
Pay what you want: more than $269 worth of PS4 games with the Humble THQ Nordic PlayStation Bundle 2

THQ Nordic has announced a Humble Bundle, allowing you to purchase a bundle of PS4 games at massive discount. This is the first time that games included in such a pack are available for use with PSN accounts from European regions and the Americas (SCIEE and SIEA)

Eidolon2092d ago

Lol. yeah if you calculate their full launch prices and not their current(permanent price-cut) non-sale prices.

2pacalypsenow2092d ago

Still all those games for $15 is a steal

Eidolon2092d ago (Edited 2092d ago )

Got most with PS +, PS Now, and previous humble bundle, or on flash sales.. some are only for the budget gamers(mediocre or just ok ratings).. so no, i wouldn't say it's a steal. quantity is not quality, you can't just tack on a game you're likely just playing because you bought it, and add it as part of the take.

2pacalypsenow2092d ago

Titan quest alone is worth $15, and Sine Moira.

Just because you pay for PS Now or bought a previous humble bundle doesn’t negate the fact that it’s a good deal for everyone else that hasn’t purchased any of these games.

Eidolon2092d ago (Edited 2092d ago )

it's only a steal if you will play most of those games.. i have seen most of these games cheaply on sale or on previous humble bundles. Again, with PS+ and PS Now, flash sales, and previous Humble Bundles(last one containing most of these games + better/more), it leaves a smaller audience that this would be a "Steal" for $15. Define steal.

Titan Quest is not worth $15, lol, 2006 game. By digital pricing, maybe, Digital is usually over priced when not on sale. i wouldnt even't pay $5 based on reviews and gameplay videos, lot of games i got on sale with similar experience and better developement, like Torment, or Divinity, or Pillars, or Diablo.. etc.

letsa_go2092d ago

Just because you think those games are worth it doesn't mean everyone else will. We aren't one hive mind!

Silly gameAr2092d ago (Edited 2092d ago )


Why are you trying so hard to make this a bad thing? It's actualyl pretty awesome.

Tross2092d ago

@Eidolon Can't you apply that logic to all games in any sale ever though? If you don't end up playing the games you buy, then yes, even sales priced games are a waste of money. Actually, the logic you put forth applies to literally any product ever made. I don't care about knitting, so I wouldn't be interested in knitting implements even if they went on sale. If you're not at all interested in what's being offered, then it's not recommended you spend money on those games period. But, if you have even a passing interest and intend to at least try all the games or at least most of them, this sale is definitely worth checking out. It covers a good variety of titles that span multiple genres at the very least.

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 2092d ago
CarlDechance2092d ago

"Lol. yeah if you calculate their full launch prices and not their current(permanent price-cut) non-sale prices"

Nope. I was curious so I looked up the current prices on the PlayStation store.

Titan Quest
Locks Quest
Giana Sisters
The Dwarves
Red Faction II
Black Mirror
Destroy All Humans
This is the Police
Darksiders Warmastered Edition
Sine Mora X
Battle Chasers Nightwar


"it's only a steal if you will play most of those games.. i have seen most of these games cheaply on sale or on previous humble bundles. Again, with PS+ and PS Now, flash sales, and previous Humble Bundles(last one containing most of these games + better/more), it leaves a smaller audience that this would be a "Steal" for $15. Define steal. "

You have to keep paying for PS+ and PS Now to play those games though. And do you play most of the games on those services? Here you are buying them outright. Even if you were only interested in half of the games, it is still a great deal. You are not going to find anything like this on a flash sale. lol

Eidolon2092d ago (Edited 2092d ago )

Exactly, over priced. All those are sub $10 on sale. So with PS Now and PS+ users, it leaves much less people that this would appeal too. You get all the games for $15, but how many of them are you going to play, how many of them are actually worth playing. People complain that PS+ is not worth the $3.50 a month because they won't play any of the games.

CarlDechance2092d ago

Fine. If it isn't a good deal to you then it isn't a good deal to you. But the value that they advertise, that you said was incorrect, is actually true. You said the $269 was based on the games launch prices. That was just false.
So don't say "exactly" like I proved your point when I actually proved you wrong.

rainslacker2092d ago (Edited 2092d ago )

$15 bucks for all those games is a damn good price regardless. Even If you got some of them already. If you have no interest in them, then sure, it's not for you, but the price itself is still good.

Unless your one of those people who thinks they should just give you the game for free.

caxa2092d ago

I’m making over $17k a month working part time. I kept hearing other people tell me how much money they can make online so I decided to look into it. Well, it was all true and has totally changed my life.
This is where i started ........

LongLiveKing2092d ago

Always that ONE obvious comment that everyone already knows. Thanks, bud.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 2092d ago
JBryant06192092d ago

Just wished each game had its own individual code since this is the 3rd time Darksiders and Destroy All Humans 2 has been offered in a THQ Humble Bundle for Playstation.

rainslacker2092d ago (Edited 2092d ago )

From my understanding if you got then through ps+ in the past, they won't be added to your permanent library for use if your sub expires.

It's something Sony should have fixed a long time ago, since image a couple bundles from various devs where I have a game from ps+. You can't even buy the games on sale if they're in your library from ps+

You can get any game from the bundle if you don't have them in your library though

annoyedgamer2092d ago

Nice website name. Only a true old school gamer will know where it came from.

Cussing2092d ago

AOE 2 was and still is IMO the best RTS game ever.


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gold_drake11h ago

that merch tho.

ridiculous the numbers they pull in, which makes it even worse when i think about the low budget broken games they make. or have made recently

-Foxtrot2h ago

We’re never getting an amazing mainline Pokémon game again are we

phoenixwing2h ago

Of course not. That's why I have tem tem because even if it's not the greatest I at least know the indie dev was trying

ZeekQuattro1h ago

Great plug for Tem Tem right there. It's not the greatest but at least they tried.... 🤣

phoenixwing4m ago

@zeek that's right it's as good or better than a pokemon game but they didn't have access to pokemon game money. So it's more of a stain on pokemon company to be in the same ballpark as them


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VersusDMC6h ago

Love me some third person action games.
Reminds me that Black myth is weeks away...