
What If The Next God Of War Was A Woman?

What if one of the most masculine gaming franchises out there decided to include a female protagonist? What if the God of War himself was joined by a battle-hardened playable female character? What if the next God of War introduced a new female hero to accompany Kratos and Atreus on their bloody adventure? What if the next God of War was a woman?

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salmonade1976d ago (Edited 1976d ago )

It would only be one of the worst ideas in gaming. There is only one God Of War and it's Kratos.

Eonjay1976d ago

Well technically his son can't be the God of War because *spoilers*. And technically the last game makes a point to explain the there are more than one God of Wars... but yes there is no replacing Kratos.

Honestly, a more realistic article would ask if the could see Atreus filling his dad shoes in a later game.

Rimeskeem1976d ago

You would know that is not true if you played the game ;)

bouzebbal1975d ago

We have Atreus, taking over from Kratos. And with that shocker announcement he made at the end of the game on the true him, we can only look forward to what is yet to come

Ratchet751975d ago

I think atreus will become evil and Kratos will fight him at the end.
A true Greek tragedy.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 1975d ago
ShinRon1975d ago

youre half right, Kratos is definitely not the only god of war ever tho as he took the title from Ares.

FanboyPolice1975d ago

And also Atreus, and Ares. Actually there have been a few

CorndogBurglar1975d ago

Atreus literally can't be a God of War...

ChrisW1974d ago

Ares (Mars) is the only true God of War I recognize

Smokehouse1974d ago

And Odin the Norse god of war. Kratos will always be the Greek god of war because he’s the only Greek god left, his son is a demigod. Kratos is the Greek god of everything really lol.

ChrisW1974d ago

Odin? Really? You need to read a little more up on your Norse mythology...

Smokehouse1974d ago

Yes Odin is a god of war. I have read a bunch on Norse mythology lol. Google it my dude. I have also seen Tyr and Freya be called god of war as well. My point is that the god of war doesn’t only exist in Greek mythology. The god of war exists in most mythologies.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 1974d ago
TechnoGoat1975d ago

You do know what a "what if" scenario means right? If Kratos was a woman it wouldn't be the worst Idea in gaming, cause that would of been the Idea from the start..

syphon321975d ago (Edited 1975d ago )

I hear you but... dem tittiesssssss though

DarXyde1975d ago

I didn't realize God of War was going for mythological accuracy...

Pretty much anyone can be a God of War, provided they have the lineage and they're not already God of something else.

Orionsangel1975d ago

What if I basically said this 3 days ago and they stole my thought?? https://i.imgur.com/ytQqzNL...

CanadianTurtle1975d ago

They already tried it. It's called Heavenly Sword (PS3)

rainslacker1975d ago

A good title on its own right. But she wasn't a god.

thorstein1975d ago

So. There are no godesses of war? Wow. How uninformed can you be?

Daeloki1974d ago

There was a post about a Kratos genderbend cosplay a few days ago, and there someone jokingly mentioned a plot idea along the lines of "What if Kratos pissed off some witch who turned him into a woman, and he would have to go on a quest to change himself back."

Personally, I don't think Kratos would care one way or another, and I think it could be a fun change, even if only temporary, a female Kratos would be just as badass. Not to mention how hilarious it would be to see Atreus's and Mimir's reactions

+ Show (7) more repliesLast reply 1974d ago
mandf1976d ago

Can anything in today's society just be as it is?

FanboyPolice1975d ago

No. The base of continuing improving is to change stuff. If God of War wouldn't change, we would be stuck with the same GoW from PS2.

Brave_Losers_Unite1975d ago


Really? Triggered that much? Relax man

Shikoku1975d ago

You literally just made the dumbest argument I've seen on here obviously this person meant not changing the character's gender for the sake of doing it.

Legatus1975d ago

"The base of continuing improving is to change stuff."

Yeah, but changing from Kratos to some female just to pander SJWs and feminazis is not improving, it's actually quite the opposite.

