
Cyberpunk 2077 -- CD Projekt "Very Aware" That Many Don't Like First-Person Perspective

Cyberpunk 2077 devs might look into offering difficulty and sensibility options in the hope to mitigate some players' aversion to first-person perspective.

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AngainorG7X2080d ago

They should try by any means to put a third person view even if they have to delay the game. And since there is no release date yet nobody is gonna accuse them for a delay.

Abriael2080d ago

Uh no. They definitely shouldn't delay the game for everyone just to please someone.

AngainorG7X2080d ago (Edited 2080d ago )

Many gamers are asking for a third person view, even CDPR admits that. Did you even read the title??

DrumBeat2080d ago

Agreed. You can't please everyone, and this is their vision. They should absolutely not try to stuff in a 3rd person perspective, that could potentially up-end the whole experience, just to placate detractors.

CDPR need to stick to their guns, and I believe they will.

joab7772080d ago

Agreed. And once everyone plays it, doubters will buy it because of the quality of the experience.

No one demanded that Levine make Bioshock as a 3rd person game! Let it be!!

Aeery2080d ago

First-Person, Third-Person ... I do not care at all.
A good game is still a good game.
Also, you will have lots of moments during the game to admire your character.

CarlDechance2080d ago

"Did you even read the title?? "

lol.....he wrote the title. And he is right. Devs shouldn't be pressured into compromising their game.


Many gamers asked for FP in TW3... Certain things just "Don't work" in certain perspectives. One example is The Witcher's Combat system would not work in FP.

Vegamyster2080d ago


I really don't see what the big deal is, you have other games like Dishonored 1/2, Fallout, TeS, Deus Ex ect in a similar vein of gameplay which are either 1st person or better in first person, Deus Ex being the only expectation where they force 3rd person but it's only when you hug cover.

Melankolis2080d ago (Edited 2080d ago )

If it's possible then why not? It will reach wider audience that leads to better sales. So it's a win-win.
C2077 is different than COD or Bioshock. Many people expected it won't stray too far from The Witcher's gameplay.
But in the end i respect the developer's decision. Even i respect Capcom's decision in RE7, although that means i don't play the latest of the franchise i've loved for 20+years.
I stil hope for 3rd person option so i can play it without getting nauseous.

CarlDechance2080d ago

"Many people expected it won't stray too far from The Witcher's gameplay. "

Well that is just silly. This game, even just as a concept, had no resemblance to Witcher in any way.

TheKingKratos2080d ago

No they can release it but promise that there will be a 3rd person view patch later and you get to choose between them
I think that's a win/win for everyone

Tonykid2080d ago

It can't be delayed if there isn't any release date

raWfodog2080d ago


It's okay to have your opinion on what you would like for the game and it's your choice to buy (or not to buy), but I will always trust the developers vision for their own game over my personal desires. To me, it's just like a reading a book. It's that author's story that you're reading. You may have your own opinion on how you think the story should go but, in the end, you're just along for the ride. At least with video games, you have some interaction within the story but the vision still belongs to the developers.

totalgaminglegend2080d ago

It is not just someone, it is a lot of people. Look at Rockstar, they knew that a large portion of players enjoys the first person. So when they ported GTA 5 from Xbox 360 to Xbox One, PS3 to PS4 they added the first-person view.

Because companies like Rockstar know that people have preferences and do not take much from a (dedicated and caring gaming company) to provide both.

CorndogBurglar2080d ago

@ Melankolis

"Many people expected it won't stray too far from The Witcher's gameplay."

No. Many people ASSUMED it would have the same type of gameplay as the Witcher. CDPR never once gave any hint whatsoever that it would be a 3rd person RPG, or anything like the Witcher at all. In fact, when they first announced this game they said they are getting into Cyberpunk because they wanted to try something different. So if anyone expected this to have the same gameplay as the Witcher, then they only gave themselves those expectations based on literally nothing.

In my opinion, CDPR should be praised for wanting to branch out and try something different. There's nothing more annoying than a developer doing the same thing over and over because they know they are good at it. A truly great developer will do exactly what CDPR is doing with this game. If they can create multiple franchises across multiple genres that are all fantastic games, then that is something to praised.

