
PS5 Graphics Best Ever According To Yakuza Developer

The PlayStation 5 is well on the way and one developer has stated that the PS5 graphics will be the best that anyone has ever seen.

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AK911883d ago

That depends on the specs of the Scarlett, well that is if its solely not a streaming console.

THC CELL1883d ago

Oh they will have em no doubt in that

NarutoFox1883d ago

Scarlet will have power with mediocre games

1882d ago
GamerHeaven1882d ago

Don't lie ! RTX is an nVidia term and PS5 and Analconda is using AMD so no RTX, sorry to burst your bubble...

1881d ago
VariantAEC1880d ago


Like Game Works uses CUDA RTX is leveraging hardware accelerated raytracing. However in truth raytracing can be done on any hardware with or without RTX's RT cores.

GamerHeaven1878d ago

I never said that raytracing can't be done on non RTX hardware, I said you can't have "RTX games" (as feju put it) on non RTX hardware. Read my post again and you see you jumped the gun and I think you read my comment just a tad too fast, but that's ok, it happens. Game on man :)

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 1878d ago
Zeref1883d ago (Edited 1883d ago )

Of course it's not a streaming console lmao. We know this for a fact.

They probably will have a streaming console in addition though

Ceaser98573611883d ago (Edited 1883d ago )

"If Xbox Scarlett supports actual Ray Tracing. not just "sound based" like PS5 is doing. Then the difference will be massive. "

Are you from the future Mr Zeref
Can you name your source where it says PS5 will be sound trace .. ?? Misleading infos and trolling around here ain't a good sign of Maturity Sir...

Also when you make such assumption think about the Cost price too. If the Xbox is "more" powerful than the PS5.. Its going to be expensive too...

Zeref1883d ago (Edited 1883d ago )

Some of the PS5 specs and features have been revealed. Have you been living under a rock?



They were talking about using raytracing for sounds.

Ceaser98573611883d ago (Edited 1883d ago )

"Some of the PS5 specs and features have been revealed. Have you been living under a rock?'

No Sir, I am more informed and no where its said that the Ray tracing is Sound based on the PS5... So I would kindly ask you too read those " some of the PS5 features being revealed article" and get proper information..
Thank you..

Oh god! those links you posted .. You completely don't know what you talking about.. NVM...

Ceaser98573611883d ago

Sorry to say Sir you probably didn't understand what's written... posting it here

"The GPU, a custom variant of Radeon’s Navi family, will support ray tracing, a technique that models the travel of light to simulate complex interactions in 3D environments. While ray tracing is a staple of Hollywood visual effects and is beginning to worm its way into high-end processors and Nvidia's recently announced RTX line, no game console has been able to manage it."

"Ray tracing’s immediate benefits are largely visual. Because it mimics the way light bounces from object to object in a scene, reflective surfaces and refractions through glass or liquid can be rendered much more accurately, even in real time, leading to heightened realism. According to Cerny, the applications go beyond graphic implications. “If you wanted to run tests to see if the player can hear certain audio sources or if the enemies can hear the players’ footsteps, ray tracing is useful for that,” he says. “It's all the same thing as taking a ray through the environment.”

Please read again

nucky641883d ago (Edited 1883d ago )

did you read those stories you cited below? you're wrong on the ray tracing - you said ps5 ray tracing would just be sound based - and this is not what was being reported.

frostypants1883d ago

@zeref tracing sound sources is just one application of ray tracing. You misinterpreted.

LiViNgLeGaCY1883d ago

Lmfao. You guys completely embarrassed him. He hasn't shown up since.

0hMyGandhi1883d ago

Since you are all about Xbox and the inherent power it possesses, can you explain to me what exactly happened with Crackdown 3 with their "cloud-enhanced" destruction?

+ Show (5) more repliesLast reply 1883d ago
WickedLester1883d ago (Edited 1883d ago )

Yeah but do you REALLY think you're going to look at PS5 graphics and then look at Scarlett graphics and say "OMG THIS TOTALLY DESTROYS PS5." Give me a break. Both consoles will be WELL within the same ballpark of graphics.

UltraNova1883d ago

This, on paper at least. But lets see what happens if MS's 1st party go up against Sony's in the overall visual design/fidelity...

