
Siliconera Hands On With Ketsui: Death Label (Sort Of)

Siliconera: "How do you "sort of" play a game? You play a demo that barely resembles the final product. A Ketsui: Death Label demo popped up on Japan's Nintendo Channel. I eagerly downloaded it hoping to clear at least part of one stage before Arika's Nintendo DS adaptation comes out later this week. Unfortunately, the "demo" is an endless boss fight against Doom."

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Important Importables: 10 import DS games that should be in the eShop

Nintendo should have a DS Imports section akin to Sony's PS1 Imports, and titles like Ouendan 2, Soma Bringer, Jump Ultimate Stars and Tingle's Rosy Rupeeland should be in it.

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Import Frenzy! CheatCC's Top Five Import Games of 2008

CheatCC says: "2008 has been a sexy year for gaming releases in Japan. Though not all of the best tiles may make it to U.S. shores in the near future, there are some games that players shouldn't have to wait for. Join CheatCC in exploring five of the hottest import titles of 2008!"


Siliconera: Ketsui: Death Label Review

Siliconera: "My demo impressions of Ketsui: Death Label were more spot on than I realized. Arika did not port Ketsui to the Nintendo DS. Ketsui: Death Label cuts out the stages and gets straight to boss fights. The game starts with only three modes novice, normal, and doom mode. Normal mode throws four giant ships for you to shoot down. Two of them are actual EVAC bosses from the arcade game Ketsui. The other two are mid-bosses. Clearing normal mode shouldn't be a problem and it unlocks Hard A, an extended boss rush with a few planes and battleships leading up to a large boss battle. You get the illusion of playing part of a stage here, but make no mistake Ketsui: Death Label is mostly boss fights. There is a cool surprise in Ketsui: Death Label that I won't spoil here."

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