
Top 10 Most Anticipated Games Of 2019

Ron from NoobFeed writes - The everlasting tide of new games continues to flow and 2019 reserves a few promises for gamers all across platforms and genres. Let’s take a look at some of the games that we will be playing next year.

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Machina2064d ago

No way Cyberpunk comes out next year.

Fritzwochel2064d ago

Yup. Earliest 2020. Mite be a launch title for PS5.

cleft52064d ago

I have been saying that since the first day they announced the game. I am glad to see other people think this as well.

Vegamyster2063d ago

They said the game was playable from beginning to the end back in August, 2019 wouldn't be shocking.

Nicknasty2063d ago

Doubt it. PS5 is nothing more than a rumor right now. All speculation

2063d ago
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Mr_Commander2064d ago

how so? because, in my book, it is 2019 title. they have already 1 - 1,5 years to optimize it, it is more then enough.

wwinterj2064d ago

My exact thoughts when it comes to these lists. Not only that but 2020 seems like too much of a good opportunity to pass up being as this game is actually based on Cyberpunk 2020.

Orionsangel2063d ago (Edited 2063d ago )

Yep, I expect Cyberpunk to get delayed. It's very ambitious.

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Mr_Commander2064d ago

list is pretty shiiit in my book, no Dreams, no Days Gone? no The Last of Us? no Sekiro? no Death Stranding? where is Dying Light 2?

NecrumOddBoy2064d ago

No Ghosts of Tsushima either...

Zeldafan642064d ago ShowReplies(4)
Failcube2064d ago

Let's be real. Days Gone shouldn't be MOST anticipated. Trust me.

Atticus_finch2064d ago

Let's be the most real. Days Gone has a big chance of being an incredible game but I can guarantee the game won't have a meta worst than 8.0.

Christopher2063d ago

I'm really into Days Gone, but I wouldn't say most anticipated for the general mass market. It's in my wheelhouse, but I can completely see how it wouldn't be of much interest to the mass market of gamers.

ChrisW2063d ago

There's a reason why Death Stranding is not on it

Ausbo2063d ago

Last of us, death standing, and Tsushima are 2020. I don’t understand how people think those games are coming next year

salmonade2063d ago

They're not called "NoobFeed" for nothing. Just pathetic site

TheEroica2063d ago

What is death stranding? Why should I be excited for it?

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Platformgamer2064d ago

kingdom hearts 3, devil may cry 5, medievil, days gone, death stranding, ghost of tsushima, dreams, concrete genie, resident evil 2 and cuphead dlc for me

wwinterj2064d ago

Good list man. Even more so KH 3 and DMC 5.

King62064d ago

This is a pretty bad list

coolastheycome2064d ago

Anthem, Pokemon, Fire Emblem, and Resident Evil for me.

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Kingdom Hearts 3 finally gets Steam Deck Verified after missing out at launch

The first two titles in the trilogy were already Steam Deck Verified, but now Kingdom Hearts III has gotten its coveted green checkmark.


The OG Resident Evil just hit GOG, with Resident Evil 2 and 3 joining "soon"

Thank GOG for that!

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TheNamelessOne26d ago

I feel like they should have included the original games with the remakes they've been doing.


The GOG Resident Evil 2 port is based on the worst version of the game

The SourceNext version was a Japanese exclusive which could be why it wasn't used.

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Mad_Matt27d ago

Totally positive video on how GOG handled the ports. Leave it to N4G to add an inflammatory click bait title

thorstein26d ago

Videogamer.com wrote the headline.

I know of the BGFG connection.

As usual, the headline doesn't match the article.

mastershredder27d ago

Anglos weebing this had is pretty hard to watch. No f given on the subject matter at this point. If you fetish for culture is that hard, get a room honey or advanve past your teen years.

CrimsonWing6927d ago

I’m not quite picking up what you’re laying down. 🤔