
Tomb Raider Dev Calls Last Of Us Part II Gameplay Fake, Apologizes

Last of Us Part II gameplay was shown yesterday at Sony E3 2018 Conference, The Gameplay featured Ellie and it was pretty impressive. In my opinion, it was one of the best gameplay demos sony ever.

The Fans reception was good too…but Tomb Raider Dev on twitter called the gameplay “Fake” in a tweet. The Tweet was deleted but it’s internet and there is nothing that you can hide.

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Blastoise2236d ago (Edited 2236d ago )

I wouldn't pull at this thread if I were him xD

-Foxtrot2236d ago

I mean he could do something more productive and make an actual Tomb Raider game instead of trying to make the franchise like other games. People can say what they want but the new Tomb Raider was heavily inspired by Uncharted and the Shadow of the Tomb Raider seemed it had learnt a thing or two off Last of Us...not saying the things they borrow were NaughtyDog "exclusive" features but it's clear they've been watching them closely while making the new Tomb Raider games

So yeah maybe he should just shut up, stop making bold claims and make an actual Tomb Raider game instead of LARA: First Blood Part III

Spurg2236d ago

Oh...There you go with the Tomb raider argument again.
"...make an actual Tomb Raider game instead"
OMG please explain that. Do you want her to go to a tomb and raid it or something, the title isn't reflective of what a game should be.
"Uncharted and the Shadow of the Tomb Raider seemed it had learned a thing or two off Last of Us"
And the amount of times Uncharted copied ideas from tomb raider? I didn't know Last of us invented stealth gameplay.

The last of us 2 gameplay was a tab bit too scripted. The way everything was coming together felt too perfect and cinematic. The actual game isn't going to be as freeflow as this. Naughty dog hasn't been pioneers in gameplay they are actually average at best. Stories are their strong suit and I prefer the opening sequence where Ellie was interacting with the people in the party, that what makes last of us great.

xX-oldboy-Xx2236d ago

Spurg - Yes, I want her to do that, like she would in the beginning.

ND are the best at the cinematic freeflow gameplay, remember when TLOU was shown and people said the same thing? Spoiler - they are still wiping egg off their faces.

Ceaser98573612236d ago

"Naughty dog hasn't been pioneers in gameplay they are actually average at best"

The lamest and most stupid comment I ever read..

I only agree with the scripted gameplay..

AspiringProGenji2236d ago (Edited 2236d ago )

''Naughty dog hasn't been pioneers in gameplay they are actually average at best. Stories are their strong suit and I prefer the opening sequence where Ellie was interacting with the people in the party, that what makes last of us great.''

then explain all the seamless action in gameplay in the Uncharted series and why TR tired to hard to pull that of... Explain TlOU multiplayer... I'll wait

joab7772236d ago

Exactly. It’s like some random boxer watching Tyson in his prime and tweeting, “that wouldn’t knock me out!” Lmao!

The genius is this: the gameplay is so damn good that their nearest competitor thought it was fake. That speaks VOLUMES about ND.

-Foxtrot2236d ago (Edited 2236d ago )


"Do you want her to go to a tomb and raid it or something, the title isn't reflective of what a game should be"

Are you asking if I want Lara Croft to go on a globe trotting adventure to raid Tombs and temples in a Tomb Raider game? Urm...let me think...hmmm....YES

"OMG please explain that"

What I'd want from a Tomb Raider game

Lara Croft to look like Lara Croft...woman can look sexy and be a bad ass
A globe trotting adventure or a variety of locations across the world
Her dual pistols to be back
Enemies are mostly wildlife
Human enemies would crop up but she'd take them out non lethal if she has choice.
Tombs/Temples/Caves full of dangerous hazards
Traps scattered all over
Puzzles which could end your life if you aren't quick enough
Medkits to come back...a survival game with regen health...WHAAAA?
Better voice actresses...sorry but she's not convincing
Secrets to find
Save Crystals or a system like it
Find items across map, they are well hidden
Her acrobats and the like to return. Backflips...jump side to side.
Stop relying on massive set pieces which try too hard to put Uncharted to shame or something

I could go on.

Skull5212236d ago

Looked real enough to me but Sony has faked gameplay in the past so it isn’t outside the realm of possibility that some of it is faked. Cocking that gun under the car seems suspicious but I guess we’ll find out.

