
Slightly Mad clarify Project CARS 3 is less of a sandbox but more fun

Slightly Mad Studios’ CEO Ian Bell has elaborated on his earlier comments on Project CARS 3 giving us a better understanding of the direction of the upcoming racer.

mcstorm2032d ago

I need to revisit these games I got P cars on the Xbox one and it was just a mess. Tried the demo of 2 on the X but did not feel right compaired to fm7 but I now have a pc so may try them on here and see how it fairs.

As for 3 sounds intresting but I see there being a bit of a backlash from its core gamers but I'm all for change in games if it improves them so wait and see.

Mystogan2031d ago

I really don't see why anyone would play this if you can just play Forza.

Ricegum2031d ago

I prefer Project Cars.

Mystogan2031d ago

You probably don't have a gaming PC or an Xbox.

Ricegum2031d ago

I do, I use game pass on PC. I liked the recent Forza Horizon, put plenty of hours into it, but I prefer track racers and Project Cars is better for me than Forza.

Hyperstrada2031d ago

I like the track selection on PC2, better. I am tired of Forza's same tracks. The wheel has better feel in PC2 also. I have not tried FM7 in a while I know they updated the force feedback. maybe its good now? I alos like qualifying for a race in PC2 in single and MP. Causes less pileups in the first turn.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 2031d ago
Movefasta19932031d ago

they handle way better on pc, especially with a controller The console ports are lazy

mcstorm2029d ago

Are sweet ill defo give this a try then

Nacho_Z2031d ago

Great game handling and graphics wise but the career mode could have been better.

rahul88882030d ago (Edited 2030d ago )

I hope they succeed, just to shake up the status quo a bit. That being said, I will be really, really amazed if this new console is even remotely successful. Beyond just making quality, affordable hardware, they will need a seriously impressive lineup of AAA and indie games at launch to tempt anyone.

OtterX2d ago

For me, these Mario + Rabbids games were the best thing Ubisoft has developed in recent years. I'd hate to see Ubisoft drive the series into the ground like their other properties, so I think 2 games are enough. Maybe 1 more.

Inverno2d ago

They can't ruin it because Ninty will send their ninjas to destroy all traces of it. If not for that you can bet that spinoff series would've been milked dry by now.

XiNatsuDragnel2d ago

Good luck in your future endeavors

Hotpot2d ago

Thank you for Mario + Rabbids series, I quite enjoyed it

Einhander19722d ago

Great games, I have wanted Sony to copy these games with their own mascots for years.

Michiel19891d 16h ago

not cinematic or 3rd person enough for Sony

DefaultComment2d ago

I think Nintendo has to hire this guy, I mean the fact that miuamoto himself said to him that he is impressed with this work, speaks volumes. Th possibility on having Mario on Soliani's hand could be incredible and quite possibly a new era for Mario games.

OtterX2d ago (Edited 2d ago )

Yea, these games didn't even feel Ubisoft at all. This felt very authentic Nintendo. This guy's direction is obviously stellar, and Ubisoft somehow managed to not kill it with microtransactions and repetitive, boring tasks.


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Chard2d ago

Missing the most important game - Rogue Leader


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MestreRothN4G4d ago

Raph Koster wrote the #1 most influential game design book. Nice to see a game coming from him.