
Do We Even Care About Crackdown 3 Anymore?

A debate between two members of WTMG's staff, each one with a completely different opinion towards Crackdown 3.

WTMG's Todd Eggleston: "Crackdown 3 has been pushed back again until 2019. Is this a surprise to anyone? More importantly, do we even care at this point?"

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FallenAngel19842302d ago

Why did it get extremely hyped in the first place?

Take the power out of the equation and you see a bunch of frauds who weren’t interested in the first two start putting this latest game on a pedestal

Brave_Losers_Unite2302d ago (Edited 2302d ago )

Microsoft kept on pushing cloud technology and it was, for a long time, their most talked about topic. Crackdown 3 was set to revolutionize gameplay. But that utterly failed and now we have a huge downgrade of what was initially supposed to be a game unlike any other.

UltraNova2302d ago

Forget the cloud stuff already... Why shouldn't we care for a new game? They should make ot the best it can be and release it already, their fans deserve at least that.

2302d ago
BlaqMagiq12302d ago


Red Faction Guerilla is better than any Crackdown game. That game knows how to do destruction and physics right. Not even Crackdown 3 will come close to its greatness.

Sunny_D2302d ago


Oh please the games are mediocre. Maybe the 1st was bearable (most people would not have bought it if it wasn’t for the Halo 3 beta that was included inside) but the 2nd game was trash.

UltraNova2302d ago (Edited 2302d ago )


Thats exactly how this IP makes me feel (I imagine most people too) care and dont care at the same time...its mediocre at best.

That said its still a game, its choice, its....needed on the xbox side.

2302d ago
2302d ago
rainslacker2302d ago


If cloud compute wasn't attached to CD3, then it never would have received the early hype it did. It might now, given how things like SoD2 and SoT seem to garner more hype than we'd typically see for the caliber of games they are, but at the start of this gen, MS didn't need CD3 to be a hugely hyped game, because they actually had better games to hype up.

CD3 is one of those smaller mid-tier titles that get some notice, and round out the release lists for console war debates, but it isn't really worthy of the hype that you'd see for a AAA high profile game. CD3 is equivalent to say Hot Shots Golf from Sony in terms of level of hype you'd expect to see for the game.


Your name is fitting, because MS hyped up the game's tech(cloud compute) as a major selling point for the x1. Yet, 4-1/2 years in, and they have failed to deliver that selling point.

Sony fans may or may not care, but MS used deceptive marketing to promote their system. They used tech that wasn't ready, and after all this time, still haven't delivered.

As of right now, CD3 is not a unique experience. It isn't even an experience yet. What limited playtime has been offered, and what has been shown to the public, has not shown that the experience is unique at all. It's shown a very generic experience, and the impact of the building destruction on the game play is nowhere to be seen. It's way too early to be saying that it's unique, because the only thing the game has that's unique is the destruction.

2302d ago
UnHoly_One2302d ago

You guys remember that the cloud based destruction was only ever going to be in the multiplayer mode, right?

I keep seeing comments about downgrades and the "destruction is nowhere to be seen", etc...

That's because the last thing they showed was single player, it's not supposed to have the cloud based destruction.

Listen, I don't really care about this game either way. I liked the first game, but the second one was kind of crap. I'll probably play this at some point but unless one of my buddies wants to co-op it immediately it won't be right at launch.

My point is I'm not "defending" the game like everyone will accuse me of doing. I just hate seeing all this bullshit misinformation all the time.