Yui_Suzumiya2236d ago

I actually enjoy the new Tomb Raider games.. I don't care for the old ones though

SuperSonic912236d ago (Edited 2236d ago )

You know what, Fox... I have been controlling my rage against Tomb Raider since the reboot because it is super obvious they ripped off Uncharted in every possible way but this is it! They have crossed the line and I am crossing too.

They are so ungrateful to Naughty Dog.
I have followed Tomb Raider's history and Square Enix was very suspicious with their release dayes and delays. I have compared their "stolen"product to Naughty Dog's. And belieive you me ND is gonna exposed SE sooner of later for corporate theft.

TR chose to walk under the shadow of ND and now theu mad coz they cant get out of it.

Oh and SOTTR's ultra violent tone... guess where they got it from? This is why they tried to beat ND to it by announcing it before E3. Unfortunately they got exposed still.

I was right to boycott these suckers.

The heat is on!!!!

MuddyWaters2236d ago

Not fake, it looked excellent. The only thing fake about it is how scripted and controlled of how it was demo'd.

2236d ago
Skull5212236d ago


You do realize Uncharted is a rip off of the Tomb Raider series don’t you?

It was called Male Tomb Raider for a reason...

-Foxtrot2236d ago


Oh please that's what people said just because they were both adventure platforming games where the main character was a treasure hunter.

Tomb Raider was a third person platforming puzzle game with small shooting elements

Uncharted was a over the top third person action shooter platformer with small puzzle elements.

They stole more from Uncharted then Uncharted stole from them.

victorMaje2236d ago

“LARA: First Blood Part III” 😂
Though I have nothing against Tomb Raider, it’s undeniable that without ND making Uncharted & The Last of Us Lara would’ve never made it back from her grave.
Anyone that says otherwise hasn’t been paying attention.
As for that TR dev, well...what Foxtrot said.

morganfell2236d ago (Edited 2236d ago )

"The last of us 2 gameplay was a tab bit too scripted. "

Obvious signs of someone that never played the first game. I had numerous sequences that played out, minus the new mechanics (prone, etc) that worked out in a similar fashion playing the original. And here is what makes it amazing. I could go back through those levels, try the same thing again and everything went slightly different but also beautifully and was able to kill everyone silently. Then the third time through I would go in and everything went to hell and the AI would kill me half way through in a ruthless and particularly personal manner.

TLOU is a beautiful brutal game and the reality you can conduct sequences just like this time and again are a matter of simple fact. Anyone that has ever played TLOU (Obvious you have not) immediately recognized the gameplay and it felt instantly familiar to them. Laughable that someone such as yourself posts such a purposeful and ill informed remark when there are a ton of Survivor Difficulty videos and Speed Runs from TLOU where people pull off great situational combat moments that are not scripted.

wd3212236d ago (Edited 2236d ago )

You know, I don't understand how this isn't an "actual Tomb Raider game", as people put it, what does that mean, exactly, I'm really curious.

Sevir2236d ago

I really wish you'd leave this Make an Actual Tomb Raider game nonesense in 2011... Ok! This Tomb Raider Reboot is heads and shoulders better than that overly sexualized acrobatic nonesense of a game... It was only popular because the men they made the game capitalized on on sex appeal while merging it with pulp fiction... That Lara Croft had zero story or personality other than being a video game vixen. Tomb Raider and the sequel there of has made the franchise relevant... Who cares if it finds it's success in the similar catalogue of Uncharted...?

As for this Developer's comment on TLOU2... Poor taste. Everyone knows that ND games are true to form with their gameplay reveals... And this gameplay Seems iterative on the mechanics they've set up from the first game in the series through Uncharted 4. There's nothing fake about this.

Sevir2236d ago

You know people love to levy "scripted" the linear game as if it's some negative... Um this is Naughty Dog we are talking about. This is a Sequel to the greatest Story Driven action game of the PS3/XB360 generation. The first game play reveal for the last of us was met by Xbox fans accusing them of the demo being "scripted" and the extended gameplay and everyone's own gameplay in that exact same section was different.

Since The Last of Us, Naughty Dog's confrontations in combat has always been approachable from multiple ways, and you saw that in every step of the play through, they simple CHOSE to play and confront those scenarios to demonstrate the new additions to the combat.

Ellie is smaller in frame than Joel so naturally she can squeeze through shelves to get the jump on her enemies, the hiding in grass was something they brought over from Uncharted 4. Her being pulled out from under the truck wouldn't have happened if she stayed in the grass. There are so many ways you could see where the player could have chose to attack any given situation... And you wanna come here and call this "scripted".

