
Yoko Taro: The Reasons Why We Kill in Video Games Shine a Light on What's Broken in Humans

Yoko Taro, the game director of NieR:Automata, expressed a particularly deep thought on killing in video games and what that says about humans as a whole.

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Jackhass2030d ago

This guy always has some interesting insights.

robtion2029d ago

He does. I like that he speaks his mind.

I think some people are misinterpreting what he said. He is not saying there is no difference between real life and virtual killing.

He is basically just pointing out that humans have an inate fascination with violence as a form of entertainment (that is, we have a dark streak).

For example horror movies, action films, most video games, or say the UFC.

abstractel2029d ago (Edited 2029d ago )

For me it's never been about what I am shooting, it could be a non-sentient glob of goo moving around that react in an awesome way when they are shot.

I believe this will become more of an issue when games near photo realism, but I also feel that developers has matured with it and will continue to do so.

I consider the gaming medium relatively new, compared to the other formats that deliver fictional stories like feature films. IMO story isn't that great in most games and does not compared to books and movies etc.. Last of Us is one of the few titles I really felt had a quality script executed really well so I am not saying there aren't exceptions but our industry has a long way to go (as much as I passionately love it!).

-Gespenst-2030d ago (Edited 2030d ago )

Speak for yourself. I don't play super violent games, because I don't enjoy the violence. Moreover, even if you do enjoy violent videogames, that doesn't mean that you'll enjoy real violence. They're two very different experiences, no matter how similar they appear. Yoko Taro himself should know this given that he makes videogames. Exaggerated and ridiculous sound effects and visual effects - you don't get these things in real life. Killing is brutal and traumatic for all involved (especially the victim) unless you're a psychopath. It's far from fun, unlike how it is often portrayed in entertainment. To be honest, the fact that he's saying this sort of betrays his own confusion about the difference between entertainment and reality. That's worrying, because he's a grown-ass man. People like him need to stay grounded in reality and not let entertainment inform them about it.

SixFragz2029d ago

I agree with your comment, but i'm not sure why you got many dislikes, so maybe we are missing something. Maybe those who dislike can tell us something we've missed, because you bring up a clearly valid point.

It is simply intrigue and human nature to sort of be fascinated by action and violence through ENTERTAINMENT. Of course, some people such as yourself don't enjoy violence in video games, and that's completely understandable.

Entertainment and reality should be kept separate, but there are some cases where idiotic people mix the two, and think that some of the things they see in video games would be alright to replicate in real life.

It's quite ironic how someone who is ingrained with video games such as Taro can echo such a thing. I assume he was trying to be enlightening and insightful, but I don't agree with him at all.

Timesplitter142029d ago (Edited 2029d ago )

If you play anything from Chess to Zelda to Fortnite, then the "we enjoy killing in games" comment still applies to those. Graphic/realistic violence is completely superficial and doesn't make much of a difference

I don't think he necessarily means that we'd enjoy killing things at random in the real world, but rather that we enjoy imagining that we'd have some kind of terrible enemy that we could fight and destroy. A bit in the same way that most superhero fantasies involve villains, and they're not just about some person helping others at random. We want to have something to fight, because that sounds more fun to us

I'm not saying that's a good thing, but I think that's how things are right now

Timesplitter142029d ago


...even when it's not technically "killing", like in sports or in superhero stories where the hero never kills, I think it still caters to the same basic instinct as violent games. We want to have stuff to fight against and vanquish, or else we get bored

fr0sty2029d ago

In the beginning, it was the virtual villain that got us to enjoy simulated harm/killing. Now, when given the freedom to, we will mow a taxicab over a street full of virtual pedestrians, blow up a police station, stab a hooker, etc... regardless of what lipstick you put on it to make it morally acceptable, beneath the surface it's all the same thing.

It's the same reason we get off on violence on TV, the news, etc... The song "Vicarious" comes to mind.

rainslacker2029d ago

More often than not, when you kill in games, it's done so from the point of view of being the right thing to do. Or at least, the player has the moral high ground. I don't think that it's people subconsciously enjoy violence, I think it's that people subconsciously want to do the right thing, or be the hero. Our media, in general, has perpetuated the idea that violence is an acceptable way to be such a way, at least when it's done in a fictional sense, and occasionally it's OK when it's not fictional.

Some games attempt to blur that line, like where you play a bad guy, but even in those games, there is often some form of twisted logic which makes it acceptable.

EloquentRooster2029d ago

No you're all getting his message wrong. Hes explaining that we as humans ALLWAYS WANT what we cant have. Always. And hes right. Yes we have a fascination for action that has been adultered through entertainment. But it's more of violence that we have a problem with. Yet we want peace. If we were a peaceful world we would want what we couldnt have. It's a double vortex of sin is in our nature!!! This is what he means philosophically

mogwaii2029d ago

You are completely missing the point, completely.

