
Could Sony secure PS5 exclusivity for an AMD Navi APU?

AMD CEO, Dr. Lisa Su, has once more been talking about the work its semi-custom division has been doing with Sony to get the Zen 2 processors, and the upcoming AMD Navi silicon, working for the needs of the PS5.

But just how much influence has Sony had on AMD’s next-gen graphics architecture? And if the answer is ‘a lot’ does that mean it has any call on hardware exclusivity, potentially shutting Microsoft out of a Navi-based APU?

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UltraNova1908d ago (Edited 1908d ago )

The answer is no. Only custom design choices build around Navi will be console "exclusive", the GPU architecture wont and both will come equipped with a Navi/ Ryzen SoC.

1908d ago
Zeke681907d ago

I don't know anything like the rest here on N4G but as 99% off this article is now proven a fact by Mark Cerny and the latest reports from AMD:

What say the statement "Which brings us to, in my eyes, the more interesting revelation. According to my sources, Navi isn’t just inside the Sony PS5; it was created for Sony" isn't true? I just want to throw that into the discussion.
So your firm no might be wrong, I think it could very well be a Sony console exclusive and "normal" Navi for PC.
I base that on that rumour about 1-2 years ago that Sony pushed in 6-800 millions of dollars into the Navi development. Could just be their "special sauce" but it seems unlikely.
Exciting times anyway. I guess we have to keep on guessing for a little while longer.

sprinterboy1907d ago

The custom navi chipset was designed for Sony not navi, just like Microsoft will have a custom built navi chipset from AMD

Zeke681907d ago

Could very well be true, but even if so, it will be interesting to see the difference and if Phil spencer gonna have to eat crow on his promise "always have the best hardware from now on".
For me personally nothing of that really matters. I have already pre-ordered a PS5 that will ship on the EU release day. I know Sony delivers, they have made me a happy customer since my first PS1 back at 1996.

UltraNova1907d ago

You did not realize that you basically agreed with me. What's stopping MS from equipping their next xbox with an off the shelf but custom "Normal PC" Navi GPU?

bouzebbal1907d ago

Don't care, as long as I get console exclusive games

OB1Biker1907d ago (Edited 1907d ago )

That old rumour was misleading though. First thing I thought at the time is the guy is talking about playstation because thats the info he knows about. There was nothing saying Ms wasnt doing something similar with a custom chip based on Navi too.

Tigerblud1907d ago

How do you already have the PS5 pre ordered?

nismo3701907d ago (Edited 1907d ago )

"I have already pre-ordered a PS5 "

+ Show (4) more repliesLast reply 1907d ago
Ju1907d ago

It amazes me that despite 0 news on what MS does, the peoples of the internet know exactly what MS will be doing. Obviously the "Me too" rumors after every Sony "news" must carry more wait then the rumors itself.

First, MS did a full custom design "inhouse" with the XBOX, their chip has some severe extensions on the CPU side of things. But the GPU is off the shelve. To suggest MS going with a Navi/Zen APU is just speculation.

Second, the PS5 chip might not be a pure APU. By the looks of it, it won't. It will most likely have a 16GB DDR + 8GB HBM in what I'd call a hybrid configuration (under one memory controller). Same what the Pro already does with an added 1GB DDR. While not much talked about, this is the most feasible explanation how Sony gets to 24GB of memory and how they address bandwidth limitations in there current APU design. That might well be that "special sauce" if anything at all.

It is very interesting, that Navi has not been mentioned outside of Sony's endeavor. Even Google's stadia is using a stock 13Tf Vegas GPU. MS might not show anything at this E3, what then? They won't release anything before end of 2020, and might as well hold that big announcement back for next year. And who knows, might skip Navi, use some Vega cores or even go to the next iteration. First they have to sell XBOXs to at least recover some cost on that one. You can spin everything into any direction based on non-facts we have today.

NarutoFox1907d ago Show
cd11907d ago

I cant see PS5 having 24GB of RAM or using HBM2 - 16GB of GDDR6 sound more likely to me.

Shikoku1906d ago (Edited 1906d ago )

Or all of you and everyone on the internet is taking a phase used by AMD's CEO putting it n a context it was never meant and "special sauce" just means their games and how they produce awesome content.

Shane Kim1907d ago

No problem, just let me know if I can be of more service.

Profchaos1907d ago

Highly unlikely given how much money they would lose by not selling to both

Zeke681907d ago

Couldn't they just make another chip for M$?

blacktiger1907d ago

cause everything is cheap right :p, this is a billions of dollar research

GameBoyColor1907d ago

No there gpu division doesn't make much and they keep flopping on gpu releases. Making a whole new chip is out of the question, but if you are talking about modifying the current one that is exactly what they will be doing for both companies.

