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Red Dead Redemption 2 Is A Chore To Play

Red Dead Redemption 2 is a beautiful but painful game to play

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badz1492157d ago (Edited 2157d ago )

I don't think the control issue with the game is exaggerated seeing as many are calling the game out for it. I'm not a fan of R*'s games control but the control in GTAV is sluggish enough for me already and I can't imagine it being even worse than THAT in RDR2.

I've yet to get the game though, but having played all GTAs and RDR, I know this control issue is legit.

DarkVoyager2157d ago

It’s definitely sluggish. Feels floaty and slow to respond. I can deal with it but it’s quite annoying.

bloop2157d ago

Agreed, it is a bit clunky, but I think it just takes a lot of getting used to. I was pulling my hair out at certain moments at the beginning trying to get in the correct position to open drawers, loot bodies etc. but I'm not having that problem now as I instinctively know where to position Arthur now. I don't know why everyone seems to think it's a chore to mind your horse or Arthur though. Horse gets dirty, just jump in a river, feeding both the horse and Arthur takes literally half a second to pull up on the weapon/item wheel and you're not forced to get a haircut or shave. My only real gripe so far is free aiming. They need to sort that out as it feels horrible right now. I'd be screwed without the auto aim as I just can't get used to the free aiming. Otherwise I'm loving the game.

lellkay2157d ago

I spent 20 mins slowly changing and messing with the camera controls and I now have free aim and camera in a place where it feels perfect. Shouldn't have to do this, but it makes a world of difference.

PapaBop2157d ago

Try this advice:

It's not perfect but it helps remove some of the sluggish feeling from the controls.

DarkVoyager2157d ago


“Try this advice”

“It's not perfect but it helps remove some of the sluggish feeling from the controls.”

Thanks! That helped a lot. The controls should be like this out of the box

FunAndGun2157d ago

I like that tips are need to enjoy a perfect, masterpiece, omg it's game of the generation title. perfect scores be damned.

abstractel2157d ago

I haven't tried adjusting the controls yet, friend suggested upping the speed of rotating to max and deadzone to 0. No idea if that makes sense yet. I did NOT see this coming, that I'd be playing ACOd over RDR2. ACO's mythical encounters are great.

I'll get around to RDR2 again but the first 2 hours put me off. I'm sure I'll get hooked once I get used to it. Just takes a bit of patience to get into it seems.

chazjamie2157d ago

you can drink beer the same way.

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moomoo3192157d ago

Great opinion from someone who hasnt touched the game lol
Tap R1 to cycle thru your interaction menu instead of turning his body

bloop2157d ago

@moomoo319: Yes, I've been using that too, I just hadn't spent much time with a R* game in so long it took me way longer than it should to even get in the position where the contextual action would come up for me, but it really isn't a problem when you get more used to Arthur's movement.

@Z501: Thank you for reminding me why I don't like the Jimquisition. After watching that video, I wonder why he's still gaming at all seen as though every single game mechanic seems to piss him off. I'm absolutely loving RDR 2 and it's all those little touches they are making the game for me.

moomoo3192157d ago (Edited 2157d ago )

If you have half a brain you dont need people like jim sterling telling you what to like

wwinterj2157d ago

"I've yet to get the game though, but having played all GTAs and RDR, I know this control issue is legit."

You've not played the game so can't comment. With that said the protagonist and horse are a bit clunky when not in motion and take a while to slow down when you want them too. It's not a major issue for me and everything other than that is fine.

nibblo2157d ago

It's been overstated for some reason, it is slightly sluggish but nothing terrible, I can't figure out why people are making a big deal out of it.

JackBNimble2157d ago

It's funny that everyone that I know who has the game absolutely love it and I haven't heard a single complaint yet from them.

starchild2156d ago

Because every big game needs to be nitpicked apparently. There are too many fanboys in the gaming community who feel the need to downplay some games in an attempt to elevate their favorites in comparison.

D3athc3ll2157d ago

Just don't play the game then. I really hope they don't fix this. Game is great and slow paced. Movement is very realistic. Think the players is a bit slow tbh. You should see me play, looks like a fucking movie!!!

Anyways complain away, the game deserve it's 97 meta and will be game of the year! So go play Ac with quick responses or Call of Duty. Leave the realism to me and million others


To me I wish it was more like Uncharted 4's controls.

MrCrimson2156d ago

This and the game needs more fast travel options. I find myself not wanting to do quests because the distance of travel back and forth.

It sucks.

wwinterj2154d ago

You know you can travel to every city via train. stagecoach or even your own bedside right?

