
Tekken 7 Director Is Tired of Trying to Avoid Offending People; Devs Will Do What they Want

Tekken 7 Director Katsuhiro Harada is known to be rather outspoken, and he recently took to Twitter to mention that he is tired of trying to avoid offending people.

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Jin_Sakai1969d ago

“Tekken 7 Director Is Tired of Trying to Avoid Offending People; Devs Will Do What they Want”

That’s exactly how it should be. You can’t not offend anyone these days.

CloudStrife9001969d ago

Totally agree. Hell, you cant even exclude something without someone somewhere making a fuss. Complete creative freedom is the way to go. I wouldn't personally have it any other way.

cleft51968d ago

Exactly right, just do whatever you want. That is 100% the best way to go. Just look at Nier Automata, they did whatever they wanted and now that game is a hit. Yes, there will be some misses buts its better to miss doing whatever you want, then to miss pandering to a bunch of people that will never be pleased or buy your product no matter what.

DarXyde1968d ago (Edited 1968d ago )

I think it can go either way, personally.

Games don't really need to be catering to the delicate sensibilities of people, but I've never really been a fan of doing things just because it's edgy. Perfect example: Hatred. Game was trash and the only reason it got any attention is because it was so controversial... yet some people supported it strictly because of that which, to me, is like NOT buying a game just because it's "toned down". If Dead or Alive toned down what it does and the sales tanked as a consequence, it sounds like it was never that great of a game to begin with.

I think people are strange in the way they choose to support games. Not knocking anyone else, but I guess I've never really needed mature themes or the like to enjoy a good game. But I think if support is contingent upon what people need to be validated in the fact that they're playing a mature game, that is a bit sad.

Eonjay1969d ago

The truth is that you can't ever fully avoid offending someone simply because offence is a matter of perception. By the same token, you have to have the testicular fortitude to accept that someone will be offended and that they have the right to be. The worst possible society is one where you 'aren't allowed' to be offended. That's brainwashing.

generic-user-name1968d ago

As long as the offended parties aren't demanding censorship and bending to their will, I have no problem with people being offended.

IMissJimRyan1968d ago

You all just say that because you were not portred as a bad stereotypenin a game. There's no shooter where The hero kill americans. There's no war game where muslins are not terrorists. There's no fighting game where woman is not over sexualized. There's no strategy game where colonization is showed as a crime like it was. All these exemples are glorified prejudice and bigotry.
But most of you think hat it s just a matter of market, and a wallet option. It isnt.

IMissJimRyan1968d ago

There's no double standards. Because you can only compare things that are the same. Accusing spoiled white men from developed countries has a weight. Accusing black woman from poor country is complete different matter.
When I see those comments about SJW in this kind of news I can see most people talking about white women/men from rich countries that dont have real problems. When we see a spoiled white rich woman criticizing her male counterpart seem hypocrital. And it is.
But I'm saying from a poor country citzen perspective. And this, most of you, men and women, can't even understand. Make me sad to see people even arguing about colonization, bigotry and racism as something good or even guilty of victims.

bloop1968d ago

Why are you on a gaming site locomorales?? Sounds like you're pretty much offended by everything, to the point where you couldn't possibly enjoy any type of media whatsoever.

antarius1968d ago

Locomorales: I will never apologize or be sad for living in the greatest country in the world. It’s called patriotism and if that’s bigotry then go fuck your self.

johndoe112111968d ago

"You all just say that because you were not portred as a bad stereotypenin a game. There's no shooter where The hero kill americans. There's no war game where muslins are not terrorists. There's no fighting game where woman is not over sexualized. There's no strategy game where colonization is showed as a crime like it was. All these exemples are glorified prejudice and bigotry."

You're spouting utter tripe. As a christian I see christians being portrayed in games and movies as zealous, bigoted, hateful bible thumpers all the time. Am I offended at this, absolutely. Do I think creators should be forced to portray us differently, ABSOLUTELY NOT. If that is how writers and developers wish to portray christians they should absolutely have the freedom to do so. The onus is then on me to decide whether or not I will support the game or movie. This is the result of freedom of expression, I don't have to like how I am being portrayed (even if what is being portrayed is totally false) I just need to accept that people have the freedom to do so. I'm not white but I see how negatively white males are portrayed in the media today and I find it disgusting. However, the people doing so are 100% free to portray them as they feel. We then have the right to say "I'm not paying to see that move" or "I'm not buying that game", that is OUR right. Men are over sexualised in video games and movies all the time, does anyone complain about this? Where's your outrage about that?You're obviously blind to the plight of those you deem to be "not worthy" of your consideration.