BlaqMagiq12302d ago


Did you just say the CD3 DEMO? Lmfao that is a laughable statement.

mcstorm2302d ago

I do find this site funny sometimes. Do people not remember this kind of thing happening over GT5 was to set the standard of SIM racing yet after being put back and put back it was an unfinished game only had 200 full hd cars and a hand full of tracks with bad FPS and screen tare. Then people keep saying how they are going to win E3 ok cool but where are all the VR game? Also ones that show off the pro? We all forgetting the vita to? Sony seemed to. I know people will come back at me on this and for me I don't really care as as a gaming fan I see the plus and negotiate sides to all 3 consoles and depending on the games you like all 3 have some of the best IPS we have have seen and also most fun MP games to. Horizon 3, uc4, halo 5 MP, zelda, mario oddissy and horizon just to name a few. So let's stop going on about I hate this company for xyz and support the IPS and consoles you like. I don't like some of the big games like GTA or rdr but you never see me on there posts going on about how bad I think they are as them games are just not my type. Enjoy the games you like and you will find gaming alot more fun. At the end of the day if it was not for sony Microsoft and Nintendo making mistakes in the past they would not have some of the consoles we have now as all 3 push each other and need each other going forward.

+ Show (9) more repliesLast reply 2302d ago
TyrellCorp2302d ago (Edited 2302d ago )

If by power you mean all the “power of the cloud” hype, the original was still a cult classic, and the series still had untapped potential despite a disappointing 2nd game. Add in the dearth of first party content from MS, and anticipation for a new Crackdown was elevated.

The Wood2302d ago (Edited 2302d ago )

I'm glad someone noticed the 2nd game that was weak, announced as DLC then converted to full price retail because ms were short on exclusives at the time. . Same map and assets in an open world game. . . ..c'mon now talk about bait n switch. . .

This game got elevated to more than what it ever was because it was supposed to demonstrate the 'leveller' technology. Ms caught wind of the power discussion so they put the carrot out there saying the cloud would be that thing that not only closes the power gap but swings it in their favour. This was bliss for their fans and they ran with it. . . . . .years went by and that run changed into a bloody marathon and then some. . .they lied simple. If the cloud was as they billed then there wouldn't have been an x before any cloud. Crackdown is the perfect example of one of the things wrong with Xbox. They say so much yet provide so little in terms out output.

TyrellCorp2302d ago (Edited 2302d ago )

I was just saying I was excited for a Crackdown sequel, secret sauce or not. Because I enjoyed the original. Was that not the question? Why was it hyped outside of the cloud power bs? Fans of the franchise were excited, I’m sure I wasn’t the only fan of the series.

Also a lack of substantial exclusives from MS elevated it’s profile. Not sure what people are disagreeing with.

Sunny_D2302d ago

I’m still waiting for the cloud to bring us the power of 4 xboxes... do you think there’s hope?

rainslacker2302d ago

The early hype was all about the cloud though, and that's why it was elevated. MS didn't have a dearth of first party content)(if you include 2nd party) when CD3 was first revealed. The hype for the game was elevated solely through MS attempt to make the X1 seem more capable than it was. Because of this, the game will probably end up being disappointing to most, because many have placed huge expectations on the game, which current showings of the game just don't match.

TyrellCorp2302d ago

I’m not saying that the hype around cloud tech wasn’t the main thrust behind CD3’s promotion, and obviously the idea that a game could level the playing field with Sony was exciting for MS gamers. I was replying to the op, and maybe I misunderstood his/her comment but I read something to the effect of “why was it hyped outside of the power?” The op then asserted that it was by frauds who didn’t care about the first two games. I thought that was odd because I would think people who were excited about the game secret sauce or not, would actually be the fans of the series going back to the original. Like myself.

And as for the original topic of relevance, again MS does not have a lot of exclusive offerings so CD3 will remain in the spotlight until that situation changes.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 2302d ago
DarkVoyager2302d ago (Edited 2302d ago )

“Do We Even Care About Crackdown 3 Anymore?“

I never cared about it after seeing the first gameplay reveal. Crackdown 3 is just another overhyped Xbox exclusive such as Sea of Thieves and State of Decay 2.

Let’s be honest other than destruction the game doesn’t have much going for it.

rainslacker2302d ago (Edited 2302d ago )

The cloud compute was the only thing I was interested in. It was never my kind of game, although I have no problem with those who are into the game play or mechanics. But the cloud compute is an intersting concept, and I was curious to see who well it worked on a technical level.