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PhantomS422157d ago

The article is going to get massive hate but it is 100% truth. The pace in the game really hurts how beautiful the game truly is because it's extremely slow.

2157d ago Replies(6)
nyu12157d ago

Some people like it, some don't, that's it. It's 100% subjective.

nowitzki20042157d ago

Pace is perfect imo... Wtf do people want? constant action?? lol lets be a bit realistic here.

Christopher2157d ago

I don't play games to deal with menial tasks in my games. And I'm not talking cleaning your weapon, that's extremely minor compared to the constant having to re-equip gear from your horse as it resets so regularly or having to slowly travel to sell limited inventory space for hunting l let alone having to spend tons of time approaching, investigating, and finding just the right animal for the chance at a perfect hide rather than having that a level up skill element on its own. It's forcing me to redo things I shouldn't have to do and sit through minutes of boring riding just to play the game.

Just a few weeks ago tons of sites were complaining about how long it took to level up on Odyssey and gain access to all the abilities, but now it's amazing how RDR2 slows everything down to hamper progress and maintain some sense of realism.

Snookies122157d ago

@FunAndGun - Realism is what they were going for. Just because it bores YOU doesn't mean it's boring for everyone. I can't believe people are complaining about the realistic approach this game has taken. It was always trying to deliver a more realistic Western setting. I'm so glad it did too, despite the people that can't appreciate it.

Christopher2157d ago

***I can't believe people are complaining about the realistic approach this game has taken. It was always trying to deliver a more realistic Western setting. I'm so glad it did too, despite the people that can't appreciate it.***

I'm very happy you appreciate this approach, but please don't ignore that there are legitimate issues people have and they're not just acting entitled. Even the first RDR didn't have the level of 'realistic' approach that greatly impacted overall gameplay. I definitely think there's a middle-ground to this, but they instead went full one way completely and it's detracted from gameplay greatly in some areas as well as set the game up for being slow in progress as it focuses more on forcing you to travel and perform slow acts over a focus on the gameplay that is more engaging and specific to the story being told.

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RavageX2157d ago

Playing the wrong game if you want non stop action.

PhantomS422157d ago

If that's what you got out of the comment then you clearly have no idea what you are talking about. Having good a good pace doesn't mean "non-stop action".

RavageX2157d ago

Pace seems fine to me other than the snow at the very, very beginning.

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RizBiz2157d ago (Edited 2157d ago )

I don't know what they did between GTA IV and V, but from the sounds of it they just can't seem to get controls right anymore. GTA IV felt pretty good (both walking and driving), I don't know why they felt the need to change.

UltraNova2157d ago

GTA IV's driving was a floating joke, a bad one at that, one they had to fix later.

RizBiz2157d ago

Because it was realistic? I liked it. The super arcadey feel of GTA V is f*cking awful. I could barely tolerate it enough to finish the story and I haven't touched the game since.

UltraNova2157d ago

You call all that body roll and overall floating physics realistic?? Wait, did tou actually play the game before the driving patch?

PowerOfTheCloud2157d ago (Edited 2157d ago )

If you think gta iv 's driving is realistic, i would advice youto take your car to a mechanic. XD

Kornholic2157d ago


Have you ever actually driven a car? They don't handle like boats like they do in GTA IV.

RizBiz2157d ago

Unlike all of you plebs, I in fact have my own classic Dodge Charger, which one of the game's cars is modelled after, and I can assure you from first-hand experience that the driving physics match my car 100% perfectly.

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chris2352157d ago

the same reason ea tweaks its variables for fifa each year. you as a paying customer must have the impression that you are playing a new game.

Abnor_Mal2157d ago

Incoming microtransactions? Boosters to speedup game pace 99cents. Grow beard faster 99cents. Faster horse grooming 99cents. Non shrinking horse balls... I don't do micros so I don't know how they go. They have to bleed the customer dry some how after the cash cow juggernaut that is GTA V paved the way. Expect custom horse shoes and saddles to make your horse top speed increase. An array of wagons to buy and customize. Throw some fifty inch rims on your coach. Two, four, six, eight, ten horses to pull your custom wagon, more horses mean more horse power. Pay large sums of money for the best horses for riding or wagon pulling. Or use donkeys if you're that cheap ass that never likes to buy anything. Me I didn't and refuse to buy the game as it's not my thing and there's going to be heavy monetization. Plus I like talking out my ass sometimes, this being one of the times.

badz1492157d ago

dude PLEASE don't give them any more GENIUS ideas!

outsider16242157d ago

They'll probably make things expensive in rdro. Basically you either grind or shortcut way-buy shark pelts or whatever currency its called.

FullmetalRoyale2157d ago

“shark pelts...”
That’s pretty good.