Fun fact... Games are scripted, every thing in reactions to how it's played, free flow and all is all scripted... There is no game experience that isn't scripted... So pipe down with this. It's not working. The demo is full of choices and I guarantee when they play the game or when you play this sequence again you will choose a different way to survive that section and it still wouldn't negate their original showcase because it will be different

Dirtnapstor2236d ago (Edited 2236d ago )

“Scripted gameplay”
Of course it was! Guarantee the individual who played that sequence did it over a thousand fold. You really think they would ‘wing’ a gameplay demo for E3?!
Hats off to ND. I’d be willing to bet the game will flow just a fluidly as presented. And no, ND will not be making a Sims game so you can slow dance with your partner.

Prem8tuaProcrastin8a2236d ago

Uncharted borrowed HEAVILY from tomb raider first.

-Foxtrot2236d ago (Edited 2236d ago )


“I really wish you'd leave this Make an Actual Tomb Raider game nonesense in 2011... Ok! This Tomb Raider Reboot is heads and shoulders better than that overly sexualized acrobatic nonesense of a game... It was only popular because the men they made the game capitalized on on sex appeal while merging it with pulp fiction... That Lara Croft had zero story or personality other than being a video game vixen. Tomb Raider and the sequel there of has made the franchise relevant... Who cares if it finds it's success in the similar catalogue of Uncharted...?”

So basically I should shut up because you, A NON old classic TR fan likes the news ones better which aren’t TR games at heart. I mean your little rant just showed us that you don’t give a shit about the old games so yeah of course you hate me going on about it because I have a point and you wouldn’t want the series to revert into something you’ve never liked.

Drop it...don’t make out I’m in the wrong because you hate the old games

Typical new fans who only love an old franchise because its changed into something else.

badz1492236d ago

THIS IS CLASSIC! it's like you're playing so good and dominating in multiplayer, people call you hacking.

Uken122235d ago

It looks like a Tech Demo, this will not be the final build. It won't look better than PC games, it will look good but ps4 can NOT produce better graphics than a high end PC. This is running on PC.

But it doesn't even matter because it will still look f***ing amazing.

Also I love how ya'll insult the developer like you know how to make games better than he does. I'm sure. He's right but it isn't good for him to be public saying it for legal reasons or keeping his job reasons.

I do remember that, and I also remember that the graphics were downgraded. I also remember ND using Ellen Pages likeness and claiming they had no idea. And then they had to change it. So ND had egg on their face.

MadLad2235d ago

Oh hush. The Tomb Raider reboots are gems. Uncharted's formula, sure. Just done better in everything from the gunplay, to world traversal, puzzles, and character progression.

Babadook72235d ago (Edited 2235d ago )

Yup. The Last of Us 2 is fake as fuck. Until a few years that is when Crystal Dynamics plays it and goes back to the drawing board. ;)

Imalwaysright2235d ago (Edited 2235d ago )

Here we go. The guy that knows nothing about TR talking about it.

"Tomb Raider was a third person platforming puzzle game with small shooting elements"

Utter bullshit and again proving that you know nothing about TR. TR has always been an action adventure franchise, emphasis on the word action. In fact it was a genre defining game and established many of the things we see in action adventure games today and this "small shooting elements" is hilarious. TR game had different weapons, different types of ammo and you literally finished them with hundreds of kills.

"They stole more from Uncharted then Uncharted stole from them"

LMAO. Lets see the things that TR had before Uncharted ever existing: platforming, climbing, exploration, puzzle solving, swimming, hand to hand combat, stealth, driving vehicles, set pieces, supernatural elements, hidden treasures, shooting enemies in the face and I could go on... Pretty much every core element that we see in Uncharted and it was TR that "stole"more from Uncharted? What a joke!

thisismyaccount2235d ago

Wish someone would tweet that, it describes the series/reboot : Lara First Blood Part 3

horndog2235d ago

You do know they tomb raider has been around longer than uncharted , right ?

I would say uncharted borrowed more from tomb raider . It goes back to the original PS where it had lots of success.

tontontam02235d ago

You do realize Uncharted is a rip off of the Tomb Raider series don’t you?

It was called Male Tomb Raider for a reason...

-I think you mean INDIANA JONES.

bluefox7552235d ago

Would help if they made her a better character as well, she's just so dull and forgettable now. The old Lara was kinda cocky and sarcastic, which I liked.

tontontam02235d ago

You probably played TLOU on easy and ran around like an idiot

At first I thought it's way too scripted, but I remembered playing TLOU at grounded difficulty, I played so carefully perfect camera angles was necessary to make sure I'm not surrounded and I remember having playthroughs which are picture perfect you would think I directed my play through

I think they've done multiple playthroughs and it just turned out that the trailer they showed was the best.