At the same time though, I know that what MS was talking about with cloud compute does not a good game make. Massive destruction is great and all, but if it's not fluid to the game play, then it can actually be a hindrance.

So, in short, it would have been a great technical showcase for what's to come...and may or may not have been a good game.

As it stands, cloud compute is just another in a long list of MS marketing terms for this gen that failed to deliver on it's promise, or was not quite what they made it out to be, or was marketed way too early as something much more significant than it actually was. 4-1/2 years in, and cloud compute was supposed to be the tide turner for the X1's lack of power.

Oh well...maybe it'll have more significance next gen....and if it actually works, maybe MS won't need to make a new console for next gen and they'll be able to achieve their glorious always connected future they so desperately desire.

Liqu1d2302d ago

"Why did it get extremely hyped in the first place?"

At first it was because of Microsoft's claims about the cloud and that is still partially true, but at this point Microsoft's sparse 1st party output is a reason as well. With so little 1st party games being released you have fanboys hyping up games more than they should, like State of Decay and Sea of Thieves, as desperate reasons to fight a console war.

RandoCommenter2301d ago

I cared before i found out it was multiplayer focused

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 2301d ago
Jinger2302d ago

Well that didn't take long for the haters to jump all over this lol

SpaceRanger2302d ago

More like it didn’t take long for the Xbox fanbase to pretend like they didn’t hype this up every year.

AspiringProGenji2302d ago

Just like when Scalebound was cancelled. Suddenly no one was ever hyped for it after it got cancelled. The crow serving this gen is nothing like I’ve seen before

2302d ago
2302d ago
OffRoadKing2302d ago

Its a fair question the game looks like crap.

rainslacker2302d ago

About as fast as people got hyped for this game because it used cloud compute.

What do you expect for a game that got hyped up well beyond what it could actually deliver. People seem more focused on cloud compute than how that cloud compute would actually work in game play, and the game itself seems like a after thought in why people are hyped for it.

Automatic792302d ago

Here come the anti-x articles. Shocker right before E3.

Barbauer2302d ago

but half of the article is about a guy actually saying we still and should care about Crackdown 3!

bluefox7552302d ago

It shouldn't be a shock, the xbox has been an utter failure this gen with regard to software.

AspiringProGenji2302d ago

Because MS has been doing so good not to deserve it...

CorndogBurglar2302d ago

Where have you been? There's pretty much a constant stream of anti-x articles all year long.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 2302d ago
Jinger2302d ago

Who ever the todd guy is writing his part seems like such a troll... saying shit like DACLAWD! Smh

UCForce2302d ago

The cloud, not DACLAWD, buddy. The problem I have with this game. MS think destruction environment with power of the cloud is their system seller which is BS. Game like Red Faction Guerrilla which has destruction environment without “the cloud”. Like I said, MS take their expectations way too high.

UCForce2302d ago

@Bobafret Maybe, but it’s like MS don’t want to admit that the others game have destruction environment before Crackdown 3 was a thing.

Jinger2302d ago (Edited 2302d ago )

Lol oh UCForce...

"This was the title that was going to show you the power of the cloud! 100% destructible environments! DA CLAWD!!"

Also red faction was no where on this scale or detail of this destruction

Palitera2302d ago (Edited 2302d ago )

Which destruction? There's no destruction in a game that they can't even make after years and years of back and forth development, marketing and delay.

Which scale? Which detail? The planned scale of the planned detailed destruction is not even know, given how much it will still change before an eventual release.

Look, I'm actually interested in Crackdown, as I like this kind of unpretentious games. But if you're thinking you're looking at a system seller, an amazing game, a masterpiece, damn... you really bought their cloud hyperbolic marketing scheme.

Gazondaily2302d ago

Its hilarious that people are desperately plugging Red Faction's destruction when comparing it to Crackdown 3 and what it is purporting to do.