Flewid6382079d ago

Don't delay the game so that it can get good reviews and more people can play it? LMAO.

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2080d ago Replies(3)
joab7772080d ago

No. Two of my favorite games are Bioshock and Half-life and both can claim insane immersion in part b/c of the first person viewpoint.

There is a reason that it is first person. Along with it, we will get CDPR’s insane attention to detail, whether it be in story crafting, rpg mechanics or world building.

I can’t wait! Love what I see. Find it hard to believe though, that this is an open world game. Crazy!!! Almost wish it was a games of service, only because I’m never gonna wanna leave Night City.

Lord_Sloth2080d ago

I've never felt a connection to a character I can't see from my 1st person games. I tend to get more immersed in third person titles.

Before you jump on the offensive I'm not telling CDPR to change anything because ultimately I'll just deal with it, I just don't enjoy FPS games as much.

ziggurcat2080d ago

First person is not more immersive.

annoyedgamer2080d ago

For those of you saying FPS is not immersive. Go play Stalker and the Metro series. They are some of the most immersive games ever made..and are FPS.

ziggurcat2080d ago

@annoyed: who's saying it's not immersive? I'm saying it's not *more* immersive. I've had more immersive experiences playing Assassin's Creed, the Souls/Bloodborne games, Uncharted, TLoU, and so on... than I have playing any game in a 1st person perspective.

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jznrpg2080d ago

I like third person but it’s their vision and I wouldn’t mind waiting but they aren’t going to do that. I think they wanted the shooter feel to appeal to the shooter crowd

lipton1012080d ago

Exactly. It’s their artistic vision for the game to have it in 1st person. Considering their previous titles, I trust them 100%

Gatsu2080d ago

3rd person is not a good idea for this game.

jbull2080d ago

They originally tried to do both but ran into technical problems so FPS was chosen as the combat in the game is more suited to that judging by the demo.

Razmiran2080d ago

Look at the gameplay, its clearly made for snappy FPS gameplay

jacksmith562080d ago

i think you are totally wrong, the last thing we want is another delay we have been waiting ages for it as is, and more importantly we SHOULD TRUST CD red they have never let us done NEVER, give them the chance to do things there way dont limit the artist to create something in a specific way they have said over and over again there is a reason for FPS.

From the demo they give option for 3rd person with driving which is really the only bad experience with FP views
anyways U should rly trust cd red as the masterminds of gaming they are to create something beautiful im sure this game is going to push the whole industry forward just like the Witcher 3 did

AngainorG7X2080d ago

Don't get me wrong, in no way i want this game to fail. In fact i will buy it for sure, i just thought that having option for FP & TP will please both sides.

Mister-Zay2080d ago

They should create the game that they envision and not worry about what a small group of complainers think.

lelo2play2080d ago (Edited 2080d ago )

GTA5 was 3rd person and Rockstar later on offered 1st person to who ever wanted to play the game in that perspective.

As for Cyberpunk 2077, I prefer 3rd person for RPG's, but will play the game on 1st person if 3rd person is not available. Game looks great on 1st person.

McGamer2080d ago

It's this kind of useless whining I hope CDPR ignores. It's their game, they should make the game how they want to make it. If you don't like it @AngainorG7X, don't play it.

lipton1012080d ago

Why pander to a vocal minority? It’s their game, not yours or anyone else’s. And I trust their artistic vision,

I’ll buy it, regardless of perspective because I’m not an entitled crybaby.

frostypants2080d ago (Edited 2080d ago )

No. Why should they shoe-horn in a half-baked third person perspective into a game explicitly built around first person?

It is not a third person game. That is not what they made. Go play a different game. Get over it. The number of people that will refuse to buy it over something that minor likely won't be enough to justify the pain of re-developing it. It's not as simple as just throwing a character model on screen.

This is no less silly than saying "I hate sci-fi, I want more Witcher...delay it and make it like Witcher!" Like...no...that's not the game they chose to make. Or like going into a nice steak restaurant and demanding they make you a taco, even though tacos aren't on the menu.

