
Forza Horizon 4 demo now available

A demo for Forza Horizon 4 is now available for Xbox One and PC. Download it here.

lxeasy2093d ago

Downloading it tonight on my X

AngainorG7X2092d ago

Same here man, having a blast!!

mark_parch2092d ago

just interested, what do the people playing on xbox one x prefer. resolution or performance? It's a bit annoying having to restart the game every time you change but I'm leaning towards performance ( high frame rate ) at the minute. I have a really good 4k tv so I just feeling like I'm not utilising my tv though

ProjectVulcan2092d ago

It's super smooth on PC and runs great without even a driver update specifically for it, no doubt coming. Going beyond the ultra settings to the highest 'extreme' for PC looks fantastic. Can't be beaten.

Vasto2093d ago (Edited 2093d ago )

Downloading now,

Cant wait to see this on my X.

Vasto2093d ago

Played both the Quality Mode and Performance Mode.

Performance Mode at 60FPS is just too awesome.

mark_parch2092d ago

I was interested what others thought on this topic. I'm leaning towards 60fps at the minute. will be interesting to see what corners have been cut to achieve the 60fps on digital foundry. the game looks amazing either way

iistuii2093d ago

Maxed it out on PC & it looks & runs great. FH3 was dreadful at launch on PC, but this years is perfect.

timotim2092d ago

Good to hear, I know it was an issue for some at launch with FH3

DaMist2092d ago

Yeah launch was wrong, wasnt too bad a few months after

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PC Games That Are Better With A Controller

Here are some great PC games that are even better with a controller. In fact, one can say that they're meant to be played with a controller.

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shinoff2183281d ago

That's why I don't mess with PC gaming for the most part. When I game I'm relaxing. Hard to do that with a keyboard and mouse. That's just my thought on it.

I'm still hoping bethesada adds real controller support to the og fallout or re release them on xbox like what was done with wasteland 1

280d ago Replies(1)
Shiore2u279d ago (Edited 279d ago )

What exactly is so hard about using a keyboard and mouse compared to a controller when subjectively relaxing? Do you game upside down on a crossbar?

Daeloki279d ago

At least in my opinion, with a controller I can lay back comfortably in my couch however I want. Keyboard + mouse would require a table and chair, and requires investing in ergonomics not to completely mess up my back (not saying the couch is good for my back either but achieving comfortability is easier). Again, emphasizing that I'm speaking out of opinion, and I agree with you that concepts of relaxing and which is better are both very subjective matters. All in all I don't think it's a particularly good article since it really boils down to personal preference.

ApocalypseShadow280d ago

Next up:

Article on "Controllers that are best played with a game."/S

HellspawnPR1981280d ago

Anything that is not a shooter or doesn't have a crosshair.

Minute Man 721272d ago (Edited 272d ago )

My old ass Xbox 360 Rock Candy controller still works fine today "For the Players"


We Should Care More About Xbox Stealing Forza Back After Its Own Pricing Errors

A pricing error saw players briefly get Forza Horizon 4 and 5 cheaply, but Xbox taking the game back over a week later is a dangerous precedent.

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lodossrage558d ago

People should be upset about this. I don't care if people bought those 2 Forza games on the cheap. Microsoft made the pricing error for those moments, not the customers. And why wait a full week to finally "decide" to take the games back?

Everyone had a fit when Konami forced Sony to take away P.T. from people's psn accounts. That was FREE and people had a fit. But these Forza games people PAID for and not a peep? That is nonsense.

This is almost as bad as Overwatch 1, a game people paid for deliberately being made to not work anymore for Overwatch 2, even though people PAID for Overwatch 1.

For all the cheerleaders that want a digital only gaming future, this is the start of the reality you want.

isarai558d ago

That all digital future people push for. Now people are starting to see why the "haters" argued against it.

lodossrage558d ago

Yeah, they're always "haters" until they find things they bought are suddenly gone or not working.

Sadly, that's a lot of people; who cares "as long as it's not me" scenario is common.

EvertonFC558d ago

Tbh a disk ain't gonna work either in the future with about 70mb of the games on the disk ?