Edito2235d ago

I stopped playing Tomb Raider after Anniversary and the new one never got into me... For me it doesn't feel like Tomb Raider anymore.

I miss the loneliness of Tomb Raider The Last Revelation, Tomb Raider 3 in caves of Caliwa, London, Alexandria in Tomb Raider 4...

Those where good times.

UltraNova2235d ago (Edited 2235d ago )

About the whole "scripted" argument - if you made the game and knew every nook and cranny, enemy placement, environment cues etc etc wouldn't you be able to play any segment as good as we saw in that game play video? If we as the gamers went through the game or even one level multiple times wouldn't we be able to go through it with that ease?

To be frank, what I saw could very well be doable by anyone come release day. ND are that good so that level of cinematic gameplay is a totally reasonable expectation.

Edit: @spurg

Seriously know?

SuperSonic912235d ago

"Fake, eh?" Eidos should be directing that insult to Ubisoft not Naughty Dog.

Realms2235d ago

ND got them shooked they better step their game up if they are going to be making stupid comments like that on twitter. Instead of elevating their game nope it's fake because we can't pull it off with Tomb Raider. That is why they are not on ND level they are too busy worrying about the competition to better their own game.

-Foxtrot2235d ago (Edited 2235d ago )


LOL..."knows nothing about TR"

With 149 Agrees and people agreeing in the comments, I think it shows a little that I know a lot more then you

You know...the same guy who just HAS to reply to my TR posts and says the same thing over and over

"bu bu but Foxtrot the old Tomb Raider games ARE 100% EXACTLY LIKE the new ones, there's been no changes, it's always been like that"

Wrong...wrong...and wrong

Keep telling you this but you obviously just don't get it. As a TR fan, who actually played and like the old games, I know what I'm talking about

Imalwaysright2235d ago (Edited 2235d ago )

"With 149 Agrees and people agreeing in the comments, I think it shows a little that I know a lot more then you"

LMAO pathetic even more so when you're replying to someone that has been coming to this website for more than 10 years and knows very well how things are around here.

"You know...the same guy who just HAS to reply to my TR posts and says the same thing over and over"

Says the troll that feels the need to spout the same bullshit at every chance he gets.

"Keep telling you this but you obviously just don't get it. As a TR fan, who actually played and like the old games, I know what I'm talking about"

And yet you said that TR games were platformers so who exactly are you trying to fool? Enough with the bullshit. You didn't even know that TR has been an action adventure game from the get go. In fact a pioneer in the genre that dictated many of the things in the action adventure genre today and look, you can't even counter the things I said wich btw happens EVERY single time when I lay down the facts about the franchise because you know nothing about it after the original TR... oh wait not even that and you call yourself a fan? Platformer. What a joke.

The Wood2235d ago (Edited 2235d ago )

All inspired by Indiana Jones

the reboot is blatantly inspired by naughty dogs games. I have zero issue with that. My only issue is the dev taking shots like the side chick looking at dude with his family in the park. I notice only Sevir addressed both issues here when I skimmed the comments. . The rest of the guys. . . 'Noticeably Xbox owners' focus on what game inspired what but ignore the dumb comments towards a dev that has done very well in the genre. .or am I just imagining things?

Despite that I like the modernisation or Lara. . She's grown up and more fleshed out. . Sometimes things just have to move on or become stale like tr before the reboot. I understand Fox's complaints about the gameplay also as it is becoming more naughty dog than origin so for a dev to say what he said seems sooo butt hurt and ungrateful.

mochachino2235d ago

The Tomb Raider origin games have been awesome and are some of the best third person action/story games available.

Think what you want from the devs comment regarding TLOU2; it's in very poor taste to criticize a competitor in a such a manner. But the past two Tomb Raider games have been pretty amazing. I'm very happy the series was resurrected and the origin angle was part of that.

TallonIV2235d ago

Yeah how about you stick to the article instead of hating on the person?

The gameplay shown of TLoU2 was fake in a sense because there were parts during the demo that you or I will not be experiencing in the final version of the game. They obviously did it to make it more cinematic looking. If you don't know what I'm talking about watch whenever Ellie interacted with the enemies.

