
The Conduit: A True Next Generation Experience

Iran White writes:

"At High Voltage Software's Halloween wrap party, (White) had a chance to interview Chief Creative Officer Eric Nofsinger and Founder and CEO Kerry Ganofsky. In part two of this interview, (White) shares with you the company's experience so far regarding Nintendo's online policies, as well as the approach that is being taken in order to put The Conduit on par - from a visual effects technique standpoint, with PS3 and Xbox 360 games."

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Shoko5718d ago

AH! Damn you websites. Stop showing old pics of the game, cause then people go "oh those graphics suck" but those pics are like 7 months old.

ChickeyCantor5718d ago (Edited 5718d ago )

It does not matter, to the hardcore ...for some reason Wii-music overshadows this game(look at the those articles and the amount of comments compared to conduit articles)...it seems Wii-music is far more interesting than this game.

Funny is it not? while they bash Wii-music they totally ignore this game. It also explains why they cry that there are only games like Cooking Mama and the likes.

Game looks good anyway, even if they are 7 months old pics.
I'm buying this for the controls.
Can't wait for Redsteel 2 either, redsteel 1 was crappy but in fact for a launche title and the first to use the Wii-mote in such way i think they did an on the edge of "decent" job.

Hope this game will get my FPS groove back.

Fox015718d ago

This title and Mad World are good reasons to own a Wii.

PS360WII5718d ago

sidar it's so true it's scary. People only focus in on the stuff they hate so they don't have to like the good stuff on the Wii :(

I too am buying this game for the controls. I really like fps with the pointer works very well and plus I usually like when they have alien guns in games.

TheFreak5718d ago

The Conduit will never match the 360ps3 graphics, but it probably will set a new standard for wii games graphic wise (hopefully). I am sick and tired of devs making half assed games for the wii. Actually it seems like the wii is getting some decent games in the future like skate it, the conduit, madworld, fatal frame....... And if only MR. Miyamoto could get his thumb out of his ass and make a proper game again, the wii future will be brigth again for the hardcore gamer who bought the wii for nintendo games not for wii fit or wii music. Im sorry Miyamoto lots of respect for you, but come on wii fit and wii music is nothing what the hardcore gamer wants

ChickeyCantor5718d ago

SO you think they are working on one title at a time?
Why do people think Nintendo is't making other games?

Punch out not a good sign?

TheFreak5718d ago (Edited 5718d ago )

No I dont think that they are working on one game at the time. They are currently working on a new super mario and a new zelda game. And this is fantastic. Only I think that nintendo are focusing waaaaay to much on the "casual gamer". They have released wii fit and wii music recent, but they have not released one game for the hardcore crowd in a long time as far as I know. And that real gamers will enjoy wii fit and wii music like Miyamoto said is such BS.

ChickeyCantor5718d ago (Edited 5717d ago )

The freak,
ever realised that maybe...maybe...Wii-fit doesn't need the development time of Zelda or Mario..Punch out....Metroid...F-zero????... .

If they are focussing to much on the casual crowd, then im just wondering how its even possible for them to bring out such batch of traditional games early in the Wiis life cycle.

"real gamers" ....so one that loves Wii-fit is a fake gamer?
Trust me there are "real" gamers out there who can appreciate that.
Don't push peole into corners because the words "real gamer" can come from anyone.

TheFreak5717d ago

oh come on sidar you know what I mean. Ok you can of course be a "real gamer" and like wii fit and wii music of course. Just saying that most ppl who are into gaming will not be into wii fit and wii music. Yes Nintendo put out great titles early in the wiis life cycle no doubt. But I am kinda tired og those games now I want new ones. Of course wii fit and wii music are taking up time from nintendos devs. If not wii fit and wii music where released nintendo had to release something else like maybe THOSE F-ING NINTENDO GAMES THAT WE LOVE!!!!!!!

+ Show (5) more repliesLast reply 5717d ago
GayASSAdmins5718d ago

the conduit looks good for a Wii title

THWIP715718d ago (Edited 5718d ago )



"....to put The Conduit on par - from a visual effects technique standpoint, with PS3 and Xbox 360 games." 0_0


Captain_Sony5718d ago

I wonder how long the mods will let a comment that is obviously in the wrong zone last.. Had your comments been directed at the PS3 you would enojy a 10 day ban.. Lets see if they apply those same rules when its not the PS3 being trashed by people who clearly do not understand whats being said in the article.