PhoenixUp1907d ago

What doesn’t AMD have to gain by going exclusive?

MajorLazer1907d ago

They won't gain more money for one

Ju1907d ago

Its all about money. Really depends who contributed to the bottom line the last couple of years...

PhoenixUp1907d ago

I meant to type “does” but spellcheck fucked up

Gridknac1907d ago

Well if Sony worked closely with AMD developing a special Navi variant just for the PS5, then possibly that specific variant would be exclusive. I don't think that it really matters though, as I would think MS will have its own blueprint for a customized version of the chip.

PhoenixUp1907d ago

Just like how Xbox 360’s Xenon had a chipset based on PlayStation 3’s Cell processor

babadivad1907d ago

IBM made the PPEs in the Cell(the main processor) and sold a tri-core variant ti Microsoft for their console.

Ju1907d ago

It was Sony contracting IBM to built that chip. Read this: https://www.amazon.com/Race...
And yet, IBM sold the same design to MS...money rules.

cabbitwithscissors1907d ago (Edited 1907d ago )

It does matter actually. One of the main reasons why IBM lost out for the PS4 architecture was due to the fact that they shared some of the technology derived from the Cell Processor Architecture (which was then used to come up with new technology that GPUs are today based on) to come up with the Xbox 360 Xenon architecture. Sony, Toshiba and IBM spent billions on coming up with that and Microsoft came along and took the results and sped up with the success that Xbox became until Sony took over the market after a number of years.

Rest assured that the new contract with AMD would have clauses protecting against these. No sharing of information and technology derived for the Playstation. Microsoft will have to come up with their own architecture basing on their best guess of what the PS5 would have, and they will have access to AMD's vault of technology, everything except what they are working with, with Sony.

HighPlayer281907d ago

U have any sources to back up that Microsoft took those cell processor results? I believe the engineers at Microsoft are more than capable of creating their own unique architecture with out stealing info from Sony.

Sitdown1907d ago

"Microsoft will have to come up with their own architecture basing on their best guess of what the PS5 would have"

My gosh, I hope you have stock in Sony. So Microsoft is sitting around designing their console based off what they believe the ps5 will be, instead of just making the best console that they want?

cabbitwithscissors1907d ago

@HighPlayer28 and @Sitdown :

Read the following:


You might want to get the book too if you're interested.

Ju1907d ago

That book was a actually a great read. We'll see if someone writes one for the next generation.

rainslacker1907d ago

Uhhh...how did you come to that conclusion? The CELL technologies can be licensed for use by any company through IBM. Sony benefits from these licenses because they paid for the investment to research and develop the CELL processor, but Sony doesn't outright own the technology.

Any technology developed specifically for either console maker, payed for by the console makers themselves, may not be allowed to be used in the other's chip, but that isn't related to CELL. There is no sharing of technology but any technology developed by AMD could be used independently if the console maker wants them. For the most part, these companies are both going to be in tune with what might be necessary for the next gen, and they will develop their chips to be pretty close to one another, maybe with focuses on some different available features. It's not guess work, it's research, because we're talking about companies that actually shape what is available for the next gen.

Ju1906d ago

@Rainslacker. Not true. IBM does not own the CELL, it does not own the SPUs. That was in fact brought in externally and there are PPE less SPUs variants available (I wonder if they live in Sony's X1 visual processor - but I don't know). So, no, IBM could not have licensed the CELL. But thety "sold" all the research STI did on the PPE - which was in fact a GHz race, because at that time, IBM did not have a PPU core which could scale to beyond 3GHz. They typically used their older G3 variant (e.g. in the Nintento's console) but this wasn't scalable to were Sony wanted it to be. So, that team developed a core running at 3.2GHz. There comes MS, with a bag of money, and IBM sold that design to MS. Because they did not own the SPUs, they simply made it a triple core PPU version.

+ Show (5) more repliesLast reply 1906d ago
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gold_drake9h ago

that merch tho.

ridiculous the numbers they pull in, which makes it even worse when i think about the low budget broken games they make. or have made recently

-Foxtrot1h ago

We’re never getting an amazing mainline Pokémon game again are we

phoenixwing1h ago

Of course not. That's why I have tem tem because even if it's not the greatest I at least know the indie dev was trying

ZeekQuattro23m ago

Great plug for Tem Tem right there. It's not the greatest but at least they tried.... 🤣


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