Omnislashver362028d ago (Edited 2028d ago )

Way to completely misinterpret what he said.

The point is that we enjoy it because we have things to fight for. Whether or not we're conscious of it, everyone has a reason for fighting.

It could be survival, it could be a struggle of ideals, it could be philosophical to some extent, or a combination. It could be to protect those you care about.

And when you have all of this at your disposal you can write an interesting game. It has nothing to do with whether you enjoy violence in real life, most of us aren't under the same circumstances of a videogame so it's easy to differentiate as fantasy.

The point is it's some allegory, a fantasy metaphor for something. And whether it be DOOM taking on hellish monsters(survival) or Kingdom Hearts and friendship(ideals), it reflects something about our personalities. If we had no "fight" we would be NPCs.

The very fact you have a stance against him shows you have the urge to stand for your opinion. That's the EXACT thing he's speaking on and being insightful to the writing of new videogame material.

Cobra9512028d ago

Thank you, EloquentRooster. That's the most thought-provoking interpretation of the short statement that I've seen yet.

+ Show (4) more repliesLast reply 2028d ago
PhoenixUp2030d ago

He’s had this message since the first Drakengard

bluefox7552029d ago

While I enjoy his work, I completely disagree with this sentiment.

Captain_J_Sheridan2029d ago

We still carry a lot from our primal age, we like to identify an enemy, kill it and rejoice on our survival and protection of our own

If there's no enemy to be found, we'll create'em

Hungryalpaca2029d ago

He’s not wrong. It’s what people do. Not everyone but it is what happens.

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Nier Automata Receives Surprise Update 1.07 on PS4, Fixes Long-Standing Issue

NieR: Automata has received a surprise update, version 1.07, on the PS4, which appears to have resolved a major bug that has long troubled the game.

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phoenixwing2d ago

They patched some crashing bugs. There no click needed

Ratchetlombax17h ago

Which is great news nonetheless, the previous patch came out 7 years ago and no one expected the devs to fix the game anymore! I've actually played the game only recently on my PS5 thanks to backwards compatibility, and I was hit with constant crashes in a specific area, and I've seen a lot of players complaining about it too, so I think that's awesome for future players

phoenixwing16h ago

I didn't say or imply it's bad news. I'm just annoyed someone made an article with a cryptic title so I revealed the pertinent info

Dirty_Lemons9h ago

Oh that's interesting! I played it last April for the first time on PS5 and suffered no crashes, but I played it on Switch and...yeah

YourMommySpoils1d 5h ago

That's it, Stellar Blade colab confirmed.

jznrpg1d 1h ago (Edited 1d 1h ago )

It should have a PS5 version already. I hope they release it, physically though

YourMommySpoils17h ago(Edited 17h ago)

Maybe, but it does coincide with the Stellar Blade collab Roadmap.

garos8219h ago

thats interesting so many years later. never encountered any crashes in my multiple playthroughs but great nonetheless for those affected.

Ratchetlombax17h ago

Yeah it was mostly an issue for PS5 players and it popped up pretty recently because of a PS5 software update

Notsofast8h ago

That's excellent news that crashing happened to me at least 50 times while playing the game a few months ago before playing Stellar Blade almost a game ending bug for some people because you have to pass that area to beat the game and it just kept happening

OtterX2d ago

For me, these Mario + Rabbids games were the best thing Ubisoft has developed in recent years. I'd hate to see Ubisoft drive the series into the ground like their other properties, so I think 2 games are enough. Maybe 1 more.

Inverno2d ago

They can't ruin it because Ninty will send their ninjas to destroy all traces of it. If not for that you can bet that spinoff series would've been milked dry by now.

XiNatsuDragnel2d ago

Good luck in your future endeavors

Hotpot2d ago

Thank you for Mario + Rabbids series, I quite enjoyed it

Einhander19722d ago

Great games, I have wanted Sony to copy these games with their own mascots for years.

Michiel19891d 16h ago

not cinematic or 3rd person enough for Sony

DefaultComment2d ago

I think Nintendo has to hire this guy, I mean the fact that miuamoto himself said to him that he is impressed with this work, speaks volumes. Th possibility on having Mario on Soliani's hand could be incredible and quite possibly a new era for Mario games.

OtterX2d ago (Edited 2d ago )

Yea, these games didn't even feel Ubisoft at all. This felt very authentic Nintendo. This guy's direction is obviously stellar, and Ubisoft somehow managed to not kill it with microtransactions and repetitive, boring tasks.


10 GameCube Games That Actually Need A Remake

Cultured Vultures: We’re going through the Nintendo Gamecube back catalog to find the games most deserving of a remake.

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Chard2d ago

Missing the most important game - Rogue Leader