SL1M DADDY5718d ago

To think that a Wii game being on par with the PS3 or Xbox 360 games is a laughable offense? Sorry, but even I feel a level of skepticism when it comes to these claims.

Shoko5718d ago

What a douche bag. Your so foolish and you don't realize it. You basically said that graphics determine if a game is a next gen experience or not. How wrong could you be? when it comes down to it, features and gameplay determine if a game is next gen. Graphics is only a small part of a whole gaming experience. It's all about the gameplay.

Fishy Fingers5718d ago

I'm actually quite excited to get this. Conduit and MadWorld are my future Wii purchases.

But lets be frank, it's not on par with the 360 or PS3 visually.

Captain_Sony5718d ago

Let me be honest. They arent saying that. What they are talking about are effects not over all graphics design.

SL1M DADDY5718d ago (Edited 5718d ago )

And sorry, but only a developer of a game would say that a Wii title is any bit comparable to the 360 or PS3 titles by way of effects. I have to say that the devs are saying that due to a bit of bias and personal agenda...

The game looks good for what it is but comparing it to the other HD consoles is setting it up for a larger level of failure.

TruthbeTold5718d ago

They've gone out of their way in the past to stress the point that the game can look no better than the resolution allows. What they're saying is that they are pretty much using the visual effects techniques used in an hd game on a game that maxes out in 480p. It looks very good as a result. Do you really feel so threatened by that that you have to try and belittle them?

SL1M DADDY5718d ago

I'm not belittling anybody, just skeptical of any developer making claims like this about a game that has had little shown on it. Yeah it might look like the best Wii game to come if you judge it by the currents shots they have released but the best looking Wii game is not saying much. Sorry if you think that translates to insecurities but as a consumer of the Wii, I have yet to be truly impressed by their lame offerings. Heck, even the slightly decent titles are far and few between.

Captain_Sony5718d ago

It is actually very simple to understand. Wii CANNOT do 1080p.. WE all know that yes? ok so stop trying to act like everyone is saying it will rival PS3/ 360 graphics. Nobody is saying that. What they are talking about are things like Bloom. Bump mapping, particle effects, things that you will find in PS3/360 games. BTW a lot of the Conuit has been shown. It's all over the web.. Even the entire first level is posted. You're skeptical because you lack knowledge of the game or the things being discussed about it. Do not blame the game for you being uninformed. Go to IGN.Com and check out the videos they have, then come back and talk about it. I think what bothers me the most is you admit to having little knowledge of the game but still want to talk about it like you do. I mean your posts arent coming off as a post made by a gamer but a post made by a hater. Highest rated game this gen is on the Wii but you act as if every game is mediocre at best. Only certain types of people make those kinds of false claims and since I am not defending Sony I cannot say that word without being banned.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 5718d ago
shadowfox65718d ago

I feel they've done a great job here. finally a game developed for wii that does not portray the console like trash, they're using every cool function the system has.

This game deserves attention, I'm looking forward to it.

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A Late Look: Paper Mario

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Just last month Nintendo released a remake of the cult-classic Paper Mario: The Thousand-Year Door, so what better time could there possibly be to take a look not at that game, and not at its original, but at the Nintendo 64 game from 2000? None is what I say! This very first release in the Paper Mario series will also be my first entry point. So, let’s get to it."

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A Sonic Unleashed Remaster Is Long Overdue

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-Foxtrot12d ago (Edited 12d ago )

I think it's best we leave these games we're they belong...in the past

Secret Rings, Unleashed, Black Knight etc, they weren't the best at least enough for a remaster

Generations is getting one because they had something easy to shove Shadow into before the Sonic 3 film and it's probably the better ones they've did over the past decade or so.

rayford1511d ago

Unleashed was one of my favorite P3 games would love a remastered version

NSANiTY10d ago

Minus the Werehog levels and I'm in.

Redgrave11d ago

Would be called.... Sonic Re-Leashed

Father__Merrin10d ago

Wouldn't mind a sonic 06 re release


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