SheenuTheLegend2157d ago (Edited 2157d ago )

people just overhype the games these days. if you compare current games with the ps2 era, they are loosing longevity and replaybility.
plus added micro transactions and dlc's adds another nail.
Just look at GTA V's microtransactions. People supported that.
I m currently starting to see the fall of Rockstar, it will not close down,not anytime soon but the fall will start now.
they better stop their current business practices. otherwise in a long run it will be bad for gaming.
Same goes for Sony and Microsoft for charging to play online.
it should be free, we buy your systems, your games, support your online store with apps and other things
and they still charge us for playing on game devs servers lol.
we as gamers need to wake up.
Why is fortnite on sony and pubg on mobile is getting most played.
Coz its free. you dont need to pay to play with your friends after paying for the game.

cooperdnizzle2157d ago

History will mark Red dead 2 a game a head of its time. Not for the reasons most think

himdeel2157d ago

Seriously please do. Where has RDR2 innovated? Name one system. Because this is damn near just a really pretty sim game.

Dragonscale2157d ago

Apparently the controls are distincly behind the times lol.

moomoo3192157d ago

I feel like the deepness and realism is jarring at first but the game will stand the test of time because of these features, and other open world games will feel hallow for a good while till they catch up. Maybe Cyberpunk or Days gone but we'll see.

Moe-Gunz2154d ago

That's all very well, but even though I like RDR2 I had way more fun playing Horizon. All the realism is cool but doesn't make it more fun to play.

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Red Dead Redemption 2 (RDR2) Optimized Settings for PC: 2024

Red Dead Redemption 2 is Rockstar Games’ latest heavyweight, with nearly 40K concurrent players even five years after the (staggered) PC launch. Despite that, it can be a challenge to run the game on midrange and low-end PCs. RDR2 has gotten NVIDIA DLSS and AMD FSR 2 support following poor reception from Steam gamers.

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Community10d ago

"Use the Windows “High Performance” power profile and set your GPU power management mode to the same."
Not if you use AMD Ryzen CPU's. That needs to be set to balanced. "Overclock your GPU if you’re narrowly missing the 60 FPS mark." Actually it would be better to undervolt and increase the clock speed and see how stable it is in game.


GTA5 Has Sold Over 200 Million Copies, Red Dead Redemption 2 at Over 65 Million

Take-Two announced its financial results for the first quarter of fiscal year 2025, and Grand Theft Auto V has passed a big sales milestone.

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Abriael49d ago
Cacabunga48d ago

I bought GTA5 but never really got into it. I just get bored of GTA somehow after a few hours.

RDR2 on the other hand is the best game I have ever played.. so mesmerizing from beginning to that platinum trophy pop and beyond.. a glorious masterpiece that redefined open world after GTA5.

andy8547d ago

Reverse for me, red dead undoubtedly pretty and attention to detail second to none but I haven't felt the need to play it more than once. At times it was a bit slow. Where as I've platinumed GTA 5 3 times.

P_Bomb49d ago

I still see ppl on my friendlist playing them. GTAVI is gonna sell something fierce.

shinoff218348d ago

I think it'll set records. I think there's gonna be major hype. Mayne they can do a midnight release in my area. Last one I remember was gta 5 back on ps3,valentines day night.

Ninver48d ago

It'll be funny if GTA6 sell less than 5

Sciurus_vulgaris49d ago

GTA V had a budget of 265 million, while RDR 2’s budget was between 370-500 million. Rockstar Games is one of the few studios that can invest so extensively in projects without fearing a lack of return.

GamerRN48d ago

There is always a fear. I don't believe Take Two tests on the laurels of their last game. They seem like they keep progressing forward.

anast48d ago (Edited 48d ago )

GTAV was between some numbers too. I could say GTAV was between 100mil and 1billion... Read Dead numbers range from 130 mil. to 600 mil. this isn't a statement that will get anywhere. The estimated development budget for RDR2 was reported to be around 200 mil. That 265 number is for developing and publishing. The price of marketing has skyrocketed. That 265 million is 427 million today.

vTuro2448d ago

I guess I'm in the minority, but I bought GTA5 on launch day (ps3) and to this day have yet to beat it. The game just kinda bored me. A lot of time has passed though, I wonder how much my opinion would change if I played it now. I'll give it another go, one day...

Pyrofire9547d ago

I'm pretty much in the same boat. I've probably only played through half the story.

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Best Steam Deck verified games in this year's Steam Summer Sale (up to 90% Off)

Steam's Summer Sale looks primed for Steam Deck players - with a huge collection of titles on offer for the handheld.

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