
Octopath Traveler Review - Analog Stick Gaming

"If titles such as Yooka-Laylee and Bioshock are considered love letters to their respective gaming inspirations, then Octopath Traveler is the full-on romance novel of the JRPG. Steeped in combat mechanics and visuals of JRPG's from a long-passed era, SquareEnix's latest is a return to the greatness of classic role-playing adventure games." Jeff Young - Analog Stick Gaming

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NecrumOddBoy2153d ago

"I'm also going to discuss one more thing that frankly, I might be the only reviewer to even mention this as I've yet to see this talked about anywhere; play this game on a 3D TV. If you have one of these tv's, turn on the 3D mode and prepare to see this game in a whole new light. The 3D enhances the diorama look even more by adding a depth of field that makes the environments and characters pop off the screen. As much as I wanted to sink time into this game via the portable nature of the Nintendo Switch, which still looks incredible I might add, I couldn't wait to get home and play as much as I could via this 3D option. Now, the game doesn't actively support 3D, but 3D TV's allow you to convert anything you watch to a faux-3D format. I've tried this with numerous games before and the effect is hit and miss. Regardless of 3D or not, Octopath Traveler is stunning as both a handheld experience or a big screen adventure."

I'd like to hear more from others about this.

Review isn't story spoiling but details lots of spoilers in general. Also, it's apparent that Square should have gotten this into the hands of reviewers a lot sooner because these reviews are based on very limited amount of time with the game. I have nearly 60 hours and then I have not completed anyone's main story yet let alone even started for characters chapter 2s. It's that big.

AnalogStickGaming2153d ago

The 3D effect is really solid. I hardly see anyone talking about this tech as they don't really make too many 3D tv's anymore. At least in the numbers they used to. The last game to really wow me with its 3D was Deus Ex: Mankind Divided, mainly at the location later in the game that features an outdoor winter area. (which I might add is the same type of environment here that has the best use of 3D) It was fantastic. I'll pop the 3D on for a few games, but I usually don't remember to do it on all of them. Given the nature of the Diorama look that Octopath has, it was one of the first things I did with the game and it looks really good.

I did my best to be cautious about spoiling story elements and tried to be as vague as I could with trying to explain my issues with certain aspects of the story-telling. It's easy enough to call out these moments I refer to if you've already experienced them, but for those that lack the context behind them, It's a very different thing. At least to me.

I buy my games at the same time they are available to the public, plus I also work a full-time job. I would have loved to have received a review copy to get it out earlier, but that just isn't the case here. I wrapped up the game at around 82 hours of game time, which includes the 4 additional jobs and the 'final' battle, which I wrapped up just this morning.

NecrumOddBoy2153d ago

1. Thanks for the update on it. I don't have a 3DTV anymore but I would agree, I bet the depth with how this game's world is laid out looks great.

2. Just was giving heads up if people are going in blind. I commend you man, it's super story driven for the characters so anything beyond "merchant" on "chapter 3" etc etc lets out deets.

3. No worries, it's just a big game so I see a lot (to include IGN and Kotaku, who had to write a rereview apology basically) of site handing out scores and opinions pre-end game and such that seems to take a negative attitude towards it for things they said weren't in the game, but are.
Good review tho!

Questions: Do you like the 4 bonus jobs? I am over lvl50 with 4 party (found 3 but haven't went into them), so I went for one just to see and the task needed to receive the job was beyond what I could handle at the moment. I will beef up to level 65 I think before reattempting or some back when I am a little better geared up. I am working through a lot of side quests and such. Did you like the "Final" which I am 100% unspoiled so.. :) and are you enticed to completed all the stories of the rest?

I have the map about 85%+ open (minus areas locked by wooden signs) but am making good progress. I have completed 8x Chapter 1s, and 4x Chapter 2/3s. Going to knock out the party remaining stories.

Oh last Q, Do I need to CHP4+ on all characters for the final? I planned on completeing all 4, then keep 2 for muscle, while I work through another 2, then the last 2, sort of like 1 full and 2x faster playthoughs.


AnalogStickGaming2153d ago

I think people that want to "go in blind" will mostly ignore reviews as there is almost always some sort of discussion about certain aspects that people can claim as spoilers. So it's a fine line to walk and you are always going to find people that claim one or the other. So I tried to be as vague as I could. I had someone mention something about my Ys VIII review (via an email) that I spoiled something fairly big and then told him to check out the back of the game case as it clearly shows what I referenced..

