
Why Red Dead Redemption 2 shouldn't be on Switch

Not every game belongs on Nintendo's handheld-console hybrid, especially Rockstar's cowboy opus. It just doesn't make sense from a technical or business stance, and here's why.

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NecrumOddBoy2017d ago (Edited 2017d ago )

The game's over a hundred gigabytes worth of data. How in the hell is it going to run or be on Switch?

UCForce2017d ago

Yeah, I don’t think the game can run that on Switch especially how massive is it.

anonymousfan2017d ago

I am pretty skeptical it could run it indeed but they could opt for a cloud based version somewhere down the line meanwhile I would love to play something like GTAV or even the original Red Dead Redemption on the Switch and both of those were last gen/should fit on Switch just like LA Noire did.

whothedog2017d ago

Remember games like Doom or Wolfinstein 2 came to the switch when people thought it was impossible, I don't see why it couldn't happen with this one.

Double_O_Revan2017d ago

It simply couldn't. Article is technically pointless. Bringing up a topic solely based on a comment Reggie made.

Cmv382017d ago

Less about file size and more about performance. Rockstar could put the game on a flash to hold all 105 gigs. The problem is the switch itself. And I'll continue to use a recent game for example, nba 2k19. Its really bad on the switch. The switch wasn't built for these games.

The 10th Rider2017d ago

Yeah, this article is really over a non-topic. The game won't be on Switch because it couldn't run on Switch. It's not that it "shouldn't", it's that it "can't" so it's not even worth discussing, lol.

DarkKaine2017d ago

Most of that filesize is high quality video and audio.
The game isn't 100GB because it needs to be but because they don't have to use compression and downsampling.
Once you start doing that the size you end up with will surprise you.
I mean just look at all these old warez PC rips. Games would often be only 100MB instead of 700 just by taking out some video and using some compression wizardry.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 2017d ago
wonderfulmonkeyman2017d ago

Not sure anyone would buy it if it were anyways, given how much people play it for its graphics.
Any sort of sacrifice in that area might make people draw back, even if geniuses like Panic Button brought it as close as technically possible to other versions.

I'd prefer efforts be spent on getting other games onto the Switch, over RDR2.

anonymousfan2017d ago

Even Bethesda probably won't risk their latest open world games on Switch (although their ports of Wolfenstein and Doom seem to have sold well)... So yeah I agree it's not realistic.

wonderfulmonkeyman2017d ago (Edited 2017d ago )

I doubt it has anything to do with risk.
If anything the Switch has proven to be a good bet for devs like Bethesda, with the right titles.
RDR2 just isn't one of those right titles; anyone who wants it isn't going to get it on Switch if it comes out this late especially because of the graphics issue.

-volt-2017d ago

Its graphics? It is by far not the best looking game

wonderfulmonkeyman2017d ago (Edited 2017d ago )

Yet the realism in its graphics [and overall gameplay] is one of its key features and selling points. Especially when the devs talked about it.
None of this is an insult to the game or its players, btw.

starchild2011d ago

You're kidding right? It's easily one of the most impressive looking open worlds ever created, if not THE most.

chris2352017d ago

awww another gullible fanboy defending his favourite gadget because its brand logo has got complete power over his thinking. a little less bias a little more professionalism would be cool with bloggers these days.

King_Noctis2017d ago

Again, your comment kindda ironic really.

bigmalky2017d ago

"...and here's why."

The most condescending and overused journo term of 2018.

EddieNX 2017d ago

I'm fine playing it in my XB1X. Bring third party games that will actually run on my Switch and I'll buy them in a heartbeat to play anywhere.

wonderfulmonkeyman2017d ago

...except Ark: survival evolved.
That's a hot mess that I doubt even Panic Button could save.XD

EddieNX 2017d ago (Edited 2017d ago )

I actually had hoped the Switch version was going to be good. It's unplayable apparently lol. It was horrific on the Xbox one when I played it when it first came out. Never seen so many bugs in a game. Shame cus the game had massive potential.

We need good studios (like panic button) who are going to take these ports seriously.

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Red Dead Redemption 2 Needs 60FPS Update Before GTA 6 Arrives

Bawal from Tech4Gamers writes "Red Dead Redemption 2 is still incredibly popular today, and it's a shame it hasn't received a 60FPS upgrade for consoles yet."

