works. Marketing is reactive and you need to make sure you have something to use when someone else gets something good out there. They showed enough, IMHO, to tell me that 2020 and beyond is going to have a lot of new games and content. That's a good thing for MS.

But, I don't expect them to hit much harder until Sony starts talking about their upcoming 2020 games.

Brazz1873d ago

Depends on the show, if you talking about E3 2018 2.0, than no, better to just keep things close to the chest and find the correct time to deliver megatons.

xX-oldboy-Xx1873d ago

Christopher - If they did they would've shown Death Stranding and release date, FF7, Iron man VR, Nioh 2. Anything of note shown at other conferences wouldn't have come close. The best thing shown at E3 is also playable on PS4.

It was inspired decision at the end of the day, no wasted money. And look what everyone is talking about? ms should've hit a home run, they had their chance.

Christopher1873d ago

***Christopher - If they did they would've shown Death Stranding and release date, FF7, Iron man VR, Nioh 2. Anything of note shown at other conferences wouldn't have come close. The best thing shown at E3 is also playable on PS4.***

So, one game we already know about, one VR game, and otherwise multiplatform games?

How is that better than the multitude of exclusives MS showed in addition to multiplatform games?

xX-oldboy-Xx1873d ago

Because that one game is by an industry legend, and the trailer revealed so much. If it was shown on the show floor it would've been HUGE. They chose not to and look at the reception it received.

Everything shown by ms was ho-hum at best, the one exception being CP2077. And that's also coming to PS4.

So you would've had average cinematic trailers VS release day and info on the biggest game releasing this year. Update and info on one of most anticipated remakes being FF7.

At the end of the day Sony felt that wasn't enough to put on a huge show. And it was the right decision at the end of day. They're still riding high from the critical success of their last few game releases, they have huge faith in Kojima and rightly so. It seems he's delivered big time.

The momentum is all Sony's.

The Wood1872d ago

'How is that better than the multitude of exclusives MS showed in addition to multiplatform games?'

Numbers verses substance Chris. If ms's showing is being called in to question then they obviously didn't have a stella showing on the exclusive front which has been their weakness for the majority of this gen. They needed to do better but flustered that opportunity despite Sony's absence. Their biggest takeaway was my boy Keanu's appearance in a multiplat.

JackBNimble1872d ago

Your comment shows your bias .

xX-oldboy-Xx1872d ago

JackBNimble - I wear it on my sleeve buddy, I don't mince words and have no trouble admitting it.

Am I wrong though?

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 1872d ago
OB1Biker1872d ago

E3 changed a bit but more importantly Sony spent a few years experimenting with psx and proved the press gave more attention and better report on what was going on there.
Media reports of E3 are focused on the conferences.

xX-oldboy-Xx1872d ago

There's a lot to cover, unless your dropping megaton after megaton - your message gets lost in the crowd.

+ Show (4) more repliesLast reply 1872d ago
darthv721873d ago

Sony should be there. Even if it is games we already know about, at least we could see updated footage and details that had not yet been shown. Maybe I'm selfish but I like it when a company has a show and tell of the stuff they have in the works and soon to be released. In this day and age of information updating so rapidly... you sometimes forget about things that have already been announced. It's good to see a recap now and then.

Nyxus1873d ago

That's what they did last year and everyone complained...

darthv721873d ago

Not everyone. I enjoyed it and was hoping they would have more details of the games still yet to come.

spicelicka1873d ago (Edited 1873d ago )

I don't think anyone that complained would've wanted to not have an E3 at all. People were complaining by comparing the E3 presentation to their E3 expectations.

Hopefully they have their own conference though, that would certainly be better.

DeadManMMX1872d ago

Everyone complained because they went off the deep end with their presentation. Changing stages with commentary in the middle it was so disjointed. The games they showed were good and that saved it.

The Wood1873d ago (Edited 1873d ago )

They'll show at other shows. They'll move to their own beat. Time will tell if it pays off but from the consensus it seems Sony played it smart.. . . I mean how can this discussion even be a thing if there wasn't some element of truth

sixthelement1872d ago

Last year they had shows, all of which sucked...moving to their own beat as you say.

Not showing anything isnt playing it smart. Neither was them having a limp show last year.

NarutoFox1873d ago

Wait for PSX and Paris Game week.

TKCMuzzer1873d ago

Sony has made a good move. The industry needs to move away from the pressure of E3. As can clearly be seen you just end up with fill for two hours and nothing really to show.
The way forward is to show when you have something to show instead of preparing gamers for disappointment which is what E3 has become.
The chances are we will now get a fully focused Sony presentation in the future with a nice PS5 reveal and plenty of game footage to go along.

starchild1873d ago

There's no reason any of these companies shouldn't have enough to show each year to spread between a couple events. People just need to have more reasonable expectations. Seeing more of some games we already know about, along with a few surprises, is all we should reasonably expect. And a collection of many companies doing that is plenty enough reason to have an event.

Prince-Ali1873d ago

You people are ridiculous lool.. they dont HAVE to do ANYTHING! You WANT them to be there.. theres a difference ¬_¬ lool

porkChop1873d ago

Nah. People were already sick of seeing the same few games year after year. If Sony doesn't have anything new for this gen then it's better they didn't go to E3. Showing the same games again would have just pissed people off, which is why they also cancelled PSX.

xX-oldboy-Xx1873d ago

As true as that statement is - Sony said so themselves - if they did go, what's been revealed the last fortnight would've destroyed anything else. The exception being CP2077.