+ Show (38) more repliesLast reply 2235d ago
naruga2236d ago (Edited 2236d ago )

i m with him tbh ...it had extraordinary AI and gameplay to be true...ND did it again with 1st LoUS

xX-oldboy-Xx2236d ago

Get ready to be wrong, ND are the best at these types of games and this is the natural evolution/progression of the genre.

Have some faith - it's ND after all.

Ceaser98573612236d ago

The AI will be extraordinary this time and its confirmed..

SAFYIIR2236d ago

Tomb Raiders devs are undercover in this thread lol

Razzer2236d ago

The end result was a game too good to be true. Expect more of the same from the best damn developer in gaming.

rainslacker2236d ago

I am curious why people keep doubting ND. I can't think of an instance since last gen where they haven't delivered what they showed. UC4 had some changes to the graphics which could be said to be downgraded,but other things were made batter in the process, giving a better overall picture. Other than that, everything that's been shown by them for quite some time has been actual game play demos. I can't see why they'd change that up now. that seemed like an actual level in the game....although I'm sure the staging to get into it is much different than being some flashback while getting it on at a community dance.

SuperSonic912236d ago

To all clueless Uncharted haters before you spew lies about Uncharted copying Tomb Raider on PSOne .... the Jak and Daxter trilogy would luke to have a word with you geniuses. Uncharted DF was basically Jak and Daxter 3 with an actual human insted of cartoon characters.

boing12235d ago

But this exactly it. You saw it and I saw it. What makes you think it is fake? How many times ND lied to us with fake gameplay, hm? How many times ND game didn't look or played as advertised?

Edito2235d ago

I think we are all grown ups, we all know that there are small aspects that can differ from the gameplay trailer to the retail version of the game, a gameplay trailer is still a ideal vision, a closer vision to reality of the game it may end up not being exactly like the game play trailer but please don't call it fake because we all know that it will be 90% close to what they showed...

Make sure everyone buy the game and witness the master piece that this game will be.

+ Show (5) more repliesLast reply 2235d ago
super_bruno2236d ago (Edited 2236d ago )

Demo wasn't fake, it was scripted. He should have used other set of words.

Chevalier2236d ago

Or he should be more professional. Language is definitely a barrier, but, tons of people in Montreal know english its pretty easy to talk to someone he works with or translator or heck even use Google to translate. Way to backtrack.

AlphaCentyros2236d ago

Is it confirmed that it was scripted though?

Concertoine2235d ago (Edited 2235d ago )

Knowing ND, the game will look better when it hits shelves than it ever does at E3.

boing12235d ago

People said exactly the same thing when they showed gameplay of first LoU. Scripted!! And it wasn't.

seanpitt232235d ago (Edited 2235d ago )

Yes it was scripted but it looked that good and blew people minds you just can't not think it's fake but with naughty dog you just know it's the real deal... Wow they are something else.

TallonIV2235d ago

How is scripted not fake? They're implying that is how we will be playing the game when in actual fact it's not.

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 2235d ago
GTgamer2236d ago

He just mad that last of us 2 made tomb raider look outdated ashell.

Uken122235d ago

No, it's clearly running on PC. Maybe he is salty. But anyone can tell it isn't going to be the final build. Only a fanboy would think so. PS4 is not better than a high end PC. I hate to break it to you. It will still look amazing regardless. Most games on ps4 look great. So who cares.

Jinger2235d ago

Tomb raider has the better and more varied gameplay mechanics however.

UCForce2235d ago (Edited 2235d ago )

@Jinger Oh really ? The story of Tomb Raider reboot wasn’t amazing to be honest. Lara Croft just complaining all days and nights. Even Atreus and Ellie were a child but their development naturally grow and better than Lara Croft.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 2235d ago
Thatguy-3102236d ago

I understand his jealousy. Must be hard living under Naughty Dog's shadow. Poor poor man. All Tomb Raider is known for with the recent installments is for being a poor man's Uncharted.

kneon2236d ago (Edited 2236d ago )

The last TR was rather dull, it was a bit of a slog to get to the end. And then it ends with a terrible boss fight. It seems that they wanted to have a cinematic boss fight with ( i don't remember his name) so they forced you to kill him in exactly the way they wanted. Meanwhile, I'm there repeatedly bashing him in the head for 5 minutes with an ice ax while he just stood there and took it without even firing a shot, finally I figured out what it was they wanted.

Worst boss fight ever.

nix2235d ago

I had the 1st reboot game via Plus, I just couldn't get in the game. Then few months later again I gave it a try. Nope just couldn't.

