
Nintendo Reveals Important Information About Switch Ahead of Online Service Arrival

Make sure the account on your Nintendo Switch is set up correctly before September 18 arrives.

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chris2352143d ago

watched a youtube video yesterday where they explained how this service is tota garbage. sounded very legit what they had to say.

bouzebbal2143d ago

Nintendo is absolute joke, but they are lucky they have lots of fanboys out there ready to buy the console without internet service day one.
Even the WiiU came out with FREE online service when it came out.

ShadowNextGen2143d ago

The Nintendo Switch has had internet service from day one. There has never been a day where the Switch hasn't had an online network. You could go online and download games and even play online against friends with games that had online multiplayer and more. It has been free since launch while Nintendo worked on improving it but they also announced early on that, eventually, it would be a paid service like their competition. It is also a third of the price at $20 for a year.

JunMei2143d ago

Yeah! Damn Nintendo for making a positive change! How DARE they start making attempts to modernize. You know what? They should burn in hell and so should all who enjoy fun and don't enjoy being violated with micro transactions!


Please... find a more productive use of your time.

boing12143d ago

I'm guessing not many will pay for it. Sounds like an afterthought.

Razmiran2143d ago

Ehhh I wouldnt underestimate the amount wanting to play smash and splatoon online

Neonridr2143d ago

it's $2 a month for me in Canada. Pretty sure I would be willing to pay $2 to have access to a bunch of retro titles and the ability to play online for certain titles and have cloud saving for others.

Gh05t2143d ago

Yeah the amount charged is basically throwaway money. If I get anything out of the service it will pay for itself.

Let that not be confused with me being happy with or how this service is being deployed. But at less than a can of Monster per month I can't say the price is what scares me away from the service.

CDbiggen2143d ago

They've handled this terribly.
It's five days from now and we still don't know what to really expect. Sure we're getting this direct, but this knowledge should've been around for months.

InKnight7s2143d ago

Annnnd again Nintendo get a pass for being shady and crap.

DrStronk2143d ago

How are they getting a free pass when literally no one supports this? I will not be paying for this yet... i know that most of my friends won't either. (we'll most likely go in on the family membership when Smash is released though, 35$ divided on 8 people is basicly free).

ShadowNextGen2143d ago

Nothing about this is shady. They are giving advance warning how things will be handled so no one is taken by surprise.

lellkay2143d ago

We still know barley anything. Pathetic.

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