
The problem with the Max Payne movie

Max Payne moview review: "It won't commit wholeheartedly to being a video game movie, yet it still grabs onto some of the trappings of the inherent silliness of video games"

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robotnik5723d ago

I played MP1 but never played the second one, I saw an ad for the movie and noticed they put demons in it, I was like
"WTF? Demons in Max Payne?".

juuken5723d ago


I thought Max Payne was about a cop trying to deliver some justice?!

I haven't seen it yet but wtf were they thinking? ._.;

Skizelli5723d ago

The "demons" are hallucinations caused by the drugs.

Daurelus175723d ago

this movie will seem amazing. when dragonball comes out

jaffa_cake5723d ago

movie is soo silly when did you see a flying beast in the game, wish a real gamer would make these movies not some joker whos never played a video game or played mario in the day and considers him self a gamer joke!

iMarcus5723d ago

Actually I thought having the Valkyries contributed well to the overall experience, it went more in depth showing what Valkyr did.

I thought the movie was excellent, although I can see how some people wouldn't like the movie, I'm an avid Max Payne fan, well invested in the characters and story. It wouldn't of mattered if this movie sucked, just being there as a representation of a game series I adore is enough.

Great Movie imo.

jkhan5723d ago

I am a big fan of MaxPayne game. I watched the movie last night & I was like wtf? The only resemblance this movie has with the game is just its name. Plus the movie itself is meh...

Leathersoup5723d ago

I saw the movie on Saturday and I thought it was quite well done. It didn't follow the plot of the game exactly but I enjoyed the movie better than I would have if it had. What fun it would be to sit in the theater watching Max Payne walk around on a trail of blood for 20 minutes while you heard some stupid baby crying in your ear.
The Lord of the Rings trilogy came out a while back. Its story line had tons of changes from the books. I imagine there were a lot of unhappy Tolkien fans but the movies didn't get panned. Agreeably they were dealing with better source material than Max Payne, but they still deviated quite a bit from what was available.
I think if Max Payne is going to be rated low it should not be based on the fact that it deviated from the game's storyline.

eXo85723d ago

Well, when the lead actor, producers, and script writer all never played the game.. a lot might get lost in translation.

Lolliflop Lolliflop 5723d ago

Problem is the director is a disgruntled Xturd that had just learned of Too Humans inevitable flopping,this is why both production and directing values are of low quality in the movie

THWIP5723d ago

...a more pathetic waste of DNA has never existed. You are the dumbest piece of sh1t on the planet. :o

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