
GT: Personal Trainer: Walking Japanese TV Spots

So easy, even your dog can use it!

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Most Innovative Portable Games (Modojo)

Chris Buffa (Modojo): For the most part, the video game industry is fairly predictable and disinterested in taking risks. That explains the glut of sequels and copycat titles collecting dust in stores and warehouses.

That said, a handful of companies and designers occasionally do something different. Results have been mixed, but by and large, these games stand out for offering a unique experience you can't find anyplace else.

Hitman07694902d ago

Personally I can't wait to see what NGP brings!


GamerDad Review: Personal Trainer – Walking

GamerDad writes: "The idea of Personal Trainer: Walking is for users to put one of the two included electronic pedometers into their pocket or clip it onto their belt. (Or onto your collar if you're a dog, as that is an additional mode available.) Then, go about your normal day, and the pedometer will record how many steps you take at what time throughout the day. At the end of the day, the recorded data can be downloaded into your Nintendo DS and analyzed. Your longest continuous sections of walking as well as your longest periods of downtime are analyzed and compared to previous results from the past month. Players create a "step target" and when that is reached the small LED on the pedometer begins to flash green instead of red. When the walking data for a given day is analyzed, you place a stamp on the calendar, with a smiley face indicating a good day and a frown a poor one. Make your step target for the day and the stamp is green, otherwise it shows up as red on your calendar page. In addition to your step target, each day you are presented with something to do to better yourself like walk with better posture or encouraged to eat right. The game checks up on you the next day during the download process. Your walking information is stored and can be recalled and examined on a day by day, week by week, or month by month process."

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GayGamer Review: Personal Trainer: Walking

GayGamer writes: "Lately I've been blasting Olivia Newton-John's dance classic "Physical" in my corner of the GayGamer Castle to help inspire some fitness-related thoughts. When trying to start or, in my case, keep up a fitness routine it's always good to have some positive reminders surrounding you. One of biggest reminders around me right now is my purchase of Nintendo's Personal Trainer: Walking. Just to warn you dear readers, this isn't really a game even in the sense that WiiFit is and because of this it can't exactly be reviewed as one."

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