Zeref1883d ago

If Xbox Scarlett supports actual Ray Tracing. not just "sound based" like PS5 is doing. Then the difference will be massive.

I think Xbox is aiming for ray tracing with the Xbox Scarlett. Maybe not with the Lockhart but definitely anaconda.
They have been working on Ray Tracing for DirectX for years now. It would be surprising if Anaconda doesn't support it.

Brazz1883d ago

No competition here, sony makes better looking exclusive games hands down. Xbox can compete on the better looking multiplat, but 1st party goes to playstation for sure.

Pricey1883d ago

@Zeref can you point me to a source for that assertion that PS5 ray tracing is just for sound. I'd like to fact check

1883d ago
LOGICWINS1883d ago

@Brazz I'd agree. I haven't seen a Microsoft exclusive that's as visually impressive as God of War or Detroit.

Sony has historically had more talented devs than Microsoft...but this can change next week. Who knows what surprises we'll see at the MS conference.

Obscure_Observer1883d ago


"This, on paper at least. But lets see what happens if MS's 1st party go up against Sony's in the overall visual design/fidelity..."

Yes, hopefully we´ll see how Playground´s RPG fares against Horizon, very soon. ;)

supes_241883d ago

I’m out as an Xbox fan and I don’t care one bit if they have better graphics than the PS5. They won’t have better games so what’s the argument? Like, seriously, Xbox? Lol

indysurfn1882d ago

I'd normally agree. But if Sony has moderate ray tracing and Microsoft does not then it will be lights out. Sony will have a big visual advantage. Also if Sony has supper fast storage and uses it for caching, and Microsoft does not have something similar then again it is lights out. Otherwise I would have to agree that they should be close.

+ Show (6) more repliesLast reply 1882d ago
Jin_Sakai1883d ago

“That depends on the specs of the Scarlett“

It also depends on the devs. Sony Worldwide Studios really know push tech and take advantage of the hardware.

Eonjay1883d ago

Not really both will be too similar in power for it to matter.

ravens521883d ago

I cant really agree because xbox 1 x has yet to put anything graphically superior than ps4... so if Scarlett is more powerful still doesnt mean itll have better graphical games than Ps5.

Neonridr1883d ago

are we talking about exclusives only? Do 3rd party games graphics not matter now?

DaDrunkenJester1883d ago

I'm assuming you mean Xbox 1 X hasn't beaten PS4 visuals in the first party department, right? Because it it routinely trounces the Pro on every 3rd party.

Also, MS hasn't really had any games lately that focus on realism like Sony does besides Forza I guess. But it will be interesting to compare these upcoming games. Sony and their devs have a very good feel for the hardware and know how to squeeze the power out of it. Sony has a very distinct look and quality that they're going for right now and it is working very well.

1883d ago
Zeref1883d ago (Edited 1883d ago )

wait what? Is you blind? Red Dead looks miles better on Xbox One X.
In 1st party games i would argue Gears 4 holds up against most PS4 exclusives. Forza looks better than Gran Turismo as well.

Ceaser98573611882d ago


"wait what? Is you blind? Red Dead looks miles better on Xbox One X.
In 1st party games i would argue Gears 4 holds up against most PS4 exclusives. Forza looks better than Gran Turismo as well."


Enough of N4G for today

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 1882d ago
Marioraider181883d ago

Sony aren't looking to destroy their console. You'd have to be insane to think its a streaming console

Kumakai1883d ago

Yup. Rumor on the street is Scarlett is even more powerful than ps5.


DarkHeroZX1883d ago

The sources are from within Xbox though. So there's no way they'd know whta thr PS5 is doing.

1883d ago
cd11883d ago

I'm absolutely positive the next XB will be more powerful than PS5 on paper. MS will never lose the power crown to Sony ever again because I believe they need it, with the quality of Sony's exclusives i'm not sure they do.

UnSelf1883d ago

Can’t wait for Prototype 3

drunkenspy0071883d ago

What depends on the specs of the scarlett? This is someone's opinion of something current that they can actually see, not on something that's not out yet.