Prem8tuaProcrastin8a2080d ago (Edited 2080d ago )

No, they should build the vision THEY have, and people who like it will buy it. No creator should change their vision to suit a particular viewpoint, other than their own. That's why games built for focus groups are crap.

WelkinCole2080d ago

Yeah, it was hard getting a sense of space from the gameplay video. So much prefer if it was in 3rd person. Then again I never liked 1st person.

However I am still buying it day one. Its Red after all. There is no question it will set a new benchmark for gaming. Apart from the perspective everything else was stellar. I am loving the story already.

carcarias2080d ago

I disagree strongly.

I'm sad to hear many don't like it but they've created all the combat around FPP. The delay for 3rdPP would be huge. Add it at a later date if they really have to, along with multi-player.

It's also very strange to see such a request, since most players ask for many things during a games development but a change/addition of a perspective is rarely, if ever, mentioned. No one asked for it Deus Ex (2000) or the recent ones. No one asked for Tomb Raider to be like Mirror's Edge, for The Last of Us to go FP or for CoD to go third person. So why single out this game?

I think people just assumed that CDPR, having done the Witcher series, would do this game in 3rd person too but is that fair? Why restrict them in that way when they are following their vision? We can't demand CDPR put in 3rdPP for all their games for the rest of time simply because that was the perspective for their Witcher titles. Those were melee combat based anyway, of course 3rd person made sense.

I really don't understand why people are so freaked out by this, apart from the people who get motion sickness.

FrostXVenom2080d ago

With all the players abilities like slow mo,sliding double jump and shooting etc,its gonna look so weird with third person especially in a close combat.

zivtheawesome2080d ago

it isn't designed for 3rd person though, indoor scenes are within tight areas, wouldn't be fun in a different perspective.

MattE2080d ago

Nah, release game as is. FP is the most immersive view anyway and then patch a 3rd at a later date..

Ceaser98573612080d ago

Putting the third person view will create problem visually.. I too wanted Cyberpunk to be a third person but having seen the gameplay.. I am fine and excited Now.

mt2080d ago

I'll buy it if there is a third person view. I loved Witcher 3 so much but I am not excited for Cyberpunk, this might change by the time they release the game.

cabbitwithscissors2080d ago

When Bethesta first announced the follow up to the original Fallout 1 & 2 that it was going to be first person versus the previous iterations of being isometric / top-down, there was a backlash in that the game was not going to be faithful to the game-play and the universe it was being built to, and today, it is a non issue, and with a lot of gamers saying that Fallout 3 and 4 are some of the best games out there.

Anybody want to comment on this?

MAULxx2080d ago (Edited 2080d ago )

They aren't doing 3rd person. They made a first person game.

ChiefofLoliPolice2080d ago

No they shouldn't. If you watched the game play trailer you would knjow that 3rd person doesn't even fit in this type of game.

These are closed sections, heavy urban environments. 1st person makes it feel so realistic and more grounded. 3rd person games are more suited to always outdoors open worlds with very few exceptions.

In short I 100% completely disagree with you, your viewpoint on the issue, and them having to delay the game because of a niche group of people crying about a 3rd person camera which honestly is not that appealing for a game like this.

BadElf2079d ago (Edited 2079d ago )

No. Just no. But, If you're a fan of CD Project Red like a lot of people say...ask yourself why you are a CD Project Red fan.
Is it because of their great open worlds?
Great quests/side quests?
Fun combat?
The characters?
How respectful/generous CDPR are to their fans? To gaming in general?
The amount of content they PACK into their games? Where a lot of companies wouldn't even have HALF the content?

Or are you and all the people complaining about it fans because...their games have been in third person?
Or, maybe not fans at all?

spicelicka2079d ago

I think that would be pointless. Adding a third person angle for the sake of it just doesn't work. I would be like Fallout 4, not cinematic just clunky. You can't expect to put and FPS in angle in a game like Uncharted, similarly you can't expect to have a TPS more in a game like this.

