
Chrysler Classic Racing - Announced For Wii and DS

In a press release from Zoo Digital Publishing, they have announced the soon-to-be released title, Chrysler Classic Racing for the Nintendo Wii and Ds.

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Guardian: Puzzle Quest 2/GP Classic Racing Review

Guardian writes: "Last week UK studios continued to hog the prizes at the annual Develop Awards, as Hello Games were named best newcomer and Jagex were hailed as development legends, but while the games industry was distracted by the shindig there were a couple of new releases that shouldn't be allowed to slip by unnoticed."

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WorthPlaying: Chrysler Classic Racing Review

WorthPlaying writes: "As far as the Nintendo DS is concerned, the system has a good amount of racing games, with wildly different degrees of quality associated with them. You have the upper echelon of racers led by Mario Kart DS followed by Asphalt Urban GT 2, Diddy Kong Racing and Ridge Racer DS. The average racers come next, with games like MySims Racing, Need for Speed Undercover and Indianapolis 500 Racing representing some decent choices for the discerning Nintendo DS racing fan."

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SpoonyRedMage5540d ago

Most racers are absolute garbage on the DS. The Kart Racers are good but the Arcade racers are mostly garbage, it says something that Asphalt 4 on the DSiware is better than most of them and definitely looks better than the crap the major publishers are putting on there.*looks at EA*


WorthPlaying Review: Chrysler Classic Racing

WP writes: "More often than not, racing games that feature cars from only one manufacturer end up being bargain bin fodder, and for good reason. These games are about as bare-bones as possible, featuring mediocre graphics and sound as well as a plain racing circuit with few extras. While having all of the cars from a given manufacturer is nice, you still don't get the sense that they are all that different, turning a prime opportunity to put out a decent niche racing game into a wasted one. Despite the setbacks that come with such a game, however, they still get made, and unsuspecting people still buy them up. Chrysler Classic Racing for the Wii is another racing title that, sadly, fits well into this category. It does get credit for trying something different, but it ultimately fails on just about every level."

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