Neonridr1883d ago

aren't they both coming out at the same time relatively speaking? And this dev is speaking of what he might be able to see for the PS5, but that has no bearing on the Scarlett anyways. It's not like he is saying that the Scarlett won't look just as impressive, he is merely stating to what he is personally working with.

rainslacker1883d ago

He's a Japanese dev who probably doesn't spend much time on xbox games. But, he's also saying this putting it up against PC, which he does work on. It's probably hyperbolic either way, because how something looks is more than just the power quotient of the hardware. Some people seem to be taking it way too much to heart.

Neonridr1883d ago

@rainslacker - there are PC GPU's out that will run circles around whatever the PS5 will inevitably have. I mean you can't tell me that the PS5 GPU is gonna outperform a 2080ti, that card costs over $1000 on it's own

RememberThe3571883d ago

On a closed system like a console, haven't we routinely seen how less power can be used to greater results than what PCs achieve? I don't think he's saying the PS5 will be more powerful than anything else, he's saying they'll be able to push visuals further than they can on PC right now. Again, that's not necessarily saying the PS5 GPU/CPU will be more powerful though. I'm sceptical, for sure, but this is also his profession, he know more about what he's talking about than we do.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 1883d ago
bluefox7551883d ago

Not really. The base PS4 still has games that look better than anything on the X. Hardware power is only one aspect of great visuals, studio talent is a bigger aspect, and Sony has that in spades.

gamer78041883d ago (Edited 1883d ago )

yakuza is typically only made for playstation consoles so probably in reference to the best graphics on a sony platform ever.

Realms1883d ago

LOL. PS5 Will still be better raw power is nothing without talented developers and so far Sony exclusives have proven that.


What the hell are you talking about "sound base" ray tracing? What nonsense, there are only two studios that compare to anything that comes close to Sony exclusives Rockstar and CD Project Red games. So back the f up with that BS because so far the power of the xbox x has been irrelevant. Expect the same outcome next gen being that MS will once again be playing catch up all generation in terms of games.

Al_Simmons1883d ago

Why so many downvotes? You didn't say anything wrong, Lol. Logically it does depend on the specs of the scarlett. If it looks better, it looks better. What's the big deal with the crybabies on here lmfao

Azakius1883d ago

Not sure why you've been downvoted, Microsoft has already said they aim to have the more powerful console again

Father__Merrin1883d ago

Scarlet is already discounted. All xbox is on pc therefore no need to buy xbox console anymore. Weekly sales of xbox one now read like a dying console, I will guarantee when next gen consoles hit the ps5 will run away with an even bigger gap.

RizBiz1882d ago

I love how M$ claims their new console will be more powerful, even thought they don't even know what's in the PS5 for sure.

+ Show (14) more repliesLast reply 1878d ago
yomfweeee1883d ago

Newest console in 3 years has the best graphics? Wow, who would have thought?

NecrumOddBoy1883d ago

Switch is newer than PS4/X1 but it doesn't have the best graphics.

Knushwood Butt1883d ago

Yeah, but Switch is portable so it's best evar.

UltraNova1883d ago

Totally different company targets.

porkChop1883d ago

That's a bit different considering it's in a portable form factor. But if a traditional console releases it should obviously have better graphics than what came before it.

EddieNX 1883d ago

Switch is a hybrid. It has a mobile Nvidia tegra architecture, it isn't a pure, home console so you argument is utterly stupid at best.

Absonite1883d ago

Except the majority of those who purchase Nintendo hardware are looking to play Nintendo's software, and it's always good enough for their intent.

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 1883d ago
RizBiz1882d ago

I think he's talking PC, too.

Einhander19711883d ago

It should be it’s next generation.

RangerWalk2671882d ago

Won't PC always be the best? Also, it's be confirmed by multiple sources that Microsoft will have the most powerful console this coming Gen. That doesn't mean that the games on PS5 won't be incredible though. Just look at The Last if Us two on the PS4.

SamPao1882d ago

I dont think it has been confirmed by any source. Just your typical PR bs

KwietStorm_BLM1882d ago

Rumors have never *confirmed* anything. Be for real.

Ninver1883d ago

Just imagine what Sony's inhouse dev's will develop with the ps5. Sweating just thinking bout it!

thornh1883d ago

I'm a huge God of War fan. I cannot wait to see what they do with Kratos and how everything like Asgard, Thor, etc. will look! I won't necessarily miss walking around Yggdrasil waiting for a world to load!