Somehow I think I love the old TR. It was highly sexualized person but it was at least fun to play that game. And nothing wrong in being sexy and bad ass. I would love to love TR again if they bring back the sexiness and the essence from the old game.

rainslacker2236d ago

This will be his third statement about other games, and implying that his game is so much better, and somehow revolutionary. Each time, all I can think of is how derivative his own work has been, and how he's trying to make his game seem more progressive because Lara is a woman, and never actually acknowledges that she's not that strong of a character.

-Foxtrot2236d ago (Edited 2236d ago )

What else has he said about other games ?

2236d ago Replies(1)
Crazyglues2236d ago

You must be doing something right when other studios are jealous of your game... Tomb Dev's Why so Jelly...? ....LoL

All jokes aside, my mouth was on the floor watching Last of Us II, it looked amazing, I can't wait for this game, Naughty Dog what you have done here..... Wow, once again amazing..

+ Show (5) more repliesLast reply 2235d ago
Nyxus2236d ago

Fake? Has he never seen a Naughty Dog game before?

CaptainOmega2236d ago

Well.. To be fair.. the intial gameplay reveal for The Last of Us 1 was not what we got in the final game. I can see some skepticism whether or not the combat will actually be that fluid and engaging.

-Foxtrot2236d ago

True but it's not like the final product was down graded or dumbed the actual experience down. You didn't think "Oh man, in the trailers they had X, Y and Z features what the hell".

What we got in the Last of Us was on par or better then what we were shown. Only time I thought something like that about what we saw or were told about a game compared to what we got was Elder Scrolls Oblivion.

AspiringProGenji2236d ago (Edited 2236d ago )

The AI got downgraded for some reason but the same gameplay and features still remained, unless I am missing something here.

Also Uncharted 4's melee featured similar of those camera pans and animations. For Naughty Doge it wouldn't be impossible to make it even better than that or like we saw in the gameplay reveal. God of War a lots of seamless animations too

BehindTheRows2236d ago

Um, we got the same game as revealed. Not sure what you played.

CaptainOmega2236d ago


Definately not.

One of the marks on the game was the AI wasn’t that great compared to the gamepaly reveal trailer.

bolimekurac2236d ago

foxtrot not the point, people got pissed when division didnt look anything like what they showed and rightfully so, same for last of us , same for killzone and other games. showing people the best it can possibly look then downgrading it , is just tricking people, thats dishonest

AspiringProGenji2236d ago

The Last of US was not downgraded graphically unlike The division. What people pointed out with TLoU was the AI was not the same. ND themselves said they changed it because it made the game too difficult but I never bought that excuse. With the power of the PS4 I hope they deliver this time with the AI, and the AI in TLoU was not that horrible in the end anyways

morganfell2236d ago

@BehindThe Rows,

Hey you and I played the same game :) The same as everyone else. Not sure what they think happened.

As for this developer, he meant what he said. Just look at his reply or other tweets. He does not have an issue with a command of the English language. Now he not only jealous but now he is also a liar. While I do not think he should be fired, he should be forced to close his twitter account then Eidos should fly him to Naughty Dog's HQ in Santa Monica with a fairly ostentatious gift.

I am planning on purchasing SOTTR. His remark doesn't change that but he is bitter and jealous person and now the world is rightly pointing a finger in his face. I can only imagine what is happening at his job.

-Foxtrot2236d ago


The Division is a shallow game though and being the kind of game it is it will always be that kind of franchise. I mean it was sad to see them create these great looking trailers at E3, like it's some massive single player story game but it's not.

The Division was called out because it had nothing else behind it, one thing gets cut from a ND game and it's usually balanced out with something else or the fact the entire game is really good.

TimeSkipLuffy2235d ago (Edited 2235d ago )

tbf E3 isn't exactly the show that shows 100% finished games that can be bought after it was shown 99% of the time. But when a game comes close to what it had shown and is simply amazing even after some changes then that is all a gamer needs at the end of the day.

+ Show (6) more repliesLast reply 2235d ago
porkChop2236d ago

To his defense, the gameplay reveal for the first game featured a bunch of stuff that didn't actually exist when the game came out. The game was still amazing, but the gameplay wasn't accurate. Maybe that's what he meant with this comment. TLOU 2 does look fantastic, but everyone can see that gameplay demo was clearly scripted.

mkis0072235d ago

I hope they just release another video of a new play-through of the same area to shut people up.


