
Romance of the Three Kingdoms is one of the best Total War entries to date | Entertainium

"Total War: Three Kingdoms is a beautifully articulated real-time historical strategy game that also does the famous novel justice, and is also a lot of fun and gripping to play. Don’t expect to be done with this one soon." - Eduardo Reboucas, Entertainium

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Coming to Xbox Game Pass: Total War: Three Kingdoms, Naraka: Bladepoint, Far Cry 5, and More

From Xbox Wire: "I know, June has been a wild month so far already (this is my subtle plug to check out everything announced at the Xbox & Bethesda Games Showcase). Act surprised, but we’re not done yet. We’re closing out the month with more games you can look forward to very soon (some very, very soon, as in available today!)."

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Golfcoachh735d ago

Looking forward to playing Far Cry 5, I have not played that one yet. I have to say I really enjoy GamePass, a wide variety of games especially with the EA Play stuff. I find myself trying all sorts of games I never have played before. I enjoy the cloud aspect so I don't have to download it then figure out I don't like it and delete it. Worth every penny in my opinion.

MadLad735d ago

Nice. Thought it was cool Gamepass was getting the remasters of the Shadowrun trilogy, but Farcry 5 is also a good one.
Personal favorite of the series, but only have it on PC.

gangsta_red735d ago (Edited 735d ago )

Some excellent additions to GP and just in time since I just finished Elden Ring.

Naraka looks extremely fun and then there's Far Cry 5, good job GP

Orchard734d ago

FC5 I’ll have to play - it’s been on my backlog for a while and I just never got around to buying it. Looks pretty fun from watching YT plays.

SonyStyled734d ago (Edited 734d ago )

It’s my favorite Far Cry so I hope you enjoy it too. It’s full of little Americana jokes and satires that might go over one’s head if they weren’t an American or a Canadian rancher. Great fun though! Gameplay, setting, and music really fit the tone well


Why Total War: Three Kingdoms Failed

KeenGamer: "Despite being the best selling game in the series, Total War: Three Kingdoms failed to maintain the hype and fell into obscurity. How did this happen? Although a large amount of factors contributed to why Three Kingdoms failed, none are as egregious as Creative Assembly's handling and post-launch support of the game."

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Lionsguard1109d ago

I love the historical TW games but after the Warhammer series, I can never go back. Which is why I'm worried after TW:WH3 releases, what's next?


What's With All The Buggy AAA Launches These Days?

From Xfire: "Frontier Developments CEO David Braben recently issued a personal apology for the buggy state in which Elite Dangerous: Odyssey, the space-sim expansion that let commanders roam around outside their cockpits for the first time, launched. This latest disastrous release of a highly anticipated AAA project comes hot on the heels of Cyberpunk 2077's and Outriders' own troubled first steps. What's with all the buggy AAA launches these days?"

LordoftheCritics1117d ago

They're not buggy, just added difficulty.

isarai1117d ago

Stop supporting it, dont buy games till they are fixed, or just dont buy them period when they ship broken. They follow money, and shipping broken means they can save on development cost, ship it premature, make their money, then use the money to fix it later. In most cases it's never fully fixed tho, and sometimes never fixed. I'm tired of it, so i just dont buy most AAA games anymore

Father__Merrin1116d ago

I remember all the issues with watchdogs 1 the developers issued a statement that they will take on the concerns and try better next time

CptDville1116d ago

Totally agree.

Cyberpunk was the last pre-order I fell for. CDPR taught me a good lesson that no gaming company can be trusted (ever).

From now on, I will only buy games months after it's release. The same for consoles, first day buyers always are more susceptible to worse hardware

smolinsk1116d ago

Way wait months if the game comes out and is fine?

CYALTR1116d ago

You can usually pick it up for half price by then. Games prices drop quickly these days. I mean, if you haven't played it, it is still the same game 6 months later. Maybe better if there were launch issues.

Double_O_Revan1116d ago

I wait 6 months on all these big games before I consider buying them. If it hasn't been fixed by then, then it probably won't be. Plus by then it's usually way cheaper.

TheGreatGazoo301116d ago

I've always done that (not exactly 6 months). Generally I wait for 2 major patches before playing massive open world games. It's not a new problem, covid maybe increased it a little. The reason it's noticed more now is Twitter and waaaay more massive open world games.

Darkborn1116d ago

I mean every time there's a delay devs get death threats and boycotts. Whenever they release a buggy game they also get death threats though.

NeoGamer2321116d ago

The threats should disappear. That is on idiotic gamers.

But, the developers and publishers have to ensure that they release something more then a beta on day one. I used to buy day one a ton. But, now I just can't justify it. Why buy day one beta and help the developer and publisher work out issues only to have a definitive edition in 6-12 months at half the price and none of the pain of being an early adopter?

Also, developers and publishers have to stop announcing release dates when they don't know for sure they will get there. They need to be accurate and set realistic expectations.

1116d ago
NeodeosX1116d ago

It's called a pandemy, and devs working as best as they can in work-from-home conditions + games systems becoming more and more advanced and complex meaning far more bugs than before to track and fix.

porkChop1116d ago

No. We had this problem before the pandemic even started. Since patches became viable with the PS360, devs have been releasing games in an increasingly unfinished state. There's a culture in the game industry that perpetuates releasing games broken and lacking polish because it can just be patched later.

DJStotty1114d ago (Edited 1114d ago )

Buggy games have been a thing ever since the "Day 1 patch" has been introduced.

Sigh... i remember the good old days of buying a game on cartridge, whacking it in the console, experiencing zero load times, and the game working as advertised.

Maybe we should rewind and the consoles should all launch their games on cartridges/SD cards.

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