DaDrunkenJester1883d ago

Just imagine all the great looking 4k textures and such also. Added in better lighting (possibly ray tracing), volumetric particles, quick loading with SSD... next gen GoW is going to be unreal.

thejigisup1883d ago

You may still have to do that. However at that point it would be a design choice not due to a limitation.

alb18991883d ago (Edited 1883d ago )

The same with the next Xbox. Remember All the studios that MS bought and all the professionals that MS has from the best studios of Sony and Rock star

Rude-ro1883d ago

Hard to put faith in them when they just skipped an entire generation and sold $60 indies...

xX-oldboy-Xx1883d ago

Not even in the same ballpark mate - Sony is miles ahead of ms. Just look at each companies output this gen. Getting the odd employee here and from other studios, while that's a good thing - it doenst guarantee anything.

The in-house engines Sony has at their disposal is unmatched and will continue to be.

RangerWalk2671882d ago

Why did you get down votes? Everything you said was factual. Not just buying and building studios for high budget games, hut they have created a APK that all in house developers will be able to use and share assets and development tools. That means that it'll be easier to make very HIGH quality games across the board. I think Sony does something similar. Where all their Sony published games have a similar graphical style and feel.

BLow1883d ago

This right here. Sony has proven what they can do with power and it doesn't matter if the competition has a more powerful console. You have to prove it. Sony has a track record and we see it!! What else is there to say really. What they did with 1.8tf was/is pretty incredible in my eyes. Just imagine 10+tflops if rumors are true. Mind blown!!!!

alb18991883d ago

It matters because 90% of the games are multiplatform.

RememberThe3571883d ago

Can you imagine a new Killzone on PS5? 🤤

cd11883d ago

Killzone: SF wasn't the best shooter but it looked fantastic...and used some sort of ray tracing even back then apparently!

Ninver1883d ago

Oooh a remake of KZ2 on ps5? Mind blown!

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 1882d ago
PrinceOfAnger1883d ago

Can't imagine what Devs like ND or Ninja theory and Santa Monica will do
Just look at hellblade an indie game!

Sonyslave31883d ago

Ninja theory is owned by mircosoft

MasterCornholio1883d ago (Edited 1883d ago )

Microsoft said that they don't care where you play their games so there's a possibility that Microsoft will release games on PlayStation in the future.

Although I'm not saying it's a great one they are releasing games on Steam now so there is hope.

THC CELL1883d ago

Hell blade pff look at horizon

alb18991883d ago

Hellblade didn't have the money to do even what they did. I think this studio without money restrictions will do some incredible things.

Donnie811883d ago

I agree forza horizon 3 and 4 look stunning

rainslacker1883d ago

I think hellblade has the most potential to match Sony studios outside playground, who are no slouches in the graphics department. Obsidian is good, but not in the upper echelon. Their new studio may bring the quality, and 343 or the coalition could do better with the right resources, although they're pretty good already

RememberThe3571883d ago

You really put Playground over Obsidian?

RangerWalk2671882d ago

Yeah but gorilla games is a much bigger studio than Ninja theory. While Horizon zero Dawn is a beautiful game it uses a lot of repeated textures and assets. Including enemies and NPCs. Not a bad thing. But it obviously cut corners to get to where they got. Rockstar didn't cut corners with Red Dead 2. Everything felt new. It was almost hard to find a tree that looked like the last.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 1882d ago
rainslacker1883d ago

Guerilla games was always a graphics powerhouse as well. They often went under the radar because killzone was up against halo, but when it comes to graphics, they are up there with naughty dog. They developed the decima engine from the ground up, and a lot of that tech goes into sonys APIs and sdks, so I am mostly looking forward to what they have to show for next gen. All three of those studios keep improving on each other on each subsequent release, and tlou2 looks phenomenal already.

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gold_drake10h ago

that merch tho.

ridiculous the numbers they pull in, which makes it even worse when i think about the low budget broken games they make. or have made recently

-Foxtrot1h ago

We’re never getting an amazing mainline Pokémon game again are we

phoenixwing1h ago

Of course not. That's why I have tem tem because even if it's not the greatest I at least know the indie dev was trying

ZeekQuattro26m ago

Great plug for Tem Tem right there. It's not the greatest but at least they tried.... 🤣


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