
Tales of Vesperia: Definitive Edition Gets New Trailers Showing the Characters

Tales of Vesperia: Definitive Edition is coming, Bandai Namco has been publishing special trailers for each of the main protagonists of the game.

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TheGoodestBoi2094d ago

Looking forward to playing this for the first time

Knightofelemia2094d ago

1 more week damn it's no coming quick enough

MoshA2094d ago

Isn't this poor mans Ni No Kuni with a childish story? Play Dragon Quest 11.

Antnee5342094d ago

This imo is a much better rpg than dragon quest 11. Didnt even bother to finish 11 game was very boring and combat was a drag even when i love turn based games

MoshA2094d ago (Edited 2094d ago )

Yeah Ni No Kuni 2 was a massive disappointment. Barely any voices, boring combat with only the same characters and abilities every fight. Too much recycled music, some of the new one annoyed my ears. Same art style from last-gen, no improvements in graphics. Awful generic story compared to the first game. Ugly cutscenes compared to DQ11.

septemberindecember2094d ago

It came out long before No No Kuni.

gangsta_red2094d ago (Edited 2094d ago )

"Play Dragon Quest 11"

You talk about childish story and then suggest play DQ 11??

Automatic write off.

Sinemetsu2094d ago

This is clearly an unresearched and blind question/statement. Vesperia has one of the most nuanced and mature protagonists ever put into a JRPG, with a very deep story to boot.

Antnee5342093d ago

I can agree with you that ni no kuni 2 was a dissapointment compared to the first one, but i at least beat that game. 11 is just an example of a old school rpg trying to make it in this day with out enough flair to make it stand out.

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tulholdren2094d ago

Played the Japanese version on the PS3 liked it a lot can't wait to get it in English on the PS4 so the kids can understand and enjoy it too.

Relientk772094d ago

Can't wait to play this all next weekend.

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MadLad827d ago

Nothing too insane here. Though it might be time for ne to grab the Last Guardian.

cluclap826d ago

It's free on ps plus collection

MadLad826d ago

I honestly don't have PS Plus lol. I mainly play on PC, so I don't bother paying for online.

I just buy PS4/PS5 exclusives either day one, or when I get a good deal on them.