I see what you are trying to say, just so people can see their character. But after seeing the gameplay, it's going to look terrible.

girevik2079d ago

And while developers are at it they should make Mario Odyssey a MOBA, Doom a point and click adventure, and Spiderman as a GWENT style card game because I'm an entitled little man....

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AspiringProGenji2080d ago

Here, let me take my time creating a character I won’t be able to see for like 80% of the game. So immersive...

BadElf2079d ago

Wait, where did you guys get the info you wont see your character for 80% of the game?

KwietStorm_BLM2080d ago

Here, let me put this outfit on in real just so I can go to work and walk around all day just to not look at myself. Immersion pffff fake ass world

JaXion52080d ago

That's the dumbest comparison I've ever heard in my life. lol

Sam Fisher2080d ago

Lmfao that was on point actually

xlbLoOdlx2080d ago

Because life is in third person?/s I’m not sure why people think third person would be more immersive than how you actually live your life. Think about this in terms of VR, you don’t see companies rushing to make third-person games to increase immersion.

Prince-Ali2080d ago

@KwieStorm.. that what just absolutely stupid!!!! loool

The reason 3rd person would be more immersive for THIS type of game is because you're not playing as YOURSELF! The story and everything about it is about this character 'v' V isn't us! The only place 3rd person is more immersive is FPS games as we represent this soldier or whatever thats fighting tooth and nail for survival... But in an RPG with this type of story and art style we are simply this character and living through their story and not having it in 3rd person ruins the immersion because we cant see them reacting to the world and vice versa... It's the same logic as trying to have Uncharted or tomb Raider be an First Person game the games would still function but would ABSOLUTELY no where neaaaarrrrr as immersive if they had an First Person Perspective because Nathan Drake and Lara are their own entities and we're playing as THEM not as us so when things happen in the game we feel for the character not US!

Exvalos2080d ago

In real life you can at least look down and see your shoes and clothing, in gaming 1st person games you cant. I just exposed you sir.


Thank you, we as people only know immersion in FP, so for someone to say TP is "More" immersive, scares me lol. It's as easy as some games fit with TP better and some with FP, thats it

2080d ago
frostypants2080d ago

@JaXion5, how is it a dumb comparison? It's spot on.

AspiringProGenji2080d ago (Edited 2080d ago )

Well I am shocked at all these real life comparisons LMAO! Most FPS games you can’t even see your shoes. At least when I put on some shit I can still see it myself

There isn’t even multiplayer to show off your character. Even Destiny has 3rd person perspective so you can see the character you created. Why isn’t there a option here, or some form of it like even Deus Ex? All these “deep” characters creation tools yet you won’t be able to see your character. That’s just odd to me. In the end I will probably won’t care because it is their vision and it could be a solid game, but still... I wish they considered it

Vegamyster2080d ago


You're seeing the world through their eyes aka still roleplaying so i really don't get your argument, you can get a sense of what they're feeling through their voice ect as we saw in the trailer when V was being hacked by that woman with the body guard, i didn't need to look at her to know she was in discomfort. Uncharted was built as a 3rd person game, i'm sure if it was a first person game they'd change things to accommodate that view so you can't make the same comparison, same goes for other games.

+ Show (7) more repliesLast reply 2080d ago
xlbLoOdlx2080d ago

They want immersion, when you put on your clothes do you walk around looking at yourself in third person? This makes no sense.

Christopher2080d ago (Edited 2080d ago )

Clothing, as explained in the gameplay video, is about stats. Looks is more about cut scenes than anything else. It's also, while giving you lots of options, the least important part of character creation.

AspiringProGenji2080d ago

Lol I don’t need a camera behind me to see if I’m looking good. I don’t understand how that comparison makes sense

Fluke_Skywalker2080d ago

The whole point is that you don't see the character, the character is you. That's what they mean by immersion.
When playing a third person game you may feel more of a connection to the character, but it's still very much that character and not you.
I love Geralt (in a manly way) but I never felt as though I was the character, it was Geralt, I just controlled him.
They want you to feel like it is you in that world, and first person is better for that.

