
DICE GM Responds to Battlefield V Female Soldier Controversy

DICE GM responds to the Battlefield V controversy surrounding the inclusion of female soldiers in the game.

Sciurus_vulgaris2254d ago

The female soldier is just in the trailer for pandering. Russia was the country with a prominent presence of front line female infantry not the UK. Dice tired to market BF1 as following the story of an African American soldier in WW1, they even put him on the game’s cover, yet his role in the game is very minor. DICE. I personally take issue with the amount of pandering for the sake of diversity going on in media.

I expect BF V to be just as historically inaccurate and cartoonishly boombastic in singleplayer as BF1. I personally at times found the number of nonwhite soldiers in BF1 MP to be plan strange and i’m black myself. I will find it even stranger if there are player character with Katinas, Cletic War paint, metal arms, obesity, etc in BFV mp.

Chaosdreams2254d ago (Edited 2254d ago )

I think the point is, they aren't stating that woman were the prominent force on the battlefield, but rather they served in a capacity that however minor is still worth depicting. Minor does not equate to non existent. So the developers have their creative freedom/license to depict stories/gameplay in a setting of their choosing. There's a line of course between respectful and disrespectful, and I think if they felt they were crossing the line they'd depict this in an alternate setting and push the creative boundaries even further (such as Wolfenstein with it's 'what if' scenario).

If DICE showcases some of the stories through the perspective of a female soldier/combatant, then this is certainly not pandering (if however they do nothing beyond having female avatars) I'll shake my head at the missed opportunity.

I do understand where you're coming from in the sense that it's dangerous territory to alter history - if what they are showing happens to be highly inaccurate. It's up to them to find the balance between allowing themselves to showcase potential scenarios soldiers faced (woman and men) and ensuring they don't throw in cyborgs (the claw hand is probably the only thing I raised an eyebrow at).

Part of me thinks it would've been cool if they fused WW2 with Steampunk, but if DICE is sticking to their guns on this - I have a feeling they've got some strong narrative choices in mind.

Finch2253d ago

I agree with the claw hand part. The girl I can some what look pass. But if they allow to many cosmetic that has nothing to do with wwii. This will take me out of the atmosphere of the game. The girl if Russian sure don't. But regardless even if she is American won't kill it for me as much as wtf cosmetic like cyborg hands and the like. Just that one thing is so out of place. What else they got? But long story short. The cosmetic thing alone has me far more worried.

Omnislashver362253d ago (Edited 2253d ago )

Bingo, it's historical fantasy, they can do whatever they want. Same genre as The Man in the High Castle and Wolfenstein.

Although with all of the down votes I feel like if the series were called "The Woman in the High Castle" some of these guys would burst out crying.

What matters is if the game is good. Has nothing to do with whether chicks are involved.

steven83r2252d ago (Edited 2252d ago )

At what point did DICE say this is a historically accurate game? They said it's their alternate take on the war/era. So by your standards and everyone complaining was Resistance a piece of crap game? That had a WW2 1940s 50s like setting with aliens. And it was awesome. If you want a historically accurate WW2 watch a documentary. But this idea that war games need to be exactly as they happened is stupid. And gets boring as each company retells the exact same story. Where's the hate for Wonder Woman? I don't remember reading about her in my history class.

Skull5212252d ago

No one would care if they bought their game and when making a character you could choose a woman.

The reason people care is because DICE chose, instead of showing a great game, to make the statement "Look girls this game is for you too!" and normal people are tired of the pandering.

Skull5212252d ago

These guys are doubling down, and looks like they're gonna troll with the chick now as the box art for the game. You developers should take a good hard look at the movie Solo, because Battlefield 5 is going to be next. Declare war on your fans and embrace the financial flop.

Sayai jin2252d ago

Wondering who's complaining... It's a game, if you want true realism, the enlist and go out on deployment. I am a retired combat veteran and history buff and I don't care if women are in the game. Guess what, you don't take multiple gun shots or heal up instantly in battle. I know personally.

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 2252d ago
thorstein2253d ago

So the French, Chinese, Indonesians, Germans, and Japanese didn't have women on the front lines?

sampsonon2252d ago

"DICE. I personally take issue with the amount of pandering for the sake of diversity going on in media."

same here, to many white men are being accommodated... spoiled ones like you.

Avernus2252d ago

OP said he's black. I'm not white either, and I agree with the forced diversity. I acknowledge women played their part in war, and I'll speak only for Russia because I'm familiar with their history.

But HIGHLIGHTING women, by placing a woman on the cover, to me personally, is disrespectful to the men who's deaths outnumber the women.