Potnoodle9991968d ago

Sorry antarius... but which is the greatest country in the world???
You said that as if it is rhetorical so just wondering, because Jesus Christ, you can’t possibly mean Murica right?
Hahaha ahh thought so. Thank god for that. Phew close one😂😂

Eonjay1968d ago

Guys play nice. Choose to at least attempt to understand each other.

rainslacker1968d ago


Go.look at the people who do the most complaining. They fall into the category of privaledged white male, or sometimes female, more than they fall into the categories you say are oppressed and misrepresented.

PoSTedUP1968d ago

limiting freedom of speech, freedom of expression or offensive language only encourages people to hide behind a shield and cower. thats why we have a whole generation of weak emasculated snowflakes, with no people skills that dont know how to cope with someone offending them. it limits progression in a society, makes ppl soft and allows for total government control over a society rather than actual freedom to grow and learn to deal with reality.

i hope he offends everyone at this point, he has a right to. ppl need to stop being so soft and realize you are not going to be babied your whole life. learn to deal with it and become a bigger person not a smaller one that calls for censoring someones right to freedom of expression. that would be communism.

+ Show (7) more repliesLast reply 1968d ago
IMissJimRyan1968d ago (Edited 1968d ago )

Of course you can't. But you cant use sexism, racism, bigotry and xenophobia in a game.
I know, most of you here are just spoiled white guys from developed countries that believe that those things dont even exist. But games were just an escapism reforcing steretypes.
Yesterday there was people fighting for a rape game on Steam. Those people are sick. It's not a matter of choice. Those games and gamers are a social problema.

CorndogBurglar1968d ago


For someone talking about not offending people you sure come off as a pretty big racist toward white people.

gamer78041968d ago

@locomorales couple of things....

1. You do realize you just denounced sexism and racism, but then were sexist and racist in your post? By assuming most who disagree with you are white men from developed countries.

2. You have every right to make a game however you want, if you make it "so terrible" (deemed by whatever group or groups of people) it won't sell. Let the free market determine what should be sold as long as its under the laws wherein the game is released. And yes steam is a part of that free market, based in the United States they have the right to sell what they want.

CorndogBurglar1968d ago (Edited 1968d ago )

1. There are war games where muslims are shown not to be terrorists. Sure, most war games taking place in modern times have you fighting Islamic terrorists. But that's because that is the most prevalent threat in the world right now. But no war game that I've ever played has outright called the terrorists Muslims either. Extremists, maybe. But they've never called out the particular Muslim religion like you claim. Also, most war games also have Islamic NPC'S that are not terrorists.

But again, terrorism is the main threat in the world these days. And guess what group of people is responsible for it more than any other? Here's a hint: It isn't Africans, African Americans, Germans, Americans, The British, Japanese, or Chinese.

When they make WW2 games the enemy is Germans. Because that was the threat of the time. When they make modern war games the threat is going to be terrorists, because that is the threat of our time. Period.

2. Most fighting games oversexualize everyone. Or are you one of these people that think it's bad to show women in revealing clothes but it's totally okay to show shirtless guys that are ripped and full of muscles wearing nothing but pants or shorts? It goes both ways.

3. Again, colonization was a way of life in the past. I know you are particularly calling out white Americans based on the rest of your racist comment, but believe it or not, colonization is how most countries got where they are today. Back then many countries were all about conquering and killing other groups of people and taking their land and resources for themselves. And yes, even Mexican tribes did it. So if you are going to make these crazy comments then you can't turn an eye to certain groups that fit your anti-white agenda.

4. As for people fighting for a rape game? Sure there are always going to be sick people in the world. Otherwise there wouldn't be crimes at all. But if you are seriously going to group those people together with people that like fighting games, war games, and strategy games then you are only showing your real ignorance.

cyber_daemonx1968d ago

The hypocrisy and double standards in your post says it all tbh.

P_Bomb1968d ago (Edited 1968d ago )

There are games with examples of the things you listed. You just have to expand your horizons. A strategy game like Halo Wars probably isn’t trying to move the needle.

Elsewhere though: RDR2 culminates with several main stories and sides centred around the Wapiti Reservation that show you and talk about colonization in a negative light. Then the epilogue shows you their depressing future. Arthur is very vocal about racism as well.