ApexWolf22558d ago

Too bad the full game usually isn’t on the disk anymore. That was my main push towards all digital gaming. And since prices typically suck I just wait on sales and grab only 1-2 games day 1 annually anymore.

isarai558d ago

@EveetonFC & ApexWolf22

You two should really play something other than AAA games. Just bought evil west, great game, works perfectly out the box. Played it for about 6hrs before i let the update install by restarting it at the end of my session. Get away from the Ubisoft/EA/Activision games and most of them just work out the box.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 558d ago
Petebloodyonion558d ago

Totally agree with you, It is scummy tactics that MS should be called on.
If the game was sold at a cheap price by mistake then fix the price and let the ppl who paid t keep their games.
It's not like millions of ppl used that deal and the negative press will be far more expensive and damaging versus the saving.
Again PPLs are right to be pissed!

SullysCigar558d ago

Yep. You're bang on regarding reputational risk.

Lightning77558d ago

Aren't these games on GP though? Regardless this isn't a good look on MS. The all digital future has been slowly exposing itself for awhile now. They should of let ppl keep those games.

frostypants557d ago (Edited 557d ago )

It's not merely "scummy tactics". It's literal theft from those who bought it. It's freaking mass felony by MS.

1Victor558d ago

@lodos the truth is they’re not upset about it their mentality is “ I don’t care soon we will have tons of free games after the purchase goes through “

EvertonFC557d ago

Free? think you need to rethink that.

SullysCigar558d ago

You made a mistake, Microsoft. Own it. Not cool.

SoulWarrior558d ago (Edited 558d ago )

Imagine the 'great concern' and aNtIcOnSuMeR comments from the usual suspects if Sony did this lol.

Petebloodyonion558d ago

Are ppl praising Microsoft here?
Bad practices need to be called no matter the company.

BehindTheRows558d ago

Right. And there’d be quite a few articles about it. We’ll see how this plays out though.

Lightning77558d ago

The only real backlash MS got was when they raised the price of Live. They had small time backlash when certain DRM aspects were still present. (which they finally resolved ) I doubt this will hit main stream gaming media tbh.

TicklefistCP558d ago

If Sony did this people would carry on as if they're on Jim Ryan's payroll and explain how its a good thing.

lodossrage558d ago


Because I remember how everyone came down on Sony when they took P.T. away from people at the request of Konami. A FREE demo.

Flawlessmic558d ago

This is the first I'm hearing of this, if true and people paid regardless of price then this is utterly disgusting.

Ms stuffed up that's there problem, not a peep from any media about this either, what a surprise.

ocelot07558d ago

100% and I have the purchase receipt and refund email to prove it. This proves that digital only gives the likes of Microsoft and Sony way to much power.

If they can take a game off a refund you like this. Then what happens if for say the next Forza comes out people pay £60 for it rather than rent it on gamepass. Then a few months later they revoke the licence and refund you and say well we raised the price to £80 now so if you want it again pay the £80.

shinoff2183558d ago

Sony isn't the one pushing the all digital future like that. Sony allows games to be press physically still. As low as I've seen 800 copies. While ms has a minimum of 75000. That's crazy. Ms is also the one that had to revise the Xbox one cause they were on some crazy sh. Look it up

Rynxie558d ago

I heard Warner Bros and other studios are removing your digital copy from other sources and making you repurchase it on their platform. You'll rent and own nothing will be strong on digital services.

cableguyariel558d ago

Well I think I will cancel my Game pass subscription so they might have saved £79.99 but will lose £131.88 a year due to this poor error on their behalf.

558d ago
KillBill557d ago

Person talking about cancelling Game Pass after supposedly purchasing a game that is FREE on Game Pass... and all because of the money. lol

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Xbox Store EA, Bandai Namco, Assassin’s Creed Franchise & Discounts 50% or Greater Sales

Daily Video Game writes: "If you own an Xbox Series X/S and Xbox One console and are currently looking to pick up new games to play, Xbox Store has numerous games on sale with up to 95% off from several publishers, including Electronic Arts, Bandai Namco, Ubisoft, and more!"

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