But hey, we live in a time where if you speak up against this kind of stuff you're a racist / sexist / white guy.

sampsonon2252d ago

@Sciurus_vulgaris: it doesn't matter because it's an attitude that has brainwashed many into thinking that if it's not a white guy it's being forced.

every f-in game and movie must only have white men on the cover ?lol.
women fought in the first and second world wars and never get any credit ever for sacrificing themselves. most of you guys didn't even know women fought in these wars until a game like this put one on it's cover.... so i guess they are educating the ignorant. painful :)

Avernus2252d ago (Edited 2252d ago )

@sampsonon: "every f-in game and movie must only have white men on the cover ?lol"

^ See, statements like this is why some of you come across like you have no idea what you're talking about, and just too busy white knighting to stop and see the point others are making.

Nobody made a peep about Tomb Raider being a woman. Nobody made a peep about Aloy being a woman. There's many other games that have a lead female that isn't "controversial" and that hardly anyone cared if it was a woman.

But again, your point is "if you don't agree with me, you're sexist and ignorant"... which tbh, is quite ironic here.

RedSalmon2252d ago


"But HIGHLIGHTING women, by placing a woman on the cover, to me personally, is disrespectful to the men who's deaths outnumber the women."

OH FUCK RIGHT OFF. This isn't a memorial. It's a god damn video game. Fuck off your pious bullshit argument.

I'll remember that "disrespect' when you and other are tea bagging guys they killed and screaming cunt in comms.

Avernus2252d ago (Edited 2252d ago )


"OH FUCK RIGHT OFF. This isn't a memorial. It's a god damn video game. Fuck off your pious bullshit argument.

I'll remember that "disrespect' when you and other are tea bagging guys they killed and screaming cunt in comms."

^ See folks, when they can't put their feeling into proper words, whiteknights resort to the ol "FUCK YOU! FUCK YOUR OPINION!!!!"

Thing is sir, ma'am, it, attack chopper, whatever have you... I was talking about the devs, and their responsibility to the story they're telling. And they are telling a story. They've said it multiple times. But as I've said before, some people are just too busy shouting to hear the actual point.

I don't know where I referenced what players do on the battlefield, but ok.

You do you boo boo.

sampsonon2252d ago

@Avernus: people always complain and they did say they didn't want to play Horizon because "women are being shoved down our throats because of liberals and feminist .

- http://www.mandatory.com/cu...



EA Fifa woman soccer team in game https://www.gameskinny.com/...

i could go on with pages of this #hit so please stop acting as if it's not true.

Avernus2252d ago


Big differences though.

- FIFA has women playing IRL, but do you see a woman plastered on their cover? No. Maybe you might see a woman sharing the cover. I think that's how it was a year, I can't remember. But the year a woman stars on a cover, you'll see a "controversial" moment, and rightfully so. The men's game is the real money maker for EA, and FIFA IRL. What a joke it'll be to plaster a woman on the cover to satiate the SJW agenda.

- HZD was always meant to be a woman, and it didn't feel forced to me. I played it, loved the game. Same with Tomb Raider. Imagine how easy it would have been to make Lara a man? But it felt ok tbh. Not really forced. Not like this BF cover, which screams "LOOK AT ME! I'M A GRIL!"

But hey, finding articles about 2 games is a huge deal. Good for you man. Well done. But let's ignore all the forced agendas in games. "it's just a game!!!"... sure, soon it'll be "it's just a movie!"... then "it's just a job! Get over yourself" lol... to be honest, you're already seeing it in the gaming industry. All the stuff EA showed about "women in video games" shows how they prioritize hiring women, over men. That whole Mass Effect lead artist debacle. IIRC was a women with 0 AAA experience, but was hired anyway.

But people like ME are the ones pushing an agenda? Wake up man...

pinkcrocodile752252d ago


"But HIGHLIGHTING women, by placing a woman on the cover, to me personally, is disrespectful to the men who's deaths outnumber the women. "

Unless you lived through World War II you can f@ck r!ght 0ff. YES men were on the front line, of course BUT tell that sh!t to the innocent people slaughtered during the blitz or did women live in a bubble safe from harm from 1939 to 45?

I don't care if you're male, female, black, brown, white or green, whether you shag men, women or sheep. The fact is you're talking sh!t when EVERYBODY who lived through the horrors of WWII paid a price one way or another.

sampsonon2252d ago (Edited 2252d ago )

@Avernus: - "FIFA has women playing IRL, but do you see a woman plastered on their cover? No. Maybe you might see a woman sharing the cover."

i don't see why a woman can't be on the cover alone when it comes to the US https://www.nytimes.com/201...

call it a good business decision lol

spoiled "it's mine!" lol

"sorry honey, women aren't allowed to be on the cover because they're women" https://www.dreamstime.com/...