Pretty sure Altair was Muslim in Assassins Creed. His father was anyways. Bayek was more devout. AC has games throughout history that talk about colonialism in a negative light. AC3 and AC Rogue all you do is kill Americans and British. AC3 even has elseworlds DLC called the Tyranny of George Washington where he’s the villain. AC Origins has a lot of contempt for the Romans invading Egypt and putting up statues of Greek gods and Roman architecture, pushing out the status quo. Some of the npcs are raging. Religions of all kinds are talked about openly. Dude, Ezio fights the Pope for goodness sake. Christianity was often shown as a lie, societal control, divine intervention was actually just ppl manipulating the scientific artifacts (apples) of an advanced race.

Big Boss in his MGS games winds up denouncing America, leaving the country and starting his own. He’s attacked by Americans after attacking their Guantanamo camp in Ground Zeroes as well. The games show you corruption in the CIA, the President, Secretary of Defense, with very strong anti-war messages and statistics. MGS3 leads into Portable Ops and PeaceWalker that are all about America turning its back on its own heroes and raising the ire of the rest of the world in the process. One country’s Terrorists is another’s Freedom Fighter and all that. Later using Solid Snake to kill Big Boss.

Tekken director Katsuhiro Harada is a 48 year old Japanese man, not a privelaged white guy. As you go through history you’ll find blood on many hands. Nanking comes to mind. Can’t change the past, but we can learn from it so we don’t repeat it.

Azfargh1968d ago (Edited 1968d ago )

I am an asian born and raised Brazil, I am not white, neither rich nor living in a rich, developed country. I am stereotyped and made fun of my entire life (and they don´t make it easy), I was bullied in my school, I am target for most of the homeless money-begging, sudden higher shop prices and mugging attempts. Also I have this friend of mine that is gay and goes through an unfair share of hard times and it does not keep oppressing people around, even if they are being mean towards him... So, stop being another pussy soldier in an army full of pussies, ya pussy. You should defend against stereotyping only when it is with a ill purposed intention to offend, and not because an artist did what it felt is right for the game or an random harmless joke.

TheTony3161968d ago


And calling people "spoiled white guys" is not racist? Stop with the double standards you hypocrite.

Dixiedevil1968d ago

Ah, government regulated media and speech. Let me guess, you’re against fascism too aren’t ya?

1968d ago
skwidd1968d ago

Rape is one of the most common fantasies most common with women. FYI

OG_TK_Cole1968d ago (Edited 1968d ago )

As a Black man that lives in America @locomorales is correct, and deep in your hearts most of you that are down voting him know it to. But hey "White Privilege" and "White Supremacy" wouldn't be what it is today, if most of the White People on this forum didnt agree with it.

Personally speaking, there is going to come a time when White America is going to have to answer for all the wrongs that they have created around the world. I just hope you guys are not that blind, where you dont see that day fast approaching.

I know some of you are going to down vote my post, and write that im being a SJW for a rebuttal. But the reality is "Power Wears Out Those Who Don't Have It." There is a power struggle going on In America and the world right now, And from the looks of it, White Supremacy, and White Privilege is losing.

Silly gameAr1968d ago (Edited 1968d ago )

Why do you have to bring race into this? You make people that are non-white look like whining babies. I'm not a white male, and I cringed at every comment that you've made.

I think a dev should be free to create, even if it's offensive to some. That's the great thing about having freedom.

Phi395821968d ago

It gives me hope to see you down voted so hard....America still has a chance with the insanely liberal education being provided to our youth

CurbStompin1968d ago (Edited 1968d ago )

@locomorales Ok, spend your money to learn game development, make a 3rd world storyline with 3rd world characters, spend all of your savings developing said game, and let me know how many people buy it? Would that be profitable? Would it be worth your effort because at the end of the day nobody bought it, but at least you feel you did something good. Sorry, you cant deposit feelings in the bank.

They play to their audience.

CurbStompin1968d ago (Edited 1968d ago )

Black Americans will victimize themselves until the next mass extinction. They cant accept responsibility for their own life choices, its always the white mans fault. I grew up poor, and white, to a single mother who was a waitress my whole life, in a predominantly black and Hispanic neighborhood, one bedroom apartment. I studied hard, worked hard, became something with my life, got married, had kids, bought a house, never took a dollar of unemployment in my life. I am responsible for my own successes and failures, not the fact that my great grandparents were immigrants who came to the US with nothing but the clothes on their back. Time for the world to wake the fuck up.

BlackTar1871968d ago


please look in the mirror next time you throw up all over everything.