It was clearly staged... Any experienced gamer could easily tell, came down to moving or hitting the right button at the right time. The final game will play like the 1st one, or at least I hope so. A lot of developers do this to show off their game though

AspiringProGenji2236d ago

Because any experienced gamer like you said can't press the buttons at the right time, especially the developers? Man all fighting games must be fake now

uncharted562236d ago (Edited 2236d ago )

uhhh it was literally confirmed that u can dodge, jump, go prone, hide under cars, run through tight spaces as a game mechanic. You do know that they are playing their own game, they have probably tested and polished this level multiple times to be as smooth as possible hence why it looked scripted to u. I don't think you know much about game development.


So "I" say it's scripted and agrees that a lot of devs have been doing this and get downvoted but the other "Die hard Sony Fans" say it's scripted and its ok? Yeah... I give up lmao.

@ AspiringProGenji, that is not what I was saying, Im saying the demo looks more like a QTE fest (with no hud or prompts for the demo, immersion) than the first TLOU did and that the gameplay will probably be fine and play out like the 1st game. But everyone on here wants to get defensive about it... Geez

rainslacker2236d ago

What was so different that it couldn't be real?

Lets look at the run down.

She stealthed her way through the first bit. I assume she could have killed off some bad guys.

The next scene of the guy being gutted, was a scripted event, and not part of game play. That was in the first game, and UC.

Then the game forced you into the parking garage for the next stage. Again, nothing out of the ordinary. The roaming enemies that could see you were part of the first game.

The next part she was stalking to kill the guy at the top, she was spotted. At this point, you'd have different ways to approach how you played. In this case, she killed the guy that spotted her first, and disarmed her and immediately used her weapon to finish off the character. This was a new mechanic, although UC4 had disarming if you killed a character and didn't have a weapon.

Then she was being shot at. She choose to run away, and I assume she could have handled the bad guys there. In the end, she went back into stealth mode, and they showed a new mechanic where you could crawl under objects. It's not much of a stretch to believe that the AI would look under stuff instead of just wondering around. Two new mechanics were shown here, shooting while lying down, and a new way to stealth under stuff.

She was spotted after shooting the person looking under the car. She ran away.

Then she picked up a bottle and threw it to stun an enemy. This was possible in the first game, and I used that tactic often. In this case, she grabbed the enemy, and used him as a bullet shield. Again, this was in the first game, although as I recall, the enemies wouldn't shoot their comrade.

Then she ran into the building, and was followed by several enemies. Again, this was done in the first game. She stealthed her away around, as enemies looked around for her. Behind stuff, and what not. They did this to some degree in the first game, it was more advanced this time.

Then they showed her stealthing around, and given the last game, there are probably different ways to approach the situation. I do think they chose the way they did it to highlight the brutality, and to show a semi-boss fight kind of deal, which showed off a much more advanced combat system.

So, the course of events may not be exact, and they probably were planned to play out in that manner for maximum effect, but to call it fake or not possible is just wrong at this junction.

AspiringProGenji2236d ago

Ah please save the namecalling. Scripted or not, which it probably is, what you are trying to say is that those seamless movements are not gameplay but a cutscene. No one was actually playing it on stage, but that doesn’t mean it is fake gameplay

Besides who doesn’t know whenbto press the buttons correctly with time, especially “experienced gamers?”

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 2236d ago
Timesplitter142236d ago (Edited 2236d ago )

well to be fair, it felt undoubtedly fake to me too. I'm sure this was actual recorded gameplay played by a real person, but it was fake in the sense that every second of that segment was intensely choregraphed, scripted and pre-arranged. It is not representative of the experience players will have with the final product

There is no way in hell a real game will play out this cinematically and dramatically in real life. Enemies will not react, talk and move like that in the final product. The action will not be prefectly paced like that. This sort of gameplay is logically impossible to accomplish... unless ND made some incredible breakthrough in AI

This was basically the single-player equivalent of those cringy multiplayer The Division demos where Ubisoft likes to pretend people online really talk like that in game. Nearly every AAA game has been guilty of doing that for years, though

uncharted562236d ago

the difference is that they are playing their own game so they can play out the level more smoother then us since they know how enemies will react and what steps to take and what not to do.

rainslacker2236d ago

Can you be more specific and say what wouldn't be possible to do in the game?

What in the game play wouldn't be possible? If it's like the first game, it can obviously play out in different ways, and I doubt most players are going to be able to rush through it as fast as you saw here, and will spend more time looking around(something I noticed the player never really looked around much). But nothing in it seemed like it would be impossible.