If the cloud tech works, it will completely demolish (excuse the pun) any comparative points in favour Red Faction's destruction tech.


"Which destruction? There's no destruction in a game that they can't even make after years and years of back and forth development, marketing and delay. "

This destruction:


UCForce2302d ago (Edited 2302d ago )

@Septic @KillBill But where is it now ? We haven’t seen it since Gamescom 2014.

Gazondaily2302d ago

Gamescom 2015 you mean.

And what do you mean where is it now? Its in development. The game is going to be shown off in 2 days. Its slated for release in Feb 2019.

Palitera2302d ago

Even your title shows the "prealpha" tag. Hence planned. They are struggling with it for years now.
How well it plays, how is this going to the final game, how much the "big objects are only glued and have baked destruction" annoys the players will only be know if sooooomedaaaay they let people play the beta version or even release the game.

Until then: planned, advertised and stuck in development hell.

Palitera2302d ago (Edited 2302d ago )

As a X1 owner, I'm hoping for a good game, not cheering against it.

No hopes on being a masterpiece, though, as I get a clear Watch-Dogs-marketing feel out of all this.

If someday they show anything final, cool. For now, it's just promises from a company that is not making up to them with any quality standard.

And finally: is it the destruction "on this scale on detail" still only for MP?

+ Show (6) more repliesLast reply 2302d ago
UCForce2302d ago

@Bobafret Well, the thing is that the destruction environment in Red Faction Guerrilla was using actual physics effect, not pre rendered and scripted like BF3 and BF4. And again, the game using destruction environment without using The Power Of The Clouds.

KillBill2302d ago

@UCForce - Did you play Red Faction Guerrilla? It didn't have the same complete destruction that previous games had. Only identified structures were able to be destroyed and the physics behind them were nothing like what is being done in CD3.

UCForce2302d ago (Edited 2302d ago )

Yeah, i know Crackdown 3 have Single Player and multiplayer, but if you want to feel the true power of the cloud and fully destruction environment, you have to play it online. Good luck with that. You can play Red Faction Guerrilla with offline and online. Here the thing, Red Faction devs weren’t overconfident about their game and they focused what made Red Faction Guerrilla was great in first place.

Palitera2302d ago (Edited 2302d ago )

At this point, is there anyone still overconfident in Crackdown 3?
Not even the devs' grannies should be proud about it.

But seriously, it must be terrible to be stuck in development hell.

crazychris41242302d ago

We'll find out next week at the conference. If we get what was promised then people will care. If it doesn't then people will move on.

morganfell2302d ago

Next week will not give you anything. You won't know the truth until February provided it launches. If you think MS is going to be honest next week then I have a bridge in Brooklyn I would like to sell you.

PowerOfTheCloud2302d ago (Edited 2302d ago )

But phil is a nice guy and a gamer himself. He won't lie to us.


Bathyj2302d ago

How much for the bridge?
Can you deliver?

morganfell2302d ago

We do have a white glove delivery service, times are guaranteed within a 30 minute window. Prices for half bridge sale begin at a pittance of a mere $1000 USD (per brick) or 10 cents per disappointed gamer jumping location. River impact spot not included with the latter of course. They'll have to make their own hole.

Palitera2302d ago

Next week, it the big marketing show? lol

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Tencent to buy Crackdown and Sackboy developer Sumo in $1.3bn deal

Tencent is set to buy Sumo Group in a deal worth $1.27bn (£919m), the companies have announced.

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Darkborn1165d ago

Tencent is really buying up everything. I'm surprised everyone is selling to them like this.

Rebel_Scum1165d ago

They want/need capital I guess.

darthv721165d ago

No way they are worth that much. They are a support studio. I guess tencent decided to throw them an insane price that Sumo would be crazy to turn down.

Its like the godfather. "Im going to make you an offer you cant refuse"

UltraNova1165d ago

Always the case.