CanadianTurtle1975d ago

Changing the protagonist's gender does not equal "improvement."

thorstein1975d ago

You riled the snowflakes. They are pretty angry that someone might disturb their carefully manufactured fantasies.

1974d ago
+ Show (4) more repliesLast reply 1974d ago
TechnoGoat1975d ago

Today's society is ass, and you'd like to keep it that way?

PowerOfTheCloud1975d ago (Edited 1975d ago )

No it really isn't. While surely not perfect, Western societies are one of the big achievements of mankind.But It is mostly people who blame others for their own flaws and failures who try to present themselves as victims and make it seem like they live under some kind of tyranny while they were born in a place and time with almost unlimited freedom.

jojo3191975d ago

@mandf best comment of the day.

mandf1975d ago

Let's say link was a girl. Zelda on nes was my favorite game of all time. 30 years later we wouldn't need to make link a man just to appease someone.

If kratos started a women so be it. We wouldn't need to make kratos a man to massage someone's sense of worth or envy because the baddest character of all time is a man or woman.

CanadianTurtle1975d ago


Epic fail on your part. I hope you were being sarcastic.

rainslacker1975d ago

If kratos started as a woman, the question would never be asked about if she were made a man.

memots1974d ago

was it assigned at birth base on predetermined standard of a patriarchal society?
yeah its never ending with these idiots.

mogwaii1974d ago

What if you grew a brain?

MisterLou1974d ago

@mogwaii What if you sucked my D?

+ Show (6) more repliesLast reply 1974d ago
ArchangelMike1976d ago (Edited 1976d ago )

Well to be fair they could do a spin-off for Faye. She's a goddess and 'giant' after all. Sort of a prequel to God of War ***spoilers*** before she died. She obviously went on a quest and left all those yellow hand markers for Kratos and Atreus to follow. Also it could connect the story to why Baldur came to Kratos in that first encounter expecting to see one of the giants. That might be a cool concept.

Buy yeah, Kratos is Kratos - alpha male, demi-god, unstoppable force of rage and testosterone. Go make your own female character, and leave Kratos alone :)

-Foxtrot1976d ago

I’d like to see Faye or even Freya

conanlifts1975d ago (Edited 1975d ago )


Do you think Freya will be the enemy in the next God of war

AspiringProGenji1975d ago

Probably, or she would put the Vanir gods againts Kratos at least

solideagle1975d ago


I think she will join Odin/Thor to take revenge but she is soft hearted and change in the middle of battle...

ShadowWolf7121975d ago

Bro, there is no way in Hell she would willingly rejoin Odin. Or that Odin's paranoid behind would let her.

Kashima1976d ago

Don't mind as long plays like the old GoWs

1975d ago Replies(1)
Fritzwochel1975d ago

I don't mind as long as we get a nude mod

Silly gameAr1975d ago (Edited 1975d ago )


But, if the GOW is female, aren't you afraid that it will be censored? /s

Kashima1974d ago

Western games don't get censored

annoyedgamer1976d ago (Edited 1976d ago )

Considering the high levels of misogyny and sexism in gaming, removing all male heroes would be a good idea to show cishet straight white males they no longer have control of the hobby. I say make God of War a female, Gears of War and Uncharted should be next as well. All these fandoms are is a breeding area for toxic masculinity anyways.

Sciurus_vulgaris1976d ago (Edited 1976d ago )

Toxic masculinity seems to be nothing more than “catch all” term thrown around by SJWs to demean males. If there is such a thing as “toxic masculinity” its counterpart “toxic femininity” must also exist. How do the games Gears of War, Uncharted and God of War breed toxic masculinity? Also, there playable female characters in Gears and Uncharted. Gears 5 will have female lead and Uncharted: The Lost Legagcy was also female lead.

Sirk7x1975d ago

Don't feed the troll lol. Don't do it.

smashman981975d ago

Lol were supposed to ignore dumb comments my brother.