AspiringProGenji2080d ago

In MHW I feel like I am the characther I just created. You don’t need 1st person perspective to feel that only. W3 is not the same because you are already roleplaying as a character that is stablished, same with Aloy.

CorndogBurglar2080d ago

You love Geralt "in a manly way"?

I'm not sure "in a manly way" made you sound any less gay than if you hadn't put that part in.

lipton1012080d ago (Edited 2080d ago )

Cry me a river.

Bottom line, don’t buy it. Be “that guy.” Because in the end, nobody will care.

Your opinion doesn’t matter.

If you envision a similar game in 3rd person, MAKE IT YOURSELF. You’re not entitled to anything, no matter how loud you whine

AspiringProGenji2080d ago

I will still buy the game so you can stip being so rude and defensive. I am still buying the game but I’d like a 3rd person option.

frostypants2080d ago (Edited 2080d ago )

Like...every FPS RPG? So? You think it's more "immersive" to see yourself from the outside at all times? Wat? Do you know what "immersive" means? You may find third person more engaging...but it's definitively less immersive.

carcarias2080d ago

Exactly. I wrote a similar thing here and on the CDPR forums. I think people are arguing over a word which seems to have different meanings to them.

Some people seem to be interpreting immersive as meaning 'more enjoyable according to my tastes', 'spectacular', 'breathtaking' or, as you just so nicely summed it up, engaging. I think most of us here though agree that it means, in a gaming context, feeling that you're actually in the game, as much as is possible anyway.

carcarias2080d ago

It's interesting to read people using the word immersion and seemingly having different interpretations of it.

When I look at the vistas on offer when playing Witcher 3 or Horizon Dawn I see these gorgeous landscapes with beautiful lighting and I can't help but sit and marvel at them, really 'drink' them in, so to speak. It's almost hypnotic. However, it's not what I call immersive in the truest sense based on my definition though. Atmospheric? Yes. Entrancing? Yep.

For me, immersion means one thing, 'being there'. Or rather, feeling as much as possible that it's me in the game, not an avatar. I think that is what most gamers consider immersion to be and therefore there's this constant misunderstanding happening, imho.

Think about this, the games that really need you to feel it's you in the game use 1st person. Outlast, Amnesia, Alien Isolation, Half-life, Bioshock etc... and that's before we even mention VR, a medium which has its whole foundation built on being the most immersive experience available.

Gatsu2080d ago

Except you can see your characters many times in the game...

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2080d ago Replies(2)
jbull2080d ago

Don't know why they couldn't have shown the demo originally at E3 to the public as I thought it was fantastic, like a more open colourful Deus Ex on steroids.
Know it is stated that its open world/rpg but its an FPS at its core so the way they have the shooter mechanics set up we can forget about Third Person mode which is a shame as the character customization looks fantastic and not seeing your character that you designed interact with the world around you is a shame.
I would be amazed if they got close to that demo working on PS4/XboxOne in the final game as this has next gen written al over it or expect a big downgrade and open world not as big a we hoped.

pcz2079d ago (Edited 2079d ago )

The first person perspective is to gaming what house music (or 4/4 beat) is to music. its popular, accessible and allows lots of freedom within its template...

But its also samey, tired, exhausted and frankly cliche. its the safe option.

to me, instead of being something new and exciting, its 'just another FPS'

KwietStorm_BLM2080d ago

First person is fine. If it's not for you, it's not for you. You don't have to buy it.

lipton1012080d ago

Exactly. I come to this website and just constantly shake my head as I see these comments. These people only know how to mindlessly consume. They create nothing. They have no artistic vision whatsoever nor the courage to create something and put it into the public sphere for all to judge. Yet they whine and demand and complain. Nobody is entitled to anything. If they enjoy the creation, great. If not, nobody cares

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Considering the level of games they made, I'm surprised that more than 2 people worked there. 45 people (+ outsourcing) making mediocre mobile games, like cut the rope. I mean dude....Nintendo stooped to new lows in quality development and entertainment standards.


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