Who owns the rights to Crackdown and Sackboy IPs though?

boing11165d ago

I've heard some time ago, that they created a special unit that has a mission to search for acquirable devs all around the globe.

-Foxtrot1165d ago

Going off their business practices they seem like a cancer in this industry

1165d ago
blacktiger1165d ago

chinese currency, no limit in printing, but they are selling in USD

PrinceAli1165d ago

Maybe because they're a publisher of games with a history of success loool..?

barom1165d ago

Even Microsoft can’t compete with that kind of money.

Zeref1165d ago (Edited 1165d ago )

Uhm yes they can.. What do you mean?

Zeref1165d ago

Money talks, Besides, those developers don't need to worry about income anymore.

enkiduxiv1165d ago

I doubt anyone that matters to the actual production of the games is getting a raise. The only thing that has changed is that now they can't buy any Winnie the Poo products for their kids.

senorfartcushion1165d ago

Well they’re allowed. America and China are leading the world in toxic capitalism.

n1kki61165d ago

As publicly traded companies it's either they sell and potentially get more, or tencent initiates a hostile takeover and buys at least 51% of the shares. These companies might not even be amicable to the buy out but opt to take it because hostile takeovers are terrible.

+ Show (8) more repliesLast reply 1165d ago
frostypants1165d ago (Edited 1165d ago )

Yep. A company that built itself by ripping off IP of small, innovative developers and out-marketing them. Tencent is everything wrong not just with gaming but corporate ethics in general, and the assymetric regulatory playing field we for some reason permit from the Chinese government. Egregiously corrupt companies like Tencent should be banned from the US market.

senorfartcushion1165d ago

The US market would take Tencent to dinner and have it naked on the bed by midnight if it could. America and China are as bad as each other

Lightning771165d ago

They can take Sumo those devs really aren't that great. Sack boys big adventure scored good however but Crackdown 3 wasn't great. They're 50/50 Sony will find a suitable replacement for Sack boy. MS desperately needs a suitable replacement for crackdown, if it's not already too late in terms of fanfare at this point.

Sumo to me isn't that big of a deal there are better devs out there.

senorfartcushion1165d ago

Crackdown 3 was cancelled and remade a few times. Hardly their fault.

darthv721165d ago

This is the same Sumo who made Outrun 2, 2006 Coast to Coast, Sonic Racing Transformed as well as Forza Horizon 2 on the 360. I think they are better than you give them credit for.

Wulfer1165d ago

You might want to walk this statement back. Why else do you think this game goes for over $200 now?


1165d ago Replies(1)
ScootaKuH1165d ago

I'm surprised Sumo are valued so high

solideagle1165d ago

yeah, thats what I thought. $1.3 billion is very high, Insomniac sounds like a bargain deal for Sony!

chadwarden1165d ago

And they likely bought Housmarque and Bluepoint for even less than Insomniac.

phoenixwing1165d ago

at the two above me,
it's easy to sell for less when you know you're in good hands business and culture wise. I mean sure you could scratch out some extra money elsewhere but are all the people you know going to be taken care of when you get bought out? Sony takes care of them. Basically you can tell who's a scheming money scumbag by what ceo's/execs choose to be bought by. In the end money talks but there's extras to consider sometimes.

roadkillers1165d ago

I am as well. They do not own any IPs from my understanding...

DOMination-1165d ago

Me too! After looking them up, it seems like they were the parent of other game studios: Lab42, Red Kite, Sumo India, The Chinese Room and PixelAnt Games and also have some cryptocurrency technology.

They may also still hold the IP for back when they were Gremlin Interactive.. back in the Amiga days they were really a dev of some repute.

ScootaKuH1165d ago

Gremlin. Now there's a name that takes me back. Ocean as well.

