
Assassin's Creed Odyssey Legacy of the First Blade Season Pass Review - Expansive

Legacy of the First Blade is an up and down Season Pass for Assassin's Creed Odyssey

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Review: Assassin’s Creed: Odyssey – Legacy of the First Blade | Blast Away the Game Review

Blast Away the Game Review Writes: "Whether it’s the well-designed character development, the heart-wrenching goodbyes, or the moments of letting those you’ve come to love in the story go; Legacy of the First Blade bleeds that its a passion project for those who helped bring it to life, and the payoff is worth the joined efforts Ubisoft’s teams in Montreal put into the three-episode story DLC. "

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starchild2022d ago

I love Assassin's Creed Odyssey and can't wait to play the expansions but I'm still not finished with the main game. It's such a vast, beautiful world with so much to do. I definitely feel like I got more than money's worth with it.


Assassin's Creed: Odyssey Legacy of the First Blade - Shadow Heritage Review - Expansive

Assassin's Creed: Odyssey Legacy of the First Blade Shadow Heritage is a messy and forced DLC

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Hardiman2056d ago (Edited 2056d ago )

I'm still playing AC Odyssey and having a ball doing it but it's been going on so long I couldn't tell you the finite details of what's been going on. The main beats sure but I'm not playing this for some groundbreaking narrative but to be lost in this beautiful world and explore and have fun. I chose Alexios in the beginning and 89 hours later wish I'd picked Kasandra but Im too far in.

I said all that to say this. This review at one point says that you connect with your character in Odyssey more than you would Nathan Drake or Aloy and I disagree. I connected especially with Aloy and absolutely fell in love with her. Even though it was open world the story was interesting and I found myself searching for holo tapes and at the end it all came together. Same with A Theif's End, absolutely knew where Nate was coming from because I'd played as him through three previous games. Heck I connected more with Edith Finch than I have with Alexios!

With Odyssey I've completed the main game but I'm still having fun but the narrative isn't what's keeping me going it's just fun and maybe it's because it's so big I play it sometimes weeks apart. I played Witcher III for two years and always knew what was going on. Odyssey has been a blur but a really fun blur and I'm having fun.

2055d ago Replies(2)

Assassin's Creed Odyssey: Legacy of the First Blade - Episode 2 Review - Destructoid

From Destructoid: "Whatever legacy ABC's Lost may leave, one line will always stick with me: "We have to go back." When in doubt, go with a prequel; it's something Ubisoft has done countless times with the Assassin's Creed series."

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Profchaos2081d ago

Standard Ubisoft DLC affair no real effort and a pure money grab

neutralgamer19922081d ago

what's new if UBI actually tried that would have been news worthy

Profchaos2081d ago

I wish they would I got suckered into buying fc5 due to the season pass and port of fc3 and it was massively underwhelming