
Dragon Ball FighterZ Switch Port is amazing - Nintendo Enthusiast

"Dragon Ball FighterZ Switch Port is amazing. Okay, I don’t fully know if that is true because I’ve only played the beta, but my God is it impressive. If you didn’t know, Dragon Ball FighterZ for Nintendo Switch is currently having an online open beta for this weekend only. In case you haven’t had the opportunity to check it, or if you’re reading this days after the beta, here are my thoughts on how this ambitious port holds up." -- Nintendo Enthusiast

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LOGICWINS2175d ago

It honestly caught me by surprise. NEVER played the PS4 or XB1 versions, but the game is awesome in handheld mode. Love how easy it is to pull off combos.

I'd like to get it at some point, but there doesn't seem to be a ton of single player content. At least that's the impression I got from the beta.

Snookies122175d ago (Edited 2175d ago )

Agreed with the lack of single-player content in FighterZ. If you have friends to play with, or enjoy online fights though... It's amazing. Sure, it's easy to string together combos with the auto-combo system. On the surface, it looks like a much simpler fighting game. If you want to get really good though, it takes so much practice. I pre-ordered it, and have been playing since launch day on PS4.

I'm still a newbie compared to a lot of people on there, when it comes to the mechanics. I know everything in theory, it just takes a lot of time to actually get it down in practice. I remember first getting the game, and thinking it was too shallow at first. I can't help but laugh at myself for that thought, now that I've had a lot of time with the game.

PhantomS422175d ago (Edited 2175d ago )

The game is amazing and really well done. I couldn't get into it because 30 seconds after the game originally released there were tons of people who had the game early and were playing on a professional level. Made it nearly impossible for new players to enjoy or learn when you couldn't even get in one punch. Great game if you can get into it though.

Venoxn4g2175d ago

beta is very good on Switch even graphically

2175d ago Replies(1)
2175d ago
Gemmol2175d ago

I beat someone online on my first try, it was my first time playing the game its not bad

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Dragon Ball FighterZ's Rollback Update Was Too Little Too Late

Daniyal from eXputer: "Dragon Ball FighterZ was so close to a revival but ineffective communication and a dubious launch of an anticipated update botched that hope."


DRAGON BALL FighterZ Rollback Netcode Update

Dragon Ball FighterZ has finally received the long-awaited rollback netcode update that promises to improve the online experience for players.

Also, instruction detailed on how to upgrade from PS4 to PS5, Xbox One to XSX, and save transfers.

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Furesis149d ago

5 years too late, no cross-play and ps5 and ps4 cant play together and on pc u have delay based and roll back which u can choose which will divide the player base even more since some wont know the difference and some of the game modes are not compatible with rollback... like why, you should have just made fighterz 2 and implement it properly there what is this half assed shit?
Better than nothing i guess? i don't even know man..


Dragon Ball FighterZ for PS5, Xbox Series launches February 29

Dragon Ball FighterZ will launch digitally for PlayStation 5 and Xbox Series on February 29 with rollback netcode, publisher Bandai Namco announced.

Users who own the PlayStation 4 or Xbox One version will be able to upgrade to the PlayStation 5 or Xbox Series version free of charge.

DivineHand125148d ago

What new features do we get with the PS5 version?

ZeekQuattro148d ago

Rollback netcode. Faster load times.