
Devil May Cry 5 for PS4 Is (Slightly) More Censored than on Xbox One and PC, but Only in the West

With the worldwide release of Devil May Cry 5, it became quickly apparent that there is a difference between different versions of the game, which is slightly more censored in western PS4 copies.

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MagUk1966d ago

So.. there’s no crack on the PS4 🍑 this is OUTRAGE!! Jk

Yi-Long1966d ago

You mock, but it's beyond ridiculous that games on PS4 are now getting censored, and if I had bought the game for that system, and would now find out it was a butchered release, I'd return it to the store and demand my money back, and buy it on XBO instead...

Sony needs to stop with this new conservative censorship BS. America's selective outrage when it comes to T&A, compared to embracing ridiculous amounts of extreme violence, is just ridiculous.

pinkcrocodile751966d ago

The frightening this is, is that this is not instigated by the "Right Wing". What is scary is that the "Stupid Left" not the left but the feminist and sjw lunatic left are the ones pushing companies to follow this.

If you want to see this satirised, then watch a youtube vid titled Jonathan Pie Obsession Oppression it puts this cretinous argument to rest.

In short, tell Sony, knock this STUPID attitude off or lose money, YOUR choice SONY

1966d ago
ChrisW1966d ago

I don't know whether to laugh or cry... What's the world coming to?!?

sampsonon1966d ago

I'm still trying to figure out why people care.

whothedog1966d ago

Cause its pointless censorship. Its like buying music that bleeps out the curse words.

gamer78041966d ago

Probably cry, slippery slope, yea for Sony Cali strikes again. they need new management.


You have one option: No buttcrack or worse performance.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 1966d ago
DaDrunkenJester1966d ago

Why even censors it? It's just a butt crack. In our mature movies and shows they show nudity all the time and this is a rated M game...

RememberThe3571966d ago

Right? Why would Sony have an issue? The game is Mature...

DaDrunkenJester1966d ago (Edited 1966d ago )


I mean the "western" culture is obsessed with shows like Game of Thrones that shows sex and nudity every 5 minutes. It also has rape, murder, torture and the whole 9 yards.

Saying it's censorship for the "western" culture is a piss poor excuse.

annoyedgamer1966d ago

Titanic (1997) PG-13 has more nudity. Its not considered mature.

DaDrunkenJester1966d ago


Haha yep! I remember seeing that in the theater when I was 7... my parents told me to look away during the nudity and sex. I of course didn't.

kreate1966d ago

I really want to see this butt crack ....

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 1966d ago
1966d ago Replies(5)
littlezizu1966d ago

This is false. American ps4 version of game is not censored.
Germany censor board guidelines ensure all European version including xbox 1 version are censored.
This is not sony doing it but capcom following European union rules as it needs to clear german censor boards to distribute.
This is for all game not only dmcv. All american and european versions of several top games differ.
Mods need to change title to reflect this.

Abriael1966d ago (Edited 1966d ago )

Sorry, but this is untrue. Here's footage from the American PS4 version. Equally censored.

This scene isn't censored in the Xbox One version anywhere.

gam3r_4_lif31966d ago

@ littlezuzu Dude your full of shit and not helping. Stop defending this crap by posting misinformation

isarai1966d ago

You got proof? cause Abriael does to support the opposite, so why did you just make this up for no reason?

beulahland1966d ago

@littlezizu nice try, you've failed.

gamer78041966d ago

you need to research before you call something else false, it is indeed censored in the US version as well.

+ Show (4) more repliesLast reply 1966d ago
CatCouch1966d ago

If games are to be considered art then this kind of censorship needs to stop. If Sony's new policy can be this strict it and be applied to a game as big as DMCV then it can be applied to Cyberpunk 2077.

This makes me worried about sex scenes in games like Dragon Age 4. Could Mass Effect and Dragon Age even be re-released on PS4 now? Not a fun topic to think about.

BrettAwesome1966d ago (Edited 1966d ago )

Yeah, because The Witcher was so lacking in ass and titties

CatCouch1966d ago

The Witcher came out before Sony started these new policies. It's pretty clear Sony is censoring games now and if a butt is obscured in this game then anything can happen. It's not just anime style games being edited.

It really makes me wonder what would happen if the Witcher 3 came out now.

1966d ago
Livingthedream1966d ago

Yeah very odd that they elected to censor that scene, not ver lewd at all, the witcher definitely had some more interesting scenes

annoyedgamer1966d ago (Edited 1966d ago )

It is now. The Witcher 3 has significanty less nudity than TW2 by design. Ever wonder why it has no "Enhanced Edition"?

beulahland1966d ago

@BrettAwesome yeah, because The Witcher has been released just this week.


