
Troy Baker on Randy Pitchford: "I Would Fact-Check Before I Tweeted"

Troy Baker has revealed that he "would love to come back" to reprise his role as Rhys in Borderlands 3, despite Randy Pitchford's tweets.

Eonjay1926d ago

These reactionary worldwide social networks don't have discretion built into them.

Razmiran1926d ago

I think Randy is just stirring up any controversy he can to make people forget about the child porn thing

Casepb1926d ago (Edited 1926d ago )

So not that I'm a fan of Randy's but, it was not child porn lol. If it was the dude would be in jail. It was barely legal porn, which means 18. The guy might be a douchebag but he isn't Jared Fogle(the subway guy).

Razmiran1926d ago

I have no idea if actual child porn was involved (although you must admit he has a somewhat shady attitude when talking about kids). But the accusation exists and even if its not real he probably does not want people talking about it

PurpHerbison1926d ago

Which means 18, but really its some young looking mid 20s porn actress pretending to be "barely legal". Pretty standard stuff.

Michiel19891925d ago

@raz wtf are you talking about. Shady attitude about kids? the only reason you even say this is because he was falsely accused of it otherwise you would have never made this up. Would you want people talking about something you were falsely accused of? I don't like the guy but that doesn't mean I go around implying someone I don't like is involved with child porn because he got falsely accused. Shame on you.

KillZallthebeast1925d ago

Jared really took eat fresh to a new level didn't he

1nsomniac1925d ago

You guys defending him need to grow a pair and do some research of your own. Randy Pitchfords a scumbag and has been all his life!

killswitch801925d ago

Barely legal porn is 30 year olds with tons of make up that don't eat.

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 1925d ago
dumahim1926d ago

Even the lawyer making the claims put the underage part in quotes, which seems to be some sort of attempt to protect himself from making a false claim. Not really sure if that will hold up or not if Randy decides to go for a libel case against him.

SamPao1926d ago

Cmon, if there is no fact checking from your side, then what are you talking about. Man this accusing is absolute BS and it pains me to see this here....!

Razmiran1926d ago

Im not saying he is guilty, just that he is accused of it and he probably wants the spotlight away from that

SamPao1926d ago


he has always been very active on his twitter so that makes no sense at all.
I heard you have been accused of the same thing whatever you say now here in the comments is probably to take the spotlight away from that....

FPS_D3TH1926d ago (Edited 1926d ago )

You’ve probably watched younger looking pornstars yourself (inb4 I don’t watch porn) 20 year old who looks young and acts young is not child porn.

FPS_D3TH1926d ago

Learn to come up with theories based on facts instead of dumbass allegations?

CorndogBurglar1926d ago

"Although you must admit he has a somewhat shady attitude when talking about kids."

I've never heard him talk about kids. Care to share a link?

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 1925d ago
Parasyte1926d ago

Pitchford is a known liar, so this doesn't surprise me

ShadowWolf7121926d ago

Randy Pitchford? LYING?


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Check out the nine games leaving PS Plus in August 2024

PS Plus has nine games set to leave the service soon. Here is every game earmarked on our PlayStation Plus leaving list for Essential, Extra, and Premium.

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Zenzuu9h ago

Saved you a click.

Among Us
Borderlands 3
NBA 2K24
Need For Speed Unbound
SpellForce III Reforced
Destroy All Humans
Destroy All Humans 2
Trials of Mana

jznrpg8h ago

If you added Among Us and Borderlands 3 to your library they won’t disappear. Not sure if any others were part of essential or not but if they were and you added them to the library they also will still be in your library


Yuzo Koshiro's PC/Megadrive Shooter: Earthion Trailer #1 Has Been Released

To kick off Bitsummit in Kyoto, Japan. Yuzo Koshiro unveiled a new video for Earthion featuring a sneak peek of new stages and music (with the new YKGGG logo sound!).


Random: Hideo Kojima Highlights The 21st Anniversary Of 'Boktai' On GBA

No sunlight that day, apparently.

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OtterX9d ago

They should release it on NSO's GBA lineup. The Switch has a light sensor afterall! (Switch Lite owners would be out of luck though)

Chocoburger8d ago (Edited 8d ago )

I don't think games would be able to 'hook into' the light sensor for automatic screen brightness.
The best way to play the game is with the fan patch that lets you adjust the amount of light the game is receiving at will. Make sure not to play at max sunlight for too long, or the game will punish you, keep the sunlight meter lowered in order to keep playing longer.