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ocelot075d ago

Kind of wonder why they can't release a patch for 60fps. I don't expect a native ps5 just a patch to allow the original PS4 version run at 60 on ps5. They did it for the red dead redemption remaster.

Cacabunga5d ago

I just got the platinum a few weeks ago.. I would replay the whole main story in 60FPS if this happens.

ocelot075d ago

I tried forcing my self to play it on ps5 recently and the 30fps killed it for me I just can't do it.

Played the pc online version and it was just a joy playing it at 1440p 80+ FPS.

Amplitude4d ago

They could. There are 60fps mods for hacked PS5s. They're just waiting for the same reason they're waiting to release Red Dead 1 on PC - staggered hype

isarai5d ago

It needs far more than 60fps, better resolution, fix the trash checkerboard rendering that somehow makes 1440p look worse than 1080p, fix the input lag, and fix the wack HDR implementation.

sagapo5d ago

Yeah, the HDR is terrible, made me wonder why the dev’s even bothered.

isarai5d ago

The fact that they've been called out on it by several sources and still haven't done a thing. It's just ridiculous

anast5d ago

The game looks great on my PS5 and PC monitor. You might need to update your gear.

isarai5d ago

Everything i said is proven, documented and demonstrated by several sources including Digital Foundry. I have a $3k 4k lg OLED, and ive been professionally calibrating displays for over a decade. It aint me or my equipment

anast5d ago (Edited 5d ago )

It's too far away from trash. It looks great on my setup. It has to be your equipment or your perception or you enjoy being hyperbolic.

isarai5d ago


Learn to read, you're talking in circles.

anast5d ago (Edited 5d ago )

This is a common trend with you. You seem to not understand the words you are typing. But unlike you, I am not gifted enough to make judgments on the level of your literacy.

"Fix the trash" is being hyperbolic. At least, now we know what the problem is. It's not your equipment or Digital Foundry skewing your perception.

isarai5d ago

You seem to not understand how to read an entire sentence which seems to be the common trend with you. How about you quote the entire statement. "Fix the treash checkerboard rendering" which, yeah if it makes 1440p look worse than 1080p it's somehow not just failing to do it's only job, but actually making things worse. It would be better off thrown out....like trash. Hell even Digital Foundry reccomends forcing a 1080p output over 1440p for a clearer image, and even just made a new video like a week ago bringing up that problematic soft checkerboard rendering again.

All of which you can gather by my very first response to you, that you somehow respond to, but don't actually comprehend. It's like if i told you "hey here's $5 for you a coffee" you would respond "ok but i need a coffee and don't have any money" you ask the question to the answers you're currently replying to, can you not read? Do you not know how to fact check? Do search bars, google, and YouTube not exist for you? Figure it out, you're a whole ass human im not going to walk you through how to use your own damn brain.

sagapo5d ago

Anast, I’ve played Red Dead on my LG oled, it looked better with HDR turned off. The fact however that Gran Turismo in HDR looks superb on the same screen pretty much says it all. HDR in Red Dead is broken.

ocelot074d ago

Sorry but compared to pc even at 1080p on pc it looks like someone has rubbed vaseline on the console versions. Only time only time it looks really good on consoles is during cut scenes.

anast4d ago

I suppose you are doubling down. Good on you. The echoes got to sound good from your angle.

anast4d ago

I'm not talking about HDR. This is what I am addressing. "fix the trash checkerboard rendering that somehow makes 1440p look worse than 1080p." You all keep changing the goal posts so you can be right. The game looks great on my end.

+ Show (6) more repliesLast reply 4d ago
Rutaprkl5d ago

Rockstar's gonna do jack s*** about it

Profchaos5d ago (Edited 5d ago )

I've been waiting for this since getting my ps5 I don't think it's a big ask the game sold 32 million copies plus.

There's already homebrew out there to achieve this on modded consoles.

Knowing Rockstar they probably want to release a native version but will delay it over and over like GTA v which didn't need a native port tbh a 60fps patch would of been fine.

I predict however were more likely to get GTA IV remastering ported to PS4/5/switch same as rdr

PhillyDonJawn5d ago (Edited 5d ago )

Heck ya Game of the generation

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Best Red Dead Redemption 2 Settings for the Steam Deck: Optimized for 45 FPS

Red Dead Redemption 2 is among Rockstar Games’ most popular titles. Alongside GTA 5 (here’s our optimization guide), it ranks among the most widely downloaded media.

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