+ Show (4) more repliesLast reply 1965d ago
RememberThe3571966d ago

I was, and still am, supporting censoring of sexualized children but this is my line. That is a grown woman's ass. The game is Mature. If they want to push censorship this far I can't support it. It's not a big deal, but it's still BS.

dumahim1966d ago

I don't think it's a coincidence that nudity in games has been shown less in the last year or so, even from 3rd party developers who were fairly comfortable with it not that long ago. Sony is in a strong place to push their standards right now.

blackblades1965d ago

What are we going to do about it "nothing" but just come on these sites and whine and complain about it.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 1965d ago
AK911966d ago

Phew glad I got the XB1 version then.

BrettAwesome1966d ago

Yeah. With it's sub par performance and frame pacing issues. Great choice

WilliamSheridan1966d ago

But wait, im pretty sure my Xbox X has better performance than my PS4

littletad1966d ago

Via digital foundry, the cutscenes have 5-10 frame dips compared to the pro, while the gameplay framerate can dip to 57 FPS. So 3 frames is not "subpar" when you also consider that the xbox is doing all of this at twice the resolution compared to the pro.

jaycptza1966d ago

little its not twice the resolution though? also I would expect it to be on par

littletad1966d ago

@Jaycptza don't take my word for it, watch the video yourself. But to summarize, the xbox x renders at 4k while the ps4 pro is 1080p upscaled. To be technical, the base ps4 is actually the smoothest of all console formats, operating at 1080p though. Anyhow, my point was to counter this users comment. The xbox x's version of this game is not "sub par". It's a few frame dips, while having the highest resolution possible, on console at least.

TGGJustin1966d ago (Edited 1966d ago )

@littletad Quit spreading false information. According to Digital Foundry the Xbox One X version is 4K while the Pro is 1800p. Both reach that through reconstruction as neither is native. No where in their video do they mention the PS4 Pro being 1080p and then being upscaled. They also say that while playing the game you're unable to tell the difference between them.

BrettAwesome1966d ago

Well. He didn't say "One X" now, did he?

littletad1966d ago

@TGGjustin, you are either misinformed or skimmed through the video. Right in the middle they start talking about framerate between all consoles. At 4 minutes in, they talk about resolution. PS4 pro is 1080p upscaled, xbox x is 2160p. Notice I never said it was "Native". So, in layman terms, the xbox x is pushing 44% more pixels onscrean compared to the PRO, which is using reconstruction up from 1080p. And @brettawesome, this is N4G. A haven for hardcore gamers, do you really think he was referring to base consoles?

BrettAwesome1966d ago (Edited 1966d ago )

Oh gimme a break! Like no one on N4G games on base hardware. You don't even believe that yourself. Besides, most people refer to the upgraded machines simply as "pro" or "X". Hardcore my a$$

beulahland1966d ago

here comes @BrettAwesome, the brand-slave.

gamer78041966d ago

its basically a few fps, not a huge deal honestly, especially when one has white lights covering stuff up...

BrettAwesome1965d ago

Yes. I'm a brand slave. To Van Halen, Sony, Nintendo, Ibanez Guitars and Mercedes Benz...did I forget anything... American muscle cars! ...hot chicks on roller skates. And cannabis!! (Nearly forgot that one). You got a problem with that or what??

+ Show (8) more repliesLast reply 1965d ago
TGGJustin1966d ago

Xbox version has censorship too. Lady's butt is still blocked by flare. It's just the one scene with Trish that isn't.

Livingthedream1966d ago

Nah its not heres the link
Check the 1 hour and 37 minute mark or so

TGGJustin1966d ago

@Living You clearly didn't read what I wrote. I said Lady's butt is blocked which it is. You are talking about Trish which I'm aware isn't.

blackblades1965d ago

What just for one scene congratulations

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Capcom Announces Record Profits Due to Digital Sales of Monster Hunter World, Resident Evil 2, DMC5

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BadElf1634d ago

Niiiiiice. Now use some of that profit to make Zack and Wiki 2 for Switch. Get a remake of the first one first atleast.

tinchotin1634d ago

That's the franchise you want Capcom to revive? LOL

AriesBear1633d ago

I think some people just make stupid requests because they think it's cute.

BadElf1633d ago

Loved Zack and Wiki. Yes

Edito1633d ago

I wish they put all the money on Dino Crisis..

Smokehouse1633d ago (Edited 1633d ago )

Capcomeback? Don’t waste it. Hyped for the new REs.


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TrueRican691638d ago

Lol an all black podcast. Time to make an all Puerto Rican podcast.