
FuRyu announces action RPG Cry Star for PS4

The latest issue of V-Jump reveals Cry Star, a new action RPG for PlayStation 4 from FuRyu featuring former Key scenario writer Naoki Hisaya at the helm of the story. It will launch on October 18 in Japan for 7,980 yen.

Rei, who killed her little sister after being drawn into limbo, throws herself into battle against monsters as an agent of the devil. The girl who made a deal with the devil will reap souls using tears as her weapon.

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jznrpg2286d ago

I am interested but not much to go on yet

Fist4achin2286d ago

Sounds interesting. Will have to keep watch for this


CRYSTAR - Review Rush

To atone for her sins, Rei must fight her way through Purgatory and save her fallen sister. Swap between a cast of four playable characters and unravel the truths and tragedies of their pasts. Turn your pain into power by summoning mighty Guardians to stand alongside you. And when overwhelmed with grief, draw strength from your tears to grow stronger. By overcoming the enemies around her, and the inner conflict within her, only then will Rei release herself from her own suffering.

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Review - Crystar (Switch) | WayTooManyGames

WTMG's Fernando da Costa: "Crystar is a hidden gem for niche JRPG fans with a beautiful music assortment to boot. The narrative centers around rescuing your deceased sister and returning her soul to the land of the living. Meet mysterious characters and sign a contract that then sees you traversing the deep recesses of Purgatory. I’m in love with the focus on delivering a flood of creativity. It tickles my imagination and gets me excited to plow through to see what happens next. The portraits of the girls are beautifully drawn, though I could’ve used more animation during the dialogue sections. As it is, it’s rather lifeless, and movement would have helped drive home what was occurring."

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Crystar is a Beautiful Tale Marred By Monotonous Gameplay | Goomba Stomp

Caught between immaculate presentation values and unrefined gameplay, Crystar is an RPG worth experiencing for the right crowd.

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