
Be Content With Delays. Delays Are Okay.

Jem from PSG wrote: "At the beginning of the article, I asked: “How many times do we have to hear an announcement of a game delay?” — The answer is simple: as many as it takes."

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Relientk772113d ago

Hoping Spyro 1-3 are all on the disc now. Rumors we're saying that's one of the main reasons Spyro got delayed

Neonridr2113d ago

Delays are not always ok though. Look at a game like Crackdown that has received how many delays? I am all for devs polishing up their games and taking extra time if needed. But when you see a game continue to get delayed it's a bad sign of how development is going and definitely doesn't give you as much hope for the finished product.

Eidolon2112d ago

Exactly, if delays were good, we'd be happy with 10 year development cycles. Saying delays are good is damage control, only instance where they are good is when there are glaring issues with a recent shown stage of game that clearly needs more time than the projected release date.

SegaGamer2113d ago

If games are getting delayed again and again, then there is an obvious sign that something isn't going quite right. In the majority of cases though, I'm fine with games getting delayed. I wish Shenmue 1 and 2 was delayed by a month or two, the amount of bugs on release was horrible, even now it's still got some serious bugs in it. I don't usually buy games day 1 anymore, so I'm not sure if this is normal, but the game from my point of view is still in Beta condition. The main story can be completed, but you can't 100% it because it's not finished.

This is what makes me miss console gen 6 so much. Games back then had minor bugs, but they never had such game breaking ones that we have today. It's because devs have been allowed to get away with releasing a game in a sloppy state. I hate this release now, patch later era we are in.

AK912112d ago

Very few people here have a problem with delays only if its ridiculous delays like TLG and FF15 will gamers get annoyed.

Eidolon2112d ago

Wouldn't even call those delays, those were just hiatus.. they never had a true release date. When a game has a release date, gets hype up, then announced to be delayed 2 months, a month before the initially announced release date... It's going to bum a few people out, including myself. Can't do anything about it, only to accept it and say "hey, they're fixing stuff, so it's good!".

Godmars2902112d ago

Unless nothing of significance is done. A game comes out in a broken state regardless.

Forget that in context we're talking about a delay because a physical release had one of three games on it with requirement the rest be downloaded. That the company behind this did not see the immediate stupid behind this.

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Why Are We Still Waiting On A New Spyro Game

The Reignited Trilogy was supposed to be a launch pad for Spyro, but after a few cryptic teasers, we're still waiting on a new game

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Relientk77604d ago


Sometimes it's hard being a Spyro fan. Yeah, i really really really want Spyro 4. Crash Bandicoot got a 4th one, its only fair.

MWH604d ago

Nothing is guaranteed in this life, so don't wait on anything.

Sgt_Slaughter603d ago

This is what happens when Toys For Bob gets pushed to help develop COD


eShop Game Sale: Features Games From Activision, Numskull Games, Frozenbyte & More

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5 Missions That Made Us Rage Quit

KeenGamer: "Rage quitting is something we've all done, and it's never pretty. See which missions end up being the most rage-inducing of them all. Some missions go beyond the threshold of difficulty and test our abilities and patience to the limit, forever scarring players with the grinding cycle of try, fail and repeat."

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P_Bomb1033d ago

5am in Emily wants to play. The R in its RNG stands for rage lol.

Fluke_Skywalker1032d ago

The elevator in GOW Ascension made me rage quit so hard I uninstalled the game and never did go back to it. I'm not proud of that. I have played and loved every GOW game but that level just took the utter piss out of me.

PhillyDillyDee1031d ago

Trying for the no guns achievement on Mirrors Edge broke both me, and a set of car keys which was the closest thing in grabbing distance that wasnt a controller.