Teflon021165d ago

They're not, it's likely them just throwing money around to make sure they have no opposition. Sumo is a valuable developer as they've assisted in alot of great games. They did LBP3, Sackboy, Sonic Transformed, I believe Assisted in both ModNation Racers and LBPK, Team Sonic racing, just to name the few off the top of my head that I own.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 1165d ago
IRetrouk1165d ago

I honestly thought ms or Sony would have nabbed them, seeing as they have worked for both on their respective ips, colour me surprised.

Bennibop1165d ago

It's a lot of money for a group with no ips, what would they have worked on to keep so many studios and staff employed. For now at least they continue working on ips for the likes of Sony and Microsoft.

IRetrouk1165d ago

Sony and ms have more than enough ips to keep em busy, the price would have been an issue though, that I agree with, just surprised is all🤷‍♂️

frostypants1165d ago (Edited 1165d ago )

Tencent doesn't exactly pride themselves on original IP anyway. They just steal someone else's. They only need developer drones.

Sephiroushin1165d ago

They have enough to make them busy but there is no point in buying the studio that high, they could just make the developers some offers and thats it... heck every single developer could just quit the studio and with what is tensen left? no point in buying a studio with no IP you dont own the developers

IRetrouk1165d ago

I already agreed that the price was high, still don't take away that they could have been used, and be useful to either ms or sony

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Xbox Cloud Gaming PC Preview/Hands on Impressions (BETA) - CG

Microsoft recently released their Xbox Cloud Gaming PC Beta which allows users the opportunity to stream Xbox games to their Windows 10 PCs or laptops. This follows on from being able to use the cloud gaming on mobile devices which works very well but is limited to the size of your screen. Having the option to play Xbox games with a larger display has its obvious benefits.

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1250d ago

Crackdown 3 8K 60 FPS - Possible at Low-Medium Settings with an RTX 3090

CG writes: Nvidia’s claims that the RTX 3090 can render games in 8K at 60 FPS, ring true for us in this video. We put the game Crackdown 3 through its paces with some interesting results.

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bunt-custardly1442d ago

If you've ever super-sampled anything you would know why it can make things look better.

bouzebbal1442d ago

Let's talk about powahhhh of da clawwdd for a second 🤣did they give up with this thing?

bunt-custardly1442d ago

Oh right, I didn't get the joke sorry, it just clicked. Hmm, is Crackdown 3 really that bad/universally hated especially as it's on gamepass?

SullysCigar1442d ago

My attempt at humour could have been clearer, in hindsight..!

Yeah, sadly Crackdown 3 had been hyped so hard and so long by Microsoft, that when it launched as a mediocre game, it got panned. It was mainly the broken promises about the power of the cloud I think that did it. This was the 'cloud power' poster child for years and it all amounted to nothing, which is a real shame, because if they'd realised their initial vision it could have been special.

bunt-custardly1442d ago

I do remember the original vision where entire buildings could be demolished but wasn't that feature relegated to the multiplayer mode? For me, Crackdown 3 comes across quite generic. I suppose if it had the full destruction in the story mode that would have been bad-ass. If Red Faction Guerrilla can do it why not CD?

FanboySpotter1442d ago

Crackdown 3 was made for crackdown fans. Hated by non crackdown fans. Enjoyed by crackdown fans.

MadLad1442d ago

I played it on PC for a little while via gamepass. It's not nearly as terrible as people would try to make it out to be, but it's the definition of a "meh" game.
There's fun to be had if you're bored.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 1442d ago
andy851442d ago

It's good it's possible but who would pick this over 4K60 on ultra? It would look far better

IanTH1442d ago

100%. This is obviously just showing what can be done with the current highest end hardware, rather than what should be. And if you're splashing out for an RTX 3090 over a 3080 for gaming (small performance delta if not using that huge buffer for productivity), then I guess you'll also consider splashing out for an 8k screen. And, I mean, you'll want to be able to do *something* with it lol.

outsider16241442d ago

Let's be honest here, even with extra high settings at 8k 120fps... it'll still look like crap. Sorry.

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