1975d ago
SegaGamer1976d ago

This is up there with the worst things I have ever read on here. People like you are ruining entertainment by trying to make it political instead of what it was intended to be........fun.

If anybody is toxic, it's people like you.

thorstein1975d ago

This entire comment's section is up there with the worst things I have read on here.

Such dumbassery

salmonade1976d ago

You must be joking. I mean I know you're a self loathing member of the LGBT community, but I really believe you don't believe what you just posted at all. It's kind of stupid really. Anyway, continue on friend.

gamer78041975d ago

I'm being honest here, are you just being sarcastic? I really can't tell if this is what you actually believe...

conanlifts1975d ago (Edited 1975d ago )

No, sexism is not the answer. The answer lies in creating new characters like Aloy in Horizon Zero Dawn.
As for uncharted, they have with Nadine.

KickSpinFilter1975d ago

Exactly, Aloy was a kick ass character

AnubisG1975d ago

Exactly! The answer is crearing new characters and not replacing existing ones for the sake of social justice. I said this before, I don't want the next Kratos to be a woman just as much as I don't want the next Lara Croft to be a man.

kneon1975d ago


Changing Kratos to suddenly be female would be silly. But what if he finally retires (not dead of course as he has a long track record of not staying dead for long :) ), couldn't we then have a new female character take over as the God of War? It's a title after all, not an individual person.

1975d ago Replies(4)
prankster1011975d ago (Edited 1975d ago )

Given that men created gaming... what has women's contribution been, apart from crying rampant sexism and misogyny, despite the plethora of readily available tools being made available that readily enable them to go out there and make their own shitty games?

All the fcuktard women and SJWs who cry about this stuff should maybe put aside their victim mentality for a second, download a copy of Unity, and actually take the time to learn / craft good games. Maybe then they can dispense with their gender-based victimhood claptrap, and be judged according to meritocratic principles in a market that actually favours good games - irrespective of what gender the creator is.

And yes, I have watched Atlita. And played Beyond Good And Evil. Both great products starring strong women. Not these weak-ass women that the media loves to "champion".

Weakness is not a strength.

Araragifeels 1975d ago

And this is the reason why I dislike people bringing their agenda into our entertainment. Entertainment should be a place where is a safe zone from politics, religion, and extreme ideas from group of people. This is why I love Japan developers, they don't give two crap about politics, agenda or religion since the only that matters is making a great product and making profit. As a Latino, keep your ideas for yourself.

Brave_Losers_Unite1975d ago

Yeah sure buddy. Thats why they censor all of their porn. The Japanese version of Resident Evil 2 remake also reduces gore. Dont be so blind loving for Japan

Araragifeels 1975d ago

@Brave_Losers_Unite First thing, I don't care about Japan porn industry and I don't care about censor Japanese games since I don't play games for nudity but for the story, action and to have fun. Second thing, outside of Japan, Resident Evil 2 Remake doesn't have any reduce gore. I don't love anything that comes out of Japan but I respect how they don't care about Western politics, agenda and religion. And that they don't applied these to their culture and Entertainment.

Shikoku1975d ago

Sorry snowflake but as your sexist ass put it "straight white males" still are the hobby, we are still the majority and if projections continue we will be the hobby for a few more decades. Most "straight white male" gamers I know are fine with females, homosexuals and people of color in games. What we aren't ok with is the bullshit you just shit out and especially when it's forced into a game narrative in obvious ways where it isn't needed or intended to be or when a character is changed from male to female or sexual orientation is change just to fit in with the counter culture cool kids. The misogyny and sexism being shown right now? Is your own.

1975d ago
notachance1975d ago

this is why you can't ever "win" lol, changing established things is not the way to do it.

go make your own all-new masterpiece games, that's how you "win"

UltraNova1975d ago

This is all sorts of fucked up and derailed.

MODs when ever you're ready...

thejigisup1975d ago

Who are you kidding? They'd rather fail articles about gaming companies taking a stance about their advertising practices. Mods haven't really been on point lately.