PoSTedUP1968d ago

@black guy living in america. if it weren't for the majority (white people), women wouldnt have the right to vote and black people would still be slaves. but then again i had nothing to do with any of it, and if you are my age, either did you. so i could care less about anyone but my family. the only people that are losing are the ones of your mentality that sound awfully miserable and resentful. shit im proud to be white, does that offend you? lol. you should be proud of who you are jackass and stop trying to start a race war. some of the black friends i have are doing way better than me lol. the only thing losing in the power struggle is a conflict within yourself of who you are and where you came from. you can be racist against white people bc that is your right. but i could care less because i am a straight white male you cant hurt my feelings. nor do i feel guilty for what happened 100 years ago. had nothing to do with me bro. time to look at yourself and understand why you feel the way you do in 2019. maybe too much time watching project mocking bird? youre only holding yourself back. time to progress and move on, no one is going to feel sorry for you. i sure dont.

Dizzy115231968d ago

You're sick for giving a shit.

battlegrog1968d ago

So its ok for movies to portray real things and be offensive but not video games and pro wrestling? Right

Silly gameAr1968d ago (Edited 1968d ago )


I think your comment is just as ignorant as locomorales. Don't bunch all black people in with a few. There are black people that have done the exact thing you have, who work hard, study hard, and just try to live their lives.

Imalwaysright1968d ago

"But you cant use sexism, racism, bigotry and xenophobia in a game."


saint_seya1968d ago

You have that stupid idea of trying to mix reality with movies/games. I am not from NA, im from Argentina, in many movies Latin America countries are always shown much worse than they really are. Do i care? do i care when someone does a joke about something that could affect me? no i dont, is a movie/game.

Do you get a gun and kill people because you like war games? do you go rape small girls because you joke about lolis in games? do you steal cars because you play Grand Thef Auto? Do you kill animals hoping for them to drop you items or gold?
If you think those things can influentiate your real life actions, i think you should go see a doctor, isntead of been offended, try to get help.

Dont act like you can control what should be enjoyed by others in games/ movies. Theres things i dont like in games or movies? yes there is, do i think those should stop exisiting? no, i just chose to no watch those movies or play those games, who the heck am i to chose what others should enjoy.

Chexs19901968d ago

Creators can use EXACTLY as much sexism, racism, bigotry, and xenophobia as they want in their games. That's called creative freedom my left-wing dude.
Exactly as what you doing in that post, trying to slam white people. You're free to do that of course, but like with games using the aforementioned topics, it doesn't necessarily create a good game, or in your case, argument.

I'm a Persian from Denmark btw, before you go "the white dude" route on me :)

+ Show (20) more repliesLast reply 1968d ago
Gamingsince19811968d ago (Edited 1968d ago )

Really ? So if so many people believe that why is the "rape" game on steam so controversial?


Razzer1968d ago

The fact that you are unable to discern the difference in that discussion and this one says it all.

zahdab1968d ago

I am offended by your statement!

Bane351968d ago

Best comment i seen today

rainslacker1968d ago

Hopefully the first of many. At some point this bubble will burst because publishers will realize the controversy isn't hurting their bottom line, or even harming their public image. It's small vocal minorities making a big fuss, so it always seems bigger than it is, but most people don't care, or actual customers are getting annoyed that there seems to be so much pandering which is affecting products they want to buy.

BioDead1968d ago

You know, it only takes ONE (1) person to get "offended" and thats it.

+ Show (5) more repliesLast reply 1968d ago
FallenAngel19841969d ago

Finally a dev that sticks to their guns

isarai1969d ago


I really want all devs to take this approach, so sick of seeing ugly characters, bland personalities, and garbage humor for the sake of playing it safe and pandering to a group of people that don't even play games. Sick of these people acting like they can tell me what i can and can't handle as an adult, or what i should and souldn't enjoy. Not everything is made for everyone, but their are all types out there, that all like different things. You're idea of making a game "inclusive" is ironically doing the opposite by saying what fans like about it is not allowed and they are no longer allowed to get what made them like it to begin with.

The ancient adage is and always will be true "You can't please everyone." so with that in mind do whatever the hell you envision and stop trying to please everyone and just do what you and the fans want.

kalkano1969d ago

I won't be playing it, simply because I'm not a fan of the genre, but I love his attitude. I keep waiting for people to just hold up their middle-fingers to the outrage mobs. It needs to happen in order for us to move forward as a society.

Platformgamer1968d ago

everyone should just say fuck off to SJW, feminists and similar creeps

IMissJimRyan1968d ago

Ironic. Reading the comments here and there the only offended group is the men.
There"s no sjw aanywhere in sight. Just a bunch of spoiled guys that are fighting to keep prejudice, racism, bigotry, sexism in their games.
It's só out of control that yesterday people were fighting to keep a rape game on Steam.
This is the kind of "gamer" we have. Tekken 7 producer is anserwring The worsr we have in Society.

xX-oldboy-Xx1968d ago

loomorales - Yes, it's the man that's at fault. Please remember these are pixels on a screen, not really the end of the world if some titties are over size. Look how many buff blokes that are depicted in gaming. NO ONE CARES! It's a non-issue.

