
The Next Devil May Cry Needs to Put Its Women Front and Center

Author Writes: Despite everything it does well, Devil May Cry 5 is a dissapointing showing for Trish and Lady, and the next game needs to change that.

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TGGJustin1940d ago

While in my review I said the same thing about Lady and Trish not being in the game enough I don't agree that the next game should focus on them. They have never been the main characters and really have always served as support characters. Let's not act like we need an all female DMC just for the sake of it. They deserve to be playable characters but the whole game shouldn't be about them.

VTKC1940d ago

Well you know, women have to be the center of everything these days because equality and empowerment characters need to turn gay long after the games been released and all that liberal nonsense

bradfh1939d ago

I strongly hate the pc culture its out of control. Nothing wrong with main female characters but stop making a big deal if a female character are not first all the time.

NecrumOddBoy1939d ago

Bayonetta much??? You never need to force diversity for the sake of the PC outrage culture. Create what makes sense for the story you want to tell.

1939d ago
Godmars2901939d ago

Its not the presence of women, its the active dumbing down and/or dismissal of old fan bases as "white males".

Redrex70001939d ago

hold on lets not go there
I would have like to see more of
Trish and Lady just as long
as they keep the whole
PC bs out of it
that shit is really starting
to smell

jeki1939d ago

It helps sales, that's for sure. Otherwise developers wouldn't be "SJW".

bloop1939d ago

Sure Jeki. Is that why Battlefield V sold so much?

Pennywise1381939d ago

I consider myself pretty liberal minded but I have to agree with most these comments. The whole pc and outrage culture is out of control. The left has traditionally been the defenders of art and now all they want to do is control it and tell people what and how they should make their art.

WombBat1939d ago

LOL We Do not need Female protaganist in DMC.

UltraNova1939d ago

In other news, just saw the new promo post for Terminator Dark Fate, three women looking gruff and hairdresser ready to fight Skynet....

Guess John Connor decided to embrace his inner call and switch genders...nuh what the hell do I know, make everything female lead.

Konami if you are making another MGS make Snake a chick. Hell its about time MS revealed Master Chiefs true LGBT nature!


Gaming1011939d ago

The half man wimpy SJW is virtue signalling as he laments that the female characters show their skin. Is this really where we're at now? Women can't show their skin? Ok Al Qaeda. This is the same bullshit from feminists who claim the male gaze itself is inherently evil, oppressive, and patriarchal. Therefore, they claim the burqa is freeing because it disables the male gaze, and the bikini is a too of the patriarchy, because it attracts the oppressive male gaze.
GTFOH with this bullshit. The fact that females show skin in games is NOT oppressive towards them because men look at them. Fuck off with your nonsense.

Srelhow1939d ago

Feminatzi No no no no..... bouncing titties Bwahahahahahaha

Army_of_Darkness1939d ago

The author needs to shut his face. Since when has dmc ever been about the supporting casts?? This is not about he or she. It's about Dante you noob!

rainslacker1939d ago

Devs should be free to make what they want....so long as what they want is what I want. That's PC culture in gaming in a nutshell.

Personally, considering what politics in general do which is nowadays correct, I don't see any harm in offending anyone, because there isn't a day that goes buy that a politician can't offend a wide swath of people and still keep on plugging along.

jeki1939d ago


Battlefield V is one game and wouldn't have sold well anyway.

Let's see a developer make an anti-SWJ game (whatever that means) and see how well it does. It should be a blockbuster right?

Bane351939d ago (Edited 1939d ago )

Pretty much but hey thats the world we live in now

bloop1939d ago

@jeki: Battlefield V wouldn't have sold well anyway?? You're joking right? It's one of the biggest franchises going at the moment with a huge following. It would've sold a lot better without them shoe horning in political agendas. How many people on this website alone cancelled pre orders?? And if you really want to compare a "non- SJW" game, just go choose any of the GTA games and compare sales.

battlegrog1939d ago

but if women are center of everything dont that mean its not equal and just doing something to be correct when its going the opposite side of the fence

DarXyde1938d ago

Eh, it's not a bad thing to have a bit more diversity and representation, but I think there's a time and place for all things. In terms of the series canon, they would need to justify why you're not Dante or Nero or Vergil (which is why, in my opinion, a spinoff works well).

I'm not opposed to a Lady spinoff since I thought she was fun and effective in DMC4SE, but Trish is forgettable, in my opinion.

I'm all for games having us play as women or people of color, but I think it can be harmful to the cause depending on intent: is this a series that started with us using women (e.g., Tomb Raider) or provided an opportunity to explore another character's story (e.g., Uncharted: Lost Legacy or The Last of Us: Left Behind)? If so, that's great. But if, say, they replaced Dante with a woman who uses his weapons the exact same way that he does, I wouldn't really see the point-- why replace him at all?

+ Show (16) more repliesLast reply 1938d ago
Godmars2901939d ago

While given what Dante said to Vergil in regards to Nero he could have a rugrat of his own out in the world whose double-y and could show up for the next installment, still have to figure that it would be Dante's brat. Attitude and all.

gamer78041939d ago

I'd be cool with a spinoff game as long as they can keep from shining bright lights all over them...

VTKC1940d ago

Trish and Lady need to be front and center? Riiight, because you pushing for "the female need to be the lead" Did it ever occur to you that they are not the main character?

wwinterj1939d ago

I see they missed out Lucia. Not very good as pushing the female everything agenda.

ponul1939d ago (Edited 1939d ago )

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1939d ago
Gardenia1940d ago

Because SJW on the internet

1939d ago
rainslacker1939d ago

Maybe they just want to gaze upon their form and do unspeakable acts to themselves in the process? That's the only real reason I can see why someone would care about the character they're playing being something specific. Being represented in a video game avatar like that is a stupid reason to want to play or not play a game, so that leaves only one logical conclusion.

ZaWarudo1940d ago

I wouldn't mind. Trish was fun as hell in DMC4SE.

annoyedgamer1940d ago

She wont look or act like that if we cater to the SJWs. Think Ellie in TLOU2.

WhyWai881940d ago

DMC6: Trish is now main character, but she's also gay.

salmonade1939d ago

@ WhyWai88, J.K.Rowling approves.

Noskypeno1939d ago

@salmonade, only if she's black

Rachel_Alucard1939d ago

If they make her playable fine, but she doesn't need to be front and center of the plot unless it's some side thing. I also hope they don't keep the model they used in 5 as that one makes her look like some washed up porn actress in her 40s.

TricksterArrow1940d ago

I'd actually vouch for a new female character that throws the dynamic off and is more integral to the main plot of whatever is the next game, kinda like V, but female. Trish and Lady are side characters. I feel like they serve and served (in past games) their purpose. Love to play a few missions with them, but that's about it, IMO.

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BadElf1634d ago

Niiiiiice. Now use some of that profit to make Zack and Wiki 2 for Switch. Get a remake of the first one first atleast.

tinchotin1633d ago

That's the franchise you want Capcom to revive? LOL

AriesBear1633d ago

I think some people just make stupid requests because they think it's cute.

BadElf1633d ago

Loved Zack and Wiki. Yes

Edito1633d ago

I wish they put all the money on Dino Crisis..

Smokehouse1633d ago (Edited 1633d ago )

Capcomeback? Don’t waste it. Hyped for the new REs.


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TrueRican691638d ago

Lol an all black podcast. Time to make an all Puerto Rican podcast.