
Will MLB The Show Ever Come to Other Consoles?

Screen Rant's Riley Little reports "It sounds as if the franchise will remain locked to PlayStation consoles for the time being."

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Neonridr2013d ago

I mean is this even a question? It's developed in house by a Sony team.

RainOfTerror2013d ago

yea, pretty much a moot point/arguement

TheOtherMoon2012d ago

Read the article, the points above still stand.

81BX, your comment: short; but pointless.

81BX2012d ago (Edited 2012d ago )

So your saying sony isn't open to even allowing 1 of their games to be on other platforms?

ApocalypseShadow2012d ago (Edited 2012d ago )

It's not Sony's job to support other platforms.

After Take Two purchased the license to stop EA from locking out developers like they did football, they allowed ANYONE(1st Party) to make baseball.

Sony's game ended up being the best. Just like Visual Concepts game ended up being the best basketball game after the developers couldn't make NFL games, they concentrated on NBA.

It's not on Sony to provide their game on other platforms. Microsoft can make one. Nintendo can make one. Take Two can make one on any platform as a 3rd party developer. Go ask them to provide one or buy a Playstation. How hard is it to understand that exclusives sell consoles. Or what's the point in making them?

ThinkThink2012d ago

If the goal is to sell the most consoles, you are absolutely correct. If the goal is to increase revenue, you want to get your game out to more people. Not saying bringing it to Xbox, but it seems like Sony is at least open to putting some of their content on PC. That extra revenue can get reinvested into the studio to make the game better.

81BX2011d ago

Supporting other consoles or supporting gamers? They want you to think having a game on every console is bad. Good job

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 2011d ago
PhoenixUp2012d ago

For the time being?

GTFO with that moronic thinking

Rai2012d ago (Edited 2012d ago )

Also you can see the sun in the sky along with clouds, water is wet, snow melts when its exposed to heat, fire is hot

There has to be some sort of quota if they wrote this..

trouble_bubble2012d ago

Isn’t this a Sony Santa Monica joint? Wtf. These guys want to play it on Switch with XBL Achievements or something lol? Jamaican me crazy mon!

Thundercat772012d ago

Well, if the company making the game is constantly loosing in the market with no way to surpass its competitors, that company would be forced to move their software to other platforms just to survive and compete.

Ask Microsoft, that's what they are doing now.

nunley332012d ago

What other baseball games are there to compete against?Thhe Show owns the market,which is why this article exists.

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Top 30 PS4 Exclusive Games of All Time

GB: "Join us as we try and rank the PS4’s abundance of memorable exclusives."

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Sonic-and-Crash1510d ago

ohh at last someone gives Bloodborne the throne it deserves -->the throne of the best exclusive game on PS4 and i would add the best game/new IP of this gen

Also at last one article that includes The Last Guardian in top exclusives list .....i would change its position though and i would rank it higher ...TLoUS 2 and FF VII Remake dont desreve to be in the top 5 list (at least FF7 that imo is an incomplete game)

umair_s511509d ago

Gaming bolt with their 30 pages for 30 exclusives. Can someone please do everyone a service and list all the titles. Much appreciated.

Army_of_Darkness1509d ago

The last of us, uncharted 2, horizon zero dawn, god of war 3, metal gear solid 4 and Ni no Kuni are my all time favorites.

Seraphim1509d ago

definitely not clicking on that one. I refuse to visit any site or scroll through page after page on any site that pulls that BS.

side note: how the F can you do only a top 30!!?? That doesn't even leave room for Rise of Honor [PS2], Genji [PS2], Folklore [PS3] and some, rather, many other dam solid exclusives that are deserving to be called out in a Top of list. And those two of those are possibly highly debatable, perhaps obscure titles but I loved them... Crap, I can rattle off what could be considered 30 top PS exclusives from the top of me head. Then again, how many people are actually going to click through 50-100 pages to see an entire list. My point has been argued and mute. but seriously...

anonymousfan1509d ago

I am terrible at hard games like Bloodborne but I am hoping that the zero loading screen on PS5 will make my billion noob deaths more bearable and I might stick to it 😆

toxic-inferno1509d ago

The loading times in Bloodborne aren't actually that bad!

anonymousfan1509d ago

@toxic-inferno I believe you 😆 but any loading combined with the death animations is too much when you die as much as I do lmao.

garos821509d ago

Im guessing you didnt play it at launch. The patched the loading times much later on to improve them but i remember them being horrible

DeBroglio1509d ago

Tlou 2 most certainly deserves to be in the top 5. Ff vii remake was incredible and universally acclaimed too, so i have absolute no qualms about those games being in someone's top 5, because those games deserve the recognition. You can say what you want about TLOU 2, doesnt change the fact that it is a technical masterpiece, if anything, and the gameplay is top notch as well.

Dragonscale1509d ago

Agreed sonic, still the best even now. Tbh tlou2 doesn't deserve to be on the list full stop.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 1509d ago
LOGICWINS1509d ago

That’s a lot of exclusive titles....

FlavorLav011509d ago

However you look at it, that’s an unforgettable generation of titles to have put out. Sony’s has EARNED our trust, my money will be there day 1 to see and support the future of games they have in store. Super grateful, still working on my platinum of GhostsOT.

CaptainHenry9161509d ago (Edited 1509d ago )

Ghost of tuishima is the real deal and fantastic 👏 👌 🙌

Abnor_Mal1509d ago

Aw man, I just started act3, this game is pressing all the right buttons and hitting me in the feels.

Bathyj1509d ago (Edited 1509d ago )

There's a new patch live right now. Not sure what it does. New game plus or resetting camps fingers crossed.
Edit. Apparently travelers attire gets visual and audio clues for pick ups not just Rumble. And bug fixes. That's it.

anonymousfan1509d ago

My only regret this gen is not having enough time to play... So many of those gems I barely touched.

I'm starting next gen fresh though I dont want to work on my backlog when I get a PS5... Unless there is a drought at first then I'll get around to completing GoW :)

shuvam091509d ago

Can someone list it? Not interested in going through 30 slides :/

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Amazon Slashes Up To 67% Off On Various PS4 Exclusive & AAA Games

Daily Video Game writes: "If you are looking to pick up new games to play during lockdown, Amazon is running various PlayStation 4 exclusive and AAA games on sale with huge discounts right now! The savings may vary from price to price, but you could save all of the way up to 67% off."

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12 months of PlayStation Plus is on sale for $49.99

Right now you can get a 12-month subscription of PlayStation Plus for $49.99 at Amazon. The deal is for a digital code rather than a physical card. This month’s lineup includes The Last of Us Remastered and MLB The Show 19.

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william_cade1792d ago

It's 39.99 from the PS store.

blackblades1791d ago

Really right now, I need to renew mine expire couple of weeks ago.

sprinterboy1792d ago (Edited 1792d ago )

Cdkeys have always been the cheapest I've found £37 instead of £50

Abnor_Mal1792d ago

That's not much of a sale, to be honest.

1792d ago
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