writes: "Tangledeep offers a true roguelike experience wrapped in a classic 16-bit graphical experience. Adventure Mode is great for roguelike beginners."
Not so long ago I got a chance to do an interview with Impact Gameworks' Andrew Aversa. So we ended-up talking about everything from Tangledeep", "Tangledeep 2", "Flowstone Saga", game development, to Impact Gameworks plans for the future!" - Robin Ek, TGG.
A number of new deals are up and running on the North American Switch eShop. These include 20XX, the Bit.Trip games, Broken Sword 5, Drawn to Life: Two Realms, Minoria, Tangledeep, and more. writes," Tangledeep just got a massive update on the Nintendo Switch, with two new DLC packs. Our Tangledeep developer interview highlights what took so long and some insight into sales figures for the Switch version."
Im gonna wait for the ps4 release.