Some of your questions could come off as spoilers, so let me very careful here and be as vague as I can be:

I didn't attempt the 4 sub-jobs until I hit I think level 60 or something like that. I tried the weapons-based boss and got owned in seconds and then I read that going in with Runelord via Tessa was the way to go and yup it totally was. It helped a ton. I read a lot of guides on how to go about the fights since they are far harder and longer than the main story ones. The 4 additional jobs are great and grant far more flexibility due to them being very different from the main set. I wanted to use a screenshot with one of them where the attack looks amazing, but left it out due to again, spoilers. It's also nice to see new attacks and skills after some 50+ hours. I have a co-worker who beat everything in the game in less than 45 hours and I was in awe. But it was also his 2nd time through the game and he skipped all the cutscenes on that playthrough. According to a guide I have bookmarked, I have 14 side quests left to do, but frankly, I wish they were more than fetch quests. (tho some are more than that.. )

I reccommend tracking down as many NUTS as possible and using them to raise your stats. For like the first 15 hours I didn't even know I had them, haha.

The final fight is very fun but SUPER hard. I died probably 8 or 9 times before I finally beat it. I barely did tho. I had to stop the fight and go and level up a bit more as a few characters were just not high enough to be that effective. I also had a few tips offered by my friend and it helped a bit. When you beat all 4 chapters with each character, you need to do a few more quests to unlock this fight. It structured in a very different way than the previous fights and done in such a way that I wish more fights had been staged the same way. It's very fun.

michellelynn09762153d ago

A 10 from me. I can't get enough of this game. It is a true gem.


The "Octopath Traveler" series is now available on PC and all console platforms

"Today, Square Enix® announced that "OCTOPATH TRAVELER" is now available to purchase for the PlayStation®5 (PS5®) and PlayStation®4 (PS4®) consoles and "OCTOPATH TRAVLER II" is now available for the first time on Xbox Series X|S and Xbox One, meaning that the award-winning RPG series is now available to play across all current console platforms and PC (Windows PC and STEAM®)." - Square Enix.


Octopath Traveler now available for PS5, PS4

Publisher Square Enix and developer ACQUIRE have released Octopath Traveler for PlayStation 5 and PlayStation 4 for $59.99. A bundle containing both games.

thesoftware73015d ago

They ae both on GP as well, SE really showing love all around.

wesnytsfs15d ago

Yep downloaded it last night. Was worried it was mistake.

InUrFoxHole15d ago

Yeah saw this on GP and downloaded immediately

truthBombs15d ago (Edited 15d ago )

Would anyone recommed this game to someone who has 0 patience for lengthy dialogues and slow combat?

VincentCastle15d ago

Combat is quick for a turn based game. But there will be some grinding here abd there. Check some gameplay videos.

VersusDMC15d ago

There's a demo for octopath 2 to see if you're into it.

remixx11615d ago

Its worth it, just dont play them both back to back, you may burn out

VincentVanBro14d ago

The dialog is great but it is long at times. You can skip it though.

SegaSaturn66914d ago

No. These games are overrated. Play romancing saga 2/3 if you want a phenomenal rpg without endless dialogue.

anast14d ago

Unfortunately Romancing SaGa is not on GoG and I'm not sure the Steam port has been fixed. It's cheap though.

Stanlittle14d ago

No. The 2nd one is much much better and you don't need to play the first one at all.

+ Show (4) more repliesLast reply 14d ago
fan_of_gaming15d ago

I hope we get a North American PS5 physical, but unfortunately I don't think it's likely

shinoff218314d ago

Do you know if it can be imported I've no issue with imports. Long as it's got English on it. My latest import is the man who erased his name

Walalon14d ago

Octopath traveler is a beautiful journey and game, glad that more people can play it now.

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Octopath Traveler rated for PS5, PS4 in Taiwan

The Taiwan Digital Game Rating Committee has rated the original Octopath Traveler for PlayStation 5 and PlayStation 4.

helicoptergirl16d ago

Nintendo be buying 6 year exclusivity windows up in here. Glad this game is FINALLY coming to Playstation

CrimsonWing6915d ago

What’s weird is it was on Xbox… but then PS5 got Octopath 2 and Xbox didn’t 🤷‍♂️

Michiel198915d ago

square just loves a bag up front for everything they do, it's too obvious now. With ff7r release on pc they only released it on epic game store for a year or something, such a dumb move.

They are probably stopping with that now with their new multiplat strategy, but we'll see

ziggyzinfirion16d ago

I hope this is true and not just some error because I am really excited after reading this one.

helicoptergirl15d ago

It's true. Thegame is on the Playstation store right now

FACTUAL evidence16d ago

Omg please let this be true! I literally was waiting for this before OT2 came out for ps4/5. I did not want to start it before I played 1. I know they are two different stories btw, but I just wanted the first platinum before I begin 2. Let this be real!

helicoptergirl15d ago

It's on the Playstation Store right now. It's true alright yay!!!