Imalwaysright2236d ago

With the crappy cpus in these consoles? Doubt that ND or any studio could do any relevant improvement with A.I this gen and for all the people that are seemingly outraged, this is not the 1st time that ND did this and they did it with this very same franchise https://www.youtube.com/wat...

I still remember how everyone was in awe with the AI in that demo. The game was released and the disappointment was real. In fact many consider the AI the weakest part of the game.

UCForce2235d ago

@imalwaysright It’s still unprofessional from him.

Imalwaysright2235d ago


I'll take his unprofessionalism over ND misleading.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 2235d ago
Baza2236d ago

Jealousy. Trying to make himself feel better and elevate his game cause it looks preschool compared to Last of Us. There is nothing fake about Naughty Dog.

SuperSonic912236d ago

For the record

Uncharted and TLOU arw evolution of Jak and Daxter not the PSOne Tomb Raider.

These haters are so blinded.

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 2235d ago
DivineAssault 2236d ago

What a hater. Thats why these chumps were so nervous after GoW released. I know TLOU2 will smoke Tomb Raider shadows or whatever its called.

81BX2236d ago

I find it odd you would then hate on tomb raider??? Oh sweet irony.

RememberThe3572236d ago (Edited 2236d ago )

I thought we just went through this with POTUS. That's not how irony works.

Monkeysmoke2236d ago

The game so real the dude couldn't believe it is real lol.

Can't blame the poor dude, TLOU2 made Shadow of Tomb Raider look outdated already.

Sony development team are on another level!

MadLad2235d ago

Two very different titles, but of course the immature have to bicker betweenst one another, and turn everything into an idiotic fanboy tantrum.

UCForce2235d ago

Nope. It’s called unprofessional and immature from him. So yeah, he deserves to get caught for it.

2236d ago Replies(8)
XiNatsuDragnel2236d ago

Lol Fake you guys need a meme named after you guys tbh.

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Sonic1881153d ago (Edited 153d ago )

I do agree that Tomb Raider Angel of Darkness was the worse one 😂 I remember playing some of it and I took it back. That game was just awful in every way. I bought it used at gamestop and glad they had that 7 day return policy for used games 😂

Pyrofire95153d ago

Would it be worth saying why?

ZeekQuattro153d ago

Simple. He's been hating on the Tomb Raider reboots for years. I can't imagine seeing them at the top of a best TR game list let alone being on the list in general sitting well with him because of it.

-Foxtrot153d ago



No no, just pointing out how TR mutated into a generic action adventure game losing the appeal of what it once was when it was more about puzzles and platforming over going Rambo, slaughtering waves of enemies

But hey, continue being a dick and speaking about me like I’m not going to see the comment.

MeatyUrologist152d ago

Foxtrot, I'm curious if you have played the most recent games. Sure the 2013 reboot was hugely focused on combat, but each follow up became less and less about combat to the point where outside of a few large scale story missions I don't even remember combat being a part of shadow of the tomb raider. Shadow was so puzzle focused it actually was a bit much for me and I love the TR puzzles.

I still feel like Rise was the best of the series and I was a huge fan of the originals. To me it struck the perfect balance of exploration, platforming, puzzles, and combat. Not saying your opinion is wrong I'm just curious what you think they should have done different. Games do need to evolve somewhat to stay relevant. Would you prefer small linear jumping platform levels like the original?

RavenWolfx153d ago

I would agree Rise for 1 and the reboot as 2. Shadow is a bit high, though.

Sonic1881153d ago (Edited 153d ago )

I think Shadow wasn't even develop by crystal dynamics. I thought it was the worse in the new trilogy

Pyrofire95153d ago

That's right. Shadow was developed by Eidos Montreal who who went and made Marvels Guardians of the Galaxy next. (Great game)
Meanwhile after Rise of the Tomb Raider, Crystal Dynamics made Marvels Avengers. (bad game)

MeatyUrologist153d ago

Agrees. First two are correct but Shadow should be around 5-6.

terstomp153d ago

For me, Legend should be alot higher (along with the other two ). Shadow, I enjoyed it, but has too much has fluff, as modern games tend to do. Playing the remastered series, and apart from the controls, is very good.

jznrpg153d ago

I really enjoyed the first 2 games, Legend and the first of the reboots and the rest I didn’t get into so I never finished.

robtion153d ago

Completely subjective list. I really liked Underworld, I preferred Lara's design. That said I loved the horror/uncharted feel of the reboot. I think all the TR games have strengths and weaknesses. None are objectively better in every way.

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