AnubisG1975d ago

There is 0 misogyny and sexism in video games. If you think there is, it is because you are looking for it desperately and want to fimd it.

spicelicka1975d ago

No. It should be the artist's discretion what they think fits a story, nothing should ever be done for political purposes. Most games are about killing people, it doesn't make sense to display women's empowerment by forcibly showing that they can kill people too.

StormSailor1975d ago

A big pile of crap was said in the comment

It was expected to come from a person with this avatar

syphon321975d ago

Your way of thinking is toxic to masculinity

rainslacker1975d ago

Considering we still make up the largest section of the consumer vase for these kinds of games, I'd say we still have control. Or at least we are still the primary audience.

Also, there is nothing to say the people annoyed by it are straight white males. I know some that are of differe races or sexual prefences that are annoyed by it, or just don't care, or roll their eyes at the pandering nature of it all.

Classifying those who express annoyance as straight white males is more sexist, racists, and I guess I'll say heterophobic than those you are calling out.

MajorLazer1975d ago

You are the only toxic one with your toxic views

The7Reaper1975d ago

Sounds like a good way to crash the market due to low sales lmao

thejigisup1971d ago

I think you should rethink how you present your opinion it makes you sound not very intelligent. Look at the disagrees on this one. There's a million reasons to disagree with removing all make heroes... So you wanna get rid of Mario eh? How about link, Nathan Drake, master chief, banjo, Donkey Kong, Sonic, etc to push an anti white male agenda? You are really dense. Probably need to just start taking games at face value and appreciating them for what they are meant to do which is provide entertainment.

+ Show (17) more repliesLast reply 1971d ago
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God of War Needs to Redefine Kratos' Purpose Clearly and Quickly

Whatever form the next God of War game takes, it needs to be clear about what role Kratos is playing, lest the franchise lose direction.

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Nacho_Z59d ago

I'm pretty sure it'd be a major mistake having Atreus as the main character in the next GoW. Seems to me like at best people tolerate him and his gameplay sections.

Ideally the story for the next game would be that Atreus has gone missing in Egypt, Kratos gets mad about it, picks up Mimir and goes on a god killing rampage.

Mad_Matt59d ago

If that is an option for the dev team then they need to make it a clean slate. No Atreus, No Mimir. That's what happened when he changed pantheons before. Lets Kratos be in that world. But it will be a difficult task to complete. Kratos and his past demons are getting a bit redundant as far as story telling goes.

Nacho_Z59d ago

Yeah there's not a lot of meat left on the bone story wise. Personally I'd happily accept any goofy reason they could come up with for why Kratos is in Egypt chopping off heads. I'm personally not that bothered about the finer points of the storytelling, although they do it well.

The_Hooligan58d ago

I would still like to have Mimir in the next game. They (devs) can justify it by saying that Mimir wants to gain knowledge about other realms/pantheons. Also, personally I think Alastair Duncan did a great job as Mimir and would love to see the continuation of the small banters Kratos and Mimir had in the past games.

goldwyncq58d ago

The point of Ragnarok's ending is to show that Atreus is his own man now. Having Daddy Kratos save him in Egypt after getting himself into trouble would just undo his entire character development.

Nacho_Z58d ago (Edited 58d ago )

The point was more to do with getting Atreus out of the way rather than him being saved. Let's say he's off on his own adventures then and invent another reason for Kratos to be in Egypt.

Could be that Kratos thinks he's been captured or killed as motivation but at the close of the game it turns out Atreus has been up to his own shady shenanigans.

Lionsguard59d ago

They need to bring back the "God of War" in God of War. I was expecting to unleash hell and fury in Asgard against Thor that they really talked up in the first game but all we got was brooding middle aged dad drunk in a beer hall. Ragnarok was still "good" but I left that game expecting a lot more.

InUrFoxHole59d ago

Tried Rag... just couldn't get into it. Felt like more of the same. I would welcome a Kratos only game again.


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