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PhoenixUp1873d ago

I felt people were blowing this out of proportion like it’d be the end of the world. Sony still has other conferences it’ll attend throughout the year even moreso than its competition. E3 isn’t the end all be all even though it’s very prolific.

Plus we got release dates for Death Stranding & Final Fantasy VII Remake along with some PS5 details so it wasn’t a total bust on them skipping out.

1873d ago Replies(8)
telekineticmantis1873d ago

It's never smart to skip the Superbowl

Razzer1873d ago (Edited 1873d ago )

That comparison makes no sense. E3 is a PR event. Not a sporting contest.

RememberThe3571873d ago

And winning E3 nets you exactly nothing. Plenty of games have shown out at E3 then bombed when they launched.

E3 is more NFL Draft than the Superbowl.

telekineticmantis1873d ago

I was really hoping not to have the burden of educating people on simple terms.

"Superbowl" is a term used in modern language to describe the biggest competitive event in a particular industry. For example if you type "The Superbowl of" in google, the results you get are The Superbowl of Bookkeeping or Linguistics, or Chess, and none of those are sports either but it is a competition.

E3 is a competition as well, that's why every year Journalists and Fans alike declare and make videos/articles declaring the ---------->WINNER <-----------
of E3.

RememberThe3571873d ago

We know what you meant bro. It didn't correlate. Winning the Superbowl is huge, winning E3 is meaningless.

-volt-1873d ago

The Sony fanboys here think so.

toxic-inferno1872d ago

The competition is about how much money their hardware and software brings in - nothing to do with how much hype they manage to drum up.

PurpHerbison1872d ago

Winning E3 is definitely not meaningless. The biggest gaming show of the entire year. Winning = money.

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 1872d ago
ALMGNOON1873d ago

dude what are you smoking ?

Razzer1873d ago (Edited 1873d ago )

"E3 is a competition as well, that's why every year Journalists and Fans alike declare and make videos/articles declaring the ---------->WINNER <-----------
of E3."

Uh.....in chess, like in football, or other real competitions.....there is a CLEAR winner. There is no such thing at E3. There is no scoreboard or point system. You come away from this even with million different outlooks on what happened. It is a PR event, Einstein. In the world of PR it is often better to just STFU if you have nothing of value to say. So educate yourself first instead of making up bullshit analogies that don't apply.

If you really want to talk about keeping score then you need to yapp at MS about releasing their sales numbers. The closest thing to the Super Bowl of video game consoles is sales numbers.

telekineticmantis1873d ago

Well it is a Marketing event so the winner is not decided by points but fan favor clout.

That's why People say the Microsoft E3 2013 ruined the Xbox one launch.

But let's not argue about this, since it's about Marketing or PR as you all call it let's leave to the Professionals to declare if it's the Superbowl or not:






Please direct the rest of your arguments to these Journalists.

badz1491873d ago

Superbowl is ever relevant only in the USA. it has no worldwide appeal. of course MS won't skip it. over 60% of their console sale come from there.

I wish Sony will still be there because I would totally watch their conference and be more entertained but after all the talks of doom and gloom over Sony's decision to skip this E3, all we have now is articles on how MS disappoint LOL.

MS...the master of dropping the ball!

Razzer1873d ago

"Well it is a Marketing event so the winner is not decided by points but fan favor clout. "

Fan favor clout...yeah..that's how "Superbowls" are won. lol

"That's why People say the Microsoft E3 2013 ruined the Xbox one launch. "

lol......Microsoft would have been better served by skipping that E3 and rethinking their entire strategy this gen. Again....you are not exactly backing up your own argument here, pal.

"But let's not argue about this, since it's about Marketing or PR as you all call it let's leave to the Professionals to declare if it's the Superbowl or not: "

You seriously put faith in that bullshit list of "professionals"? No wonder you are confused.

"Please direct the rest of your arguments to these Journalists."

Well.....that's one way to beg your way out of a confrontation. Good luck with that tactic in life.

telekineticmantis1873d ago (Edited 1873d ago )

It's called a source my friend, no confrontation needed when you have evidence to show you're right, please read the articles from ---'>THE PROFESSIONALS<-----

TKCMuzzer1873d ago (Edited 1873d ago )

Super Bowl is a trademark, superbowl does not exist in the English dictionary, that is just lazy journalism in getting that wrong.

Rest assured my friend, millions and millions of people on this side of the pond give the 'Super Bowl' a miss every year and it has little to no effect on their life just like missing E3 won't effect Sony, mainly because their main competitors failed to take advantage

telekineticmantis1873d ago

You can call it the World Cup of Gaming if you want, it all means the same thing.

RememberThe3571872d ago

You definitely caught an unnecessary amount of crap for this comment 😂

Realms1872d ago

@ telekineticmantis

WTF? E3 is not a competition it's an industry trade show always has been just because fanboys make into a competition doesn't make it so. It has always been about presenting information that in past could only be done at E3 that's why it was so hyped but now that can be done anywhere any time.

telekineticmantis1872d ago

WE already settled that, read the articles from the Journalists I posted.

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that merch tho.

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We’re never getting an amazing mainline Pokémon game again are we

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Of course not. That's why I have tem tem because even if it's not the greatest I at least know the indie dev was trying

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Great plug for Tem Tem right there. It's not the greatest but at least they tried.... 🤣


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