
THQ Nordic issues official statement about Metro Exodus releasing as timed-exclusive on Epic's store

DSOGaming writes: "In a series of tweets, THQ Nordic stated its official stance regarding the timed-exclusive release of Metro Exodus on Epic’s digital store. According to THQ Nordic, the decision to release the game initially only on Epic’s store was made entirely by Koch Media who is responsible for Deep Silver’s games."

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Vits2005d ago (Edited 2005d ago )

"It wasn't us who decided take the game out of Steam two weeks before launch, even though the game was up to pre-orders there for a month. It was our subsidiary that made that call, even though we do have control over them".

Pretty basic PR response.

fiveby92005d ago

I will not purchase any game on PC exclusive to the EPIC store. So two games which I had interest are off my buy list, The Div 2 and Metro Exodus. I like competition for Valve but not this way. Plus EPIC has no user reviews on their store. Valve's user reviews which show the number of hours played alongside the user who posted the review are very useful. I am not blindly loyal to Valve / Steam but EPIC's storefront is not the way to go right now.

Profchaos2005d ago

I don't see a problem with epics store it's probably on par with origin and battlenet it's not feature rich at the moment but it's early days. Like most people I'd prefer to have my games in the one place but these days that's impossible

DefenderOfDoom22005d ago

Do Steam users not have the ability to watch or read reviews outside the Steam site , heck no.!

fiveby92005d ago

@DefenderofDoom2 What is useful about Steam user reviews is they are accompanied by the number of hours a person played the game. So it is known that the account posting the review actually owns and has played teh game. But yes I do agree that it is still important to watch streams or YT vids of a game before making a purchasing decision.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 2005d ago
Nitrowolf22005d ago (Edited 2005d ago )

That last statement sounds so contradicting

They didn’t make the call, but the people that they are in charge of made the call. -_-

I mean that sounds like they went over their head then, and if that’s the case than why not reverse the decision if they are trying to shift the blame yet say they have control over it, what?!?!?!

crazyCoconuts2005d ago

Yeah, that's crazy. Either defend your people's decision or make it right.

Vits2005d ago

This is me summarizing their answer though. Their original comment is obviously far less sincere and don't touch on the fact that THQ Nordic are the owner of Koch Media, they actually try to spin it calling it a "sister company".

UltraNova2005d ago

Watch THQ Nordic go through the same shit Crystal Dynamics went through when they decided to upset the market by making the TR reboot exclusive to Xbox for one year.

Obscure_Observer2005d ago


"Watch THQ Nordic go through the same shit Crystal Dynamics went through when they decided to upset the market by making the TR reboot exclusive to Xbox for one year."

It wasn´t the TR reboot. It was the sequel, Rise of the Tomb Rider. If you want to start something, a least get your facts straight.

UltraNova2004d ago


Provided you skiped my point entirely, you admit it was a bad move on behalf of CD. Great nice to see some sense into to you for a change.

*I meant the series reboot. You knew it, you're just salty as a beef jerky.

yomfweeee2005d ago

Even though we do have control over them? What the hell? Then it was you.

fiveby92005d ago

@Profchaos For me it's less about the additional launcher than the lack of user reviews and exclusivity. Currently having no user reviews is a minus IMO. Publishers would like to stifle user reviews on the store where they hope to sell you their game. Why not sell the game on both Steam, EPIC, and others? Perhaps Valve will modify their cost model for publishers someday. Or maybe EPIC will enable reviews in their store.

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 2004d ago
kevnb2005d ago (Edited 2005d ago )

easy guaranteed money for the publisher...

GhostTurtle2005d ago

At the cost of a shit ton of sales, sure!

--bienio--2005d ago

For me metro Exodus not exist at the moment simply as that. We can complain steam for different things,but remove game two weeks before release is shot at the foot. Epic fail.

badz1492005d ago


upvoted for "Epic fail"


Taz X142005d ago

While I understand their reasoning for doing this, I think the fact they had pre-orders on steam for ages before mentioning this is probably the worst way to announce exclusivity. I'd be interested to know if the number of sales they expect to lose over this debacle gets offset from the increased profits they'll get from Epic's reduced take.

crazyCoconuts2005d ago

Right. And by the time it hits Steam, I don't think they'll be able to pull off full price.

badz1492005d ago

WIN-WIN for Steam customers, no?

I know the urge to play a game on day-1 but I found it very hard to justify that decision nowadays due to the seasonal sales and Humble Bundle etc. personally this applies to multiplats on PC for me. I have only EVER bought 1 game on launch day on Steam which was SSOD but that was $10. the other hundreds of games in my Steam Library cost me like $60 or maybe less. not each, but ALL ~= $60 because I waited for sales and bundles before I got them.

maybe it's just me but I don't really like digital only like on PC due to the fact that they are unsellable after. they are stuck to my account forever thus I don't feel like spending a serious amount of cash for them. I only spend when I think the amount is not gonna sting so that's why I wait most of the time.

I have both Metro Redux and you guess it, I got both for <$5. Good games are good games 4-5 years later too. even if they age badly, well...at least you didn't splash too much for them.

lelo2play2005d ago

So it's timed exclusive...

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gold_drake10h ago

that merch tho.

ridiculous the numbers they pull in, which makes it even worse when i think about the low budget broken games they make. or have made recently

-Foxtrot2h ago

We’re never getting an amazing mainline Pokémon game again are we

phoenixwing2h ago

Of course not. That's why I have tem tem because even if it's not the greatest I at least know the indie dev was trying

ZeekQuattro1h ago

Great plug for Tem Tem right there. It's not the greatest but at least they tried.... 🤣


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Love me some third person action games.
Reminds me that Black myth is weeks away...