
Pocket Gamer: Game & Watch Collection 2 Review

In Europe, as in Japan, Nintendo operates a Club Nintendo scheme with local prizes for local people who register their DS/Wii game purchases online. But, occasionally, the rewards for Japanese gamers' patronage stretch to exclusive Club Nintendo-branded releases. The most recent of such titles is Game & Watch Collection 2, a sequel to a similar golden freebie that was put out via the Club a couple of years ago.

G&W Collection 2 contains updated versions of two 1981-vintage handheld Nintendo games - Parachute and Octopus - both of which predate Donkey Kong and Nintendo's biggest early success with its 8-bit Family Computer (the NES). It also brings a third, original game to the retro theme party in the shape of the excellently-named Parachute X Octopus, which is a mash-up of the two games in which they segue into and riff against each other.

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Nintendo’s Game & Watch Past is its Guide to its Mobile Future

GamesRadar - Nintendo has had decades of profitability, and does a great job of pleasing its core fanbase. The company sticks to what it’s best at and innovates in that space, earning a reputation for being both an inventive risktaker and fiscally conservative. After all that success, Nintendo is ready to venture into a whole new gaming space, full of simple apps, straightforward interface, and pocket-sized tech in a competitive market. I’m talking about the year 1980 and the origins of Nintendo’s Game & Watch handhelds, which could be the key to Nintendo’s mobile success 35 years later.

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Rumor: Game & Watch Collection 2 Coming Soon to Club Nintendo Australia

Or so it seems.

The Australian Classification Board has a bunch of new Nintendo ratings on it's website, including one that seems a bit out of the ordinary

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jacksonmichael4739d ago

A game store in my location has started selling "Club Nintendo Exclusives"... It makes me care much, much less about the service.

BarrelRollGaming4738d ago

To the store: That is illegal, you know?

Giant Bomb: Quick Look: Game & Watch Collection 2

Not content to mess with the World Cup, the octopus sets its sights on Ryan and Jeff.

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