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Review: 'Resident Evil 2' is better than most horror movies | Omaha

You won't get the complete experience unless you play the game with both characters.

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Community2062d ago
SuperSonic912062d ago

Have been saying this thing lately.
Until Dawn has revolutionized horror games. Same with Bloodborne.
Horror games seems to expand the games market with young adults.
Storytelling in video games cannot be matched by movies.

kevnb2062d ago

You must be pretty young.

Eidolon2062d ago

Primarily action role-playing, souls-like. but a good defining sub-genre in terms of the feel of the game, direction, art music, atmosphere, horror is pretty spot on.

Imalwaysright2062d ago

In what way did those games revolutionized horror games?

Eidolon2062d ago

Until Dawn, only because you can choose a path. Bloodborne was an amazing game perioid, but not a Horror game primarily. RE2 didn't revolutionize horror games either, at least not the remake. I would say RE PS1 games are the father of survival horror.

PaleMoonDeath2062d ago

Evem more so on Harcore, best experienced on the first playthrough. Stellar game.

Eidolon2062d ago

It was a touugghh run first playthrough, but finally beat it just beat a few hours ago. It was actually kind of fun learning fast ways to getting from one save to another, while collecting and conserving as much as possible, just to save some ink ribbons. lol. I have loads save soooo many times to do this.

Lord_Sloth2062d ago

Most horror movies are trash.

Imalwaysright2062d ago

If you want good horror movies you have to watch movies from the 70s and 80s.

masterfox2062d ago

And this is just one game of ton of awesome games that were released in the PS1 era.

SuperSonic912062d ago

The groundwork was laid back then.
PlayStation is a platform of immense variety for all ages.
I am glad they change the face of gaming from just kiddie games.

carcarias2062d ago (Edited 2062d ago )

I think they did a fantastic job with this game BUT I have to say I was disappointed by the difficulty settings. Normal is a breeze in general and the lack of ribbon system takes most of the intensity away from it since you're never in any danger of losing progress. Therefore I found myself not even caring what was around the corner.

I quit my playthrough as I left the Police Station since I wasn't enjoying it. I restarted on Hardcore. Immediately the 'classic' tension came back but, unfortunately, having zombies often take soooo many hits to kill (seemingly a random number?) and, more importantly, having their bites take you straight to danger was just frustrating rather than exciting for a bunch of reasons. Moderately higher zombie damage on Hardcore, compared to normal, would have been the sweet spot for me.

I unlocked Tofu on the original but I'm not sure I can even bring myself to complete Claire's campaign. I hope any future remakes that play like this have a Classic mode in between Normal and Hardcore. Still, it's a great game.

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Video Game Villain OSTs That Strike Fear Into Your Heart Like Nothing Else

Certain villains in gaming, such as Resident Evil's Mr. X and Baldur's Gate 3's Raphael, have accompanying, super fitting OSTs that strike terror into the hearts of players.

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Community33d ago
P_Bomb33d ago

The NES Ninja Gaiden boss music is forever burned into my brain! 😝


Resident Evil 2 Remake Achieves A New Unfathomable Sales Milestone

The Resident Evil 2 remake has hit yet another huge milestone that no one saw coming, becoming the series' highest-sold single SKU title.

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Community96d ago
Cacabunga95d ago

Great game, shows how enjoyable old school games are

franwex96d ago

Bought this game like 2 years ago and have yet to play it. I was about to yesterday night, but decided to plow through my existing ff7 rebirth play through instead. But this is next up.

CrimsonWing6995d ago (Edited 95d ago )

Man, I hope that rumored classic trilogy collection drops. One thing I loved about these Remakes were how they blended that old-school obtuse back-tracking puzzle solving gameplay and this is going to sound psycho but the gore was kinda next level, lol.

Excellent game, though I kinda hate how these Remakes omit large portions of the originals. I’d have liked to see the giant spiders in the sewer or do something creative with the giant moth. Also I wish the city bit was more 1:1. One of the coolest parts was just seeing the city and the chaos that happened in the OG 2 and 3.


The best horror games on Xbox Game Pass

Got an Xbox and a Game Pass subscription and want something spooky to play? Here are the best horror games on Xbox Game Pass.

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