
Tomb Raider studio reveals next-gen wishlist

PlayStation 5 and Xbox Scarlett release dates are creeping ever closer, but what do development studios want from the next-generation of consoles.

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blm5042147d ago

After the X I'm pump for what Scarlett can do

affrogamer2147d ago ShowReplies(13)
Davidgr22147d ago

Xbox Scartlett won’t be close to PC as it’s already so ahead of Xbox One X. Being able to play all Xbox One exlusives on PC makes owning an Xbox a dumb idea.

2146d ago
blm5042146d ago

Never played a game on a PC in my life The X is where it's at for me it's my favorite console right now

conanlifts2146d ago

You will need a fairly new GPU to play Xbox Scarlett games on a pc. For those who do not want the expense it is a great option. I would switch to PC if they made every game cross play ( few of my friends own pc's) and allowed me to sell my games once finished with them.
As it is my 970 will not be upgraded for a few more years, not worth it for me at the moment.

iplay1up22146d ago (Edited 2146d ago )

Most people don't have Computers, that match Xbox One X power....of coarse there are some that do, but at what cost? Witcher 3 was best on the X1X after it got its patch, it had HDR, BEFORE the PC version, I don't even know it Witcher 3 has got the HDR patch yet.

Anyway, the X1X, plays many games VERY close to High End PC's...Scarlet will no doubt be more powerful than the X, which is already 40% more powerful than Pro. There very well should be next gen, enough power on both PS5 And Xbox 2, to graphically rival any PC game. Games already look really great, like Horizon 4, next gen, is not going to be a leap, that blows our minds, the graphical saturation point SHOULD be reached next gen. Developers should be able to do anything they want, no matter which system.

If Sony goes backward compat, at least with PS4 games, on the 5, I will buy both systems. Xbox 2, will be backwards compatible, Microsoft has worked too hard on its back catalog not to carry the games to XBOX 2.

Now, I want Switch 2.0 4K. I don't think a 4K game machine could be the size of a Switch and $299, soon though.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 2146d ago
snoopgg2146d ago

After the x, I can't wait to see what the ps5 can do.

blm5042146d ago

Didn't mean to offend you playboy

Obscure_Observer2146d ago


"After the x, I can't wait to see what the ps5 can do."

Me too! I sure that Cerny took some serious notes from the Xbox One X´s hardware, and i think he has something special in mind for the PS5, specially considering that Spencer already said that the Scarlett will be the more powerful console when it releases.

UltraNova2146d ago (Edited 2146d ago )

Obscure, well if it releases one year after the ps5 then it will be more powerful. (Yes water is wet). What I'd like to see MS do is go toe to toe with Sony and release their system on the same month.

Now that will be interesting.

execution172146d ago

@UltraNova they released the PS4 and Xbox One a week a part in the same month and Sony didn't even do a world wide release until a few months later

UltraNova2146d ago


You are missing the point here buddy.

Omnislashver362146d ago (Edited 2146d ago )

It does seem pretty insane. Imagining what just twice the RAM would do, much less 2.5x if we're lucky. And Ryzen is going to make the 60fps graphical tradeoff much simpler for developers, I imagine more and more games will atleast have a 60fps mode(and graphically it will nearly be as good as the 30fps mode.) Only thing I hope for is that it has better cooling. I don't expect miracles, but Xbox One/X is much quieter than PS4/Pro, so Vapor Chamber cooling, as well as a form factor like the Pro(yes, slightly large is what I'm expecting as we're not getting much of a jump without keeping the form factor on the slightly larger end), could easily lower the decibels quite a bit. TBH the Pro is not crazy huge anyway.

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carreirabr2147d ago

Next-gen won't fix your bad writing and broken pbr pipeline, Crystal Dynamics.

Sm00thNinja2147d ago

Early reviews of Shadow of Tomb Raider are fairly positive. It's not like Crystal Dynamics has been pumping out mediocre games 🙄

Razmiran2147d ago

I dont think its crystal dynamics behind shadow of the tomb rider, wasnt it Eidos Montreal?

-Foxtrot2147d ago

Which is silly considering it looks like a step back from Rise of the Tomb Raider..

Any other game is more of the same = Nit pick reviews "It's more or less the same"

Tomb Raider is more of the same = Oh it's fine...no problem "more or less the same is a good thing"

Sm00thNinja2147d ago

@Foxtrot. The Uncharted games are more of the same just improved upon. Uncharted 4 being basically perfection on that formula. Sequels usually ARE more of the same.

Sm00thNinja2147d ago

@Razmiran. Crystal Dynamics made the excellent ROTR which is sitting at an 88 meta. My point is they've made great games. I would love to see what they do next gen

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phoenixwing2147d ago

Tomb Raider games are good. They just happen to be not as good as uncharted, but I mean c'mon very few games are of that quality.

Sm00thNinja2147d ago

Why even bring up Uncharted though. I get the similarities but they can coexist

MadLad2147d ago

I'd disagree there. I thought even the 2013 reboot had better gunplay and world traversal than Uncharted. Definitely by the time Rise came out. The extra mechanics on offer in Tomb Raider just furthers that divide for me.

starchild2146d ago

Not really true for me. I like both franchises about equally. Uncharted has the more likeable characters and interesting narrative. Tomb Raider has the deeper and more enjoyable gameplay.