Sayai jin2252d ago

Avernus, if they made a game about OEF, war in Afghan, etc I wouldn't care if they put women on the cover and trust me the vast majority of this KIA were and will be men. I know, becuase I lost friends on patrol, missions and the sort. I took shrapnel from an IED to the upper portion of my body, had heart, facial, and a few other surgeries to survive.

From a combat veteran, it's not disrespectful to put women on the cover. Most vets I know don't think about trivial things as a cover of a game. Why do you keep mentioning white, sexist, male?

+ Show (8) more repliesLast reply 2252d ago
bumbleforce2252d ago

I agree. There were female soldiers in ww2. But it was so small compared to male soldiers. This is pandering and thats my issue with it. I dont care if there are females or people of color in the game. But I dont think a female ahould be on the cover based on the war. . . . then again its a videogame so fun trumps all. They are doing this to sell more copies

Sayai jin2252d ago

@Bumble, people of color in it? Um, there were people of color in WW2 on the front lines, liberating concentration camps, flying sorties, etc. Smh....

slavish02252d ago

its a video game. Get over it!

RedSalmon2252d ago

You can't include even a single female character without it being pandering?

So, it's the choice between:

1. A single women or more = pandering.
2. Zero women = not pandering.

When are women allowed to exist in MADE UP games without it being pandering then?

Sono4212252d ago

In what way is the game "MADE UP" DICE themselves say it is WW2. World War 2 was not "MADE UP" It happened, what didn't happen was women with prosthetic arms on the front lines, it simply didn't, that is the part that is "MADE UP". If you are going to call something World War 2, then you portray World War 2, if you are going to create alternate history, then you call it alternate history. What is so hard for you to understand about this? You know what, just put robots on the front lines, whats it matter? You can't prove all those people back then were human, maybe robots came from the future that look exactly like people and influenced the war. I mean why not right?!

Sono4212252d ago

Woah be careful with what you say on N4G bud, this could be considered hate speech against women and DICE, don't want to offend anyone like Parasyte, just say "Oh yes finally women and disabled people are finally being recognized by battlefield for their huge help during WW2! How forward thinking and progressive DICE is WOW they are GREAT! Please take my money, HEROES of the modern world!" /s

Soc52252d ago

They're just trying to get girls to play games more. Pretty simple.
It's not SJW it's not that they actually care. It's just BUSINESS. as usual.

Mutant-Spud2252d ago

The Soviets used female "soldiers" in their propaganda for political purposes, to promote socialist equality, very few served in combat, some were military police, anti-aircraft gunners, drivers etc, in short they played a similar role to women in other combatant countries ie they worked in factories, on farms, in administrative and support roles.

+ Show (6) more repliesLast reply 2252d ago
-Foxtrot2254d ago

It’s not just the woman...but whatever focus on that I guess 🙄

moomoo3192253d ago (Edited 2253d ago )

Hey lets not address any criticisms about our game, and instead hijack the narrative and claim every detractor is a sexist

-Foxtrot2253d ago


It’s a great deflect for any criticism

Gwiz2253d ago

Yeah,They did the same with Mass Effect Andromeda.. apparently they didn't learn from that piece of garbage.

pinkcrocodile752252d ago (Edited 2252d ago )

If I were in their shoes, I'd finish the game and release it with the tag line.

Battlefield V
Buy it or don't buy it, just stop moaning

Honestly criticism is great to read and easy to dish out. However when you receive it you can either pander to it or, ignore it and release your game just how you envisaged it.

The game will either do well or not depending on how it is received, however to change your vision because of what some spotty pleb says about it on internet forums or f@ck'n twitter is a road to what could only be described as;

"Game development by committee"

Bugger that with a 10" carrot!

2252d ago
AHall882252d ago

Not really surprising they're controlling the narrative, but whatever.
I'll just be avoiding BF5, just like I avoided BF1, and Hardline, pretty soon just that alone will be enough to be labeled a sexist/bigot.

FunAndGun2252d ago

Good, that's what you do when given an option. This game is not for you, simples. Seems you are more concerned about how people label you than focusing on finding a game that fits your comfort level of content that doesn't upset you. Good luck to you!

FunAndGun2252d ago

No woman, no cry.

But there is a woman, so many can't cope.

Hungryalpaca2252d ago

I think you should examine your observational skills.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 2252d ago
ZaWarudo2254d ago ShowReplies(1)
bolimekurac2253d ago

battlefield 6 confirmed with caitlyn jenner on the cover, they want to get really diverse

Sam Fisher2253d ago

Having a transexual character can bring some crazy disguises for stealth portions.

Sayai jin2252d ago

@Bolimekurac, people like you