
Subverse: A Look Into One of Gaming's Sexiest Entries

After Studio FOW's adult game made more than $1 million on Kickstarter, the developer sat down for an interview about its upcoming title, Subverse. Subverse is an adult video game by Studio FOW, a company known for its geeky pornographic videos. A tactical-RPG shoot-’em-up hybrid, Subverse asks the question: “What is out there in the universe, and can we bone it?”

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Are P*** Games a Viable Market?

Jason says, "Yeap, you read that right: I delved into a market mostly hidden from the public eye! That’s, of course, thanks to the Steam Deck causing me to check the store so often… But seriously, are these actual games?!"

NOTE: No pornographic or sexually explicit material is shown despite YouTube's age restriction on the video.

Number1TailzFan610d ago

Senran Kagura games are basically softcore so i mean yea.. And that's before you even get into the more adult stuff.

CrimsonWing69609d ago (Edited 609d ago )

I’m sure there’s a market, but I’d say it’s super niche and probably not “viable” in the sense of what traditional games sell to be viable.

CantThinkOfAUsername609d ago

It's super niche because gamers want a solid game with 'porn' in it (like Cyberpunk 2077, but with more... stuff), not a 3-match game that's all softcore/nudity.

porkChop609d ago

Pretty much. I'm completely fine if there's gonna be graphic sex and stuff in a game, but the game itself and narrative still need to be compelling. If the game isn't fun why wouldn't I just watch porn instead?

Gamingsince1981609d ago

What I dont get is , the world is happy selling violence to kids but a hint of a nipple and everyone is like " omg ! 😱 will someone think of the children !!"

InUrFoxHole609d ago

Wrong time to think of the children my man. Just sayin

CrimsonWing69609d ago (Edited 609d ago )

I don’t think any of the games are aimed at kids. You have to understand that the medium has grown and evolved to tell complex stories and push beyond movies. These games all have ratings like movies, the thing is “video games” has the stigma of being a toy. I think now that you have parents who grew up with games they understand that it’s an entertainment medium that appeals to all ages.

I agree with societal hypocrisy where gratuitous and graphic violence is ok, but god forbid anyone designs an attractive character and puts her in a thong or a game has nudity. That’s apparently where we cross the line…

shinoff2183609d ago (Edited 609d ago )


I've always wondered this. Especially in america(i live here). Guns guns guns kill shoot kill shoot. It gets old personally.

DashMad608d ago (Edited 608d ago )

DarkCookie got $60k monthly patreon so it is indeed viable. But it's a part of the reason his game will be on early access hell for a long time lmao.

aaronaton609d ago

I think the woke mob would class Dead of Alive games as porn, so i wouldn't get too caught up in the definition.

refocusedman609d ago

woke mob????? lol do you even know what the term woke refers to?

CobraKai609d ago

It used to be about racism and prejudice solely. Now it can encompass damn near anything anyone has beef with. So if there’s a toxic woman with a green flat top saying DOA is porn and it and its creators should be canceled for its sexualized and objectified depiction of women (nevermind that they’re all powerful asskickers), she’s “woke”.

Eonjay608d ago (Edited 608d ago )

Actually the term was created by black people to describe an enlightened awareness of the world around them and it's systemic unfairness. The term was stolen by racist people and its second coinage is a patronizing double entender making fun of those woke black people but later became to mean liberal... this is how mainstream conservative outlets used it.

So when you see people complain about Forspoken being woke, those people are actually using the correct original racist vernacular. A loud black person who thinks they are enlightened (racist meaning) or a black person who has broken away from typical group thought (original true meaning).

BrainSyphoned609d ago

Porn, even in its free form, generates as much money yearly as video games. Interactive video game porn sites are the only ones you can't easily get for free and they advertise non stop so I'd say they are doing fine. As far as Steam goes Hunie Pop is the only one I've purchased and it's a a great game.

cooperdnizzle609d ago

You are pretty far off thinking that the porn industry makes as much as the gaming industry. Gaming makes about 200 billion annually while porn only does about 85 to 90 billion. Still a lot of money but gaming has far surpassed it. Just saying.

EternalTitan609d ago

Witcher 3, Dragon Age and LAst of US 2 has these sex scenes so porn is definitely viable in games.
Last of us 2 won so many awards right?
You will not claim that an award winning porn game is 'wrong' will you?
So you will accept that PORN GAMES ARE VIABLE AND GOOD.

cooperdnizzle609d ago

You win the worst comment so far this year..

Just because a game has a sex scene does not mean it’s porn.. That would be just like saying Titanic is porn because it has nudity and shows them getting it on…. Hahaha.. preposterous.

Now if the last of us showed penetration, and the game focused on sex mostly with the world as a back drop than you could call it that…

I have to ask have you ever seen porn?? I’m guessing not..

That has to be one of the weirdest comments I’ve read in quite some time. Lol

EternalTitan608d ago

If a game has sex it is a porn game.
Are you telling me Subverse is not a porn game because it features gameplay?

Bathyj608d ago

And he followed it up with an even dumber comment

cooperdnizzle608d ago

@Bathyj. Yeah I am gonna listen to the dude who use’s and to start a sentence..

And truly if we live in a world where people think nudity or a sex scene is porn than clearly there are some of us that don’t have two brain cells to rub together…

CobraKai609d ago

Cooper is right.

A sex scene in a movie or game doesn’t make it porn. Even having a sex mini game like in God of War doesn’t make it porn.

Now if the Last of Us sole gameplay revolved around Ellie finding hook ups in a post apocalyptic world. And the core gameplay involved the actual act of sex in graphic detail and high end ray tracing,
Then yes that would be porn.

Number1TailzFan609d ago

Wrong, sexualized nudity = pornographic content. That's the definition of Ecchi, softcore.

So rubbing your breasts together in a sexual manner is not porn and is fine for kids to watch in your reasoning.. which is obviously absolute rubbish.

CobraKai609d ago

No. Just because it has sexualized nudity doesn’t mean it’s pornographic. The difference being that the sole purpose of porn is to incite sexual arousal. While a sex scene in a movie or TV show may do that, it’s not the intended purpose.

EternalTitan608d ago

Sex in god of war makes it porn. Because it gives red orbs. Which is used as currency for upgrade and unlock more sex scenes.

CobraKai608d ago

No. The Red Orbs upgrade your character. There’s only one hidden mini game in each game. Plus no sex is actually shown.

So by your definition. Any R rated movie, that happens to have sex in it, is porn? Netflix, Amazon Prime, HBO+ are also porn sites?
Have you seen porn? You should check it out. You’ll see a difference between Kinky Stepsister and Basic Instinct.

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Upcoming Subverse Content Outlined By Developer

Sexy space RPG Subverse has received a developer update detailing some of its upcoming content, including contextual sex scenes and more.

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drizzom1049d ago

Nice I almost forgot about this game.


Subverse Gameplay Hands-On Impressions (SFW) - A whacky Space opera with Sexy Time - CG

CG writes: Here we take a look at Studio FOW’s adult-themed game Subverse which is available now via Steam Early Access. We backed this game some time ago on Kickstarter and it’s good to finally be able to play it. This is a very tongue-in-cheek game with a lot of dialogue, turn-based combat and space battles using a twin-stick shooter style. Then you can do the deed with your crew! We offer our impressions of the game as of now minus the adult content in our Subverse gameplay video. Although be warned, some of the language is rather colourful. We’re not sure this game will ever make it to consoles though. Perhaps in an alternate universe.

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walken71274d ago

"sexy time", so cringey, are you 12?

rdgneoz31274d ago

Jak sie masz? Very nice...

1274d ago