Starman692146d ago

No way would I put uncharted or tomb raider above each other... They're both freeking class!! 2 of the finest franchises in the gaming world, period!! 👌

agent45322146d ago

The reboot of Tomb Raider started out pretty good. An unseen enemy, Lara being emotional of killing an animal, shivering, and need of hunger. Then after that amazing intro, it devolves into an Uncharted Clone which was utterly lame. How I wished it would of continue from that amazing intro.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 2146d ago
nommers2147d ago (Edited 2147d ago )

Your attitude won’t fix your poorly thought out knee jerk comment next gen.

starchild2146d ago

Broken PBR pipeline? Lol There's nothing wrong with the physically based rendering in the newer Tomb Raider games. They've all been extremely impressive looking games. And by game standards the writing isn't bad. It isn't the best writing I've seen in a game, but it's better than average. The gameplay and presentation are top notch though.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 2146d ago
Gardenia2147d ago

A quiet PS5 with better cooling system is what I want

DarkVoyager2147d ago


I can only imagine what Sony’s 1st party Studios will achieve with PS5.

FlyingFoxy2147d ago

Next gen consoles will be using new Zen based processors, Jaguar cores have been massively under powered compared to Intel CPUs in PC for years. They might be quieter but i wouldn't expect by that much, but you have to remember that consoles usually have a small form factor, so cooling is limited to the size of the device as well.

Speaking of PC stuff Nvidia can get stuffed this gen i think, not paying a tad over a grand £ for a 2080Ti just for some fancy ray tracing stuff which won't be used properly for another couple of years.

conanlifts2146d ago

I want to see what AMD do in response to the 2080Ti. This is their chance to shine. They could leave out Ray tracing and up the raw power. This could benefit consoles a lot.

Angeljuice2146d ago

My PS4 is near silent. I suppose it depends on environmental factors (room size, furniture, temperature, humidity and airflow etc).

Gardenia2146d ago

I was talking about the PS4 Pro when playing games like God of War or Spider-man in 4K. After a few months most PS4 Pro's fans start to get really loud

Acecalibur2147d ago

Better Ui. Especially on PS4. I like the PS3 menu so much better. The PS4 ui is slow. Too damn slow. Like make sure you pack enough ram or allocate enough ram to system menu. Sharing and sending messages drag forever.

Profchaos2146d ago (Edited 2146d ago )

Ps4 ui is a million times more snappier than the ps3 but I agree I loved the xmb look of the 3

Navigation of ps store though is so much quicker on a ps4

I recently replayed red dead on the ps3 and honestly the loading of trophy data on the ps3 was excruciatingly slow it took 10 minutes to open especially if you have been a plus member since ps3 and play lots of games

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The Best Tomb Raider Games Ranked

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Sonic1881153d ago (Edited 153d ago )

I do agree that Tomb Raider Angel of Darkness was the worse one 😂 I remember playing some of it and I took it back. That game was just awful in every way. I bought it used at gamestop and glad they had that 7 day return policy for used games 😂

Pyrofire95153d ago

Would it be worth saying why?

ZeekQuattro153d ago

Simple. He's been hating on the Tomb Raider reboots for years. I can't imagine seeing them at the top of a best TR game list let alone being on the list in general sitting well with him because of it.

-Foxtrot152d ago



No no, just pointing out how TR mutated into a generic action adventure game losing the appeal of what it once was when it was more about puzzles and platforming over going Rambo, slaughtering waves of enemies

But hey, continue being a dick and speaking about me like I’m not going to see the comment.

MeatyUrologist152d ago

Foxtrot, I'm curious if you have played the most recent games. Sure the 2013 reboot was hugely focused on combat, but each follow up became less and less about combat to the point where outside of a few large scale story missions I don't even remember combat being a part of shadow of the tomb raider. Shadow was so puzzle focused it actually was a bit much for me and I love the TR puzzles.

I still feel like Rise was the best of the series and I was a huge fan of the originals. To me it struck the perfect balance of exploration, platforming, puzzles, and combat. Not saying your opinion is wrong I'm just curious what you think they should have done different. Games do need to evolve somewhat to stay relevant. Would you prefer small linear jumping platform levels like the original?

RavenWolfx153d ago

I would agree Rise for 1 and the reboot as 2. Shadow is a bit high, though.

Sonic1881153d ago (Edited 153d ago )

I think Shadow wasn't even develop by crystal dynamics. I thought it was the worse in the new trilogy

Pyrofire95153d ago

That's right. Shadow was developed by Eidos Montreal who who went and made Marvels Guardians of the Galaxy next. (Great game)
Meanwhile after Rise of the Tomb Raider, Crystal Dynamics made Marvels Avengers. (bad game)

MeatyUrologist153d ago

Agrees. First two are correct but Shadow should be around 5-6.

terstomp153d ago

For me, Legend should be alot higher (along with the other two ). Shadow, I enjoyed it, but has too much has fluff, as modern games tend to do. Playing the remastered series, and apart from the controls, is very good.

jznrpg153d ago

I really enjoyed the first 2 games, Legend and the first of the reboots and the rest I didn’t get into so I never finished.

robtion152d ago

Completely subjective list. I really liked Underworld, I preferred Lara's design. That said I loved the horror/uncharted feel of the reboot. I think all the TR games have strengths and weaknesses. None are objectively better in every way.

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