You can choose to be offended, look for every opportunity to be offended or just not care. The last option is best, you'll sleep better and ward off any stomach ulcers down the line.

IMissJimRyan1968d ago

Buff blokes? You make me smile. This is how men want tô be. Its a fantasy not a offense.
And again, I dont expect that spoild white men from developed countries undestand this subject. This is beyond them. Only those portraid as objects, with racism and bigotry can understand.
It's more than pixels. Its The Society.

xX-oldboy-Xx1968d ago

An unattainable fantasy for most men, and women don't want to be beautiful, fit, sexy or desired? Of course they do, just most aren't - seems a little self reflection is needed.

gamer78041968d ago (Edited 1968d ago )

@locomorales please read prior replies to your post, you denounce sexism and racisms, while at the same time spewing sexist and racist comments.

I'm honestly trying to help here, before you type or say something, switch out your race and sex in your sentence with another one, if it sounds bad, thats just one easy way of realizing what you are saying is probably sexist or racist etc.

uGLYmE1968d ago

I agree. Had no idea gamers were becoming synonymous with incels.

cyber_daemonx1968d ago

Give it a rest fgs, what a joke.

wonderfulmonkeyman1968d ago (Edited 1968d ago )

Just because you ignore the SJW's doesn't mean they don't exist and aren't affecting things in very negative ways.
Also, the irony of calling yourself crazy morals, then making a hypocritically-racist/sexist post earlier.
No wonder you don't get what people are talking about.

salmonade1968d ago

I've reported you for Racism. Many of your comments are racist. You're a racist.

rainslacker1968d ago

There's no SJW in sight.

Shall I get you a mirror. The people here aren't offended, they're happy someone in the industry is actually speaking out against it, because there are so few who seem to be aligned with the communities general view on the topic.

As far as that take game, I didn't see that many people fighting for it to stay on steam. If you're going to generalize, at least use a generalization that matches the majority consensus

But, if we have a certain kind of gamer, that's what we have. We are gamers. We have money. We spend money on products. We have every right to spend that money on what we feel we want to spend it on, and your personal opinion on what is appropriate for us to like is completely meaningless to.any of us.

All you, and rhe sjw crowd are about is the industry doing what you want so you get what you want. You cant control us or get us to agree with you, so you try to force the industry to get us to conform to what you want.

You're worse than all these people who you are calling out, because you call for conformity, while those you call out are for free expression. They may gripe about inclusive trends, but that's because they feel so forced most of the time, and we know they wouldn't be happening if it weren't for the current movements, and a lot of times, focus is taken away from more interesting things, or make representations are raised up on a pedestal for nothing other than gender, race, or sexual orientation, and only ends up being one of the isms in the end

Scatpants1968d ago

You sound like you want to censor art by labeling it as negative things. Like how dare you enjoy sexuality in your games? that goes against my prudish morals therefore you shouldn't fight me on censorship. Like he should just happily make a fighting game with plain looking overweight women wearing non revealing clothes just to make you happy.

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Show all comments (137)
OtterX2d ago

For me, these Mario + Rabbids games were the best thing Ubisoft has developed in recent years. I'd hate to see Ubisoft drive the series into the ground like their other properties, so I think 2 games are enough. Maybe 1 more.

Inverno2d ago

They can't ruin it because Ninty will send their ninjas to destroy all traces of it. If not for that you can bet that spinoff series would've been milked dry by now.

XiNatsuDragnel2d ago

Good luck in your future endeavors

Hotpot2d ago

Thank you for Mario + Rabbids series, I quite enjoyed it

Einhander19722d ago

Great games, I have wanted Sony to copy these games with their own mascots for years.

Michiel19891d 17h ago

not cinematic or 3rd person enough for Sony

DefaultComment2d ago

I think Nintendo has to hire this guy, I mean the fact that miuamoto himself said to him that he is impressed with this work, speaks volumes. Th possibility on having Mario on Soliani's hand could be incredible and quite possibly a new era for Mario games.

OtterX2d ago (Edited 2d ago )

Yea, these games didn't even feel Ubisoft at all. This felt very authentic Nintendo. This guy's direction is obviously stellar, and Ubisoft somehow managed to not kill it with microtransactions and repetitive, boring tasks.


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Chard2d ago

Missing the most important game - Rogue Leader


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MestreRothN4G4d ago

Raph Koster wrote the #1 most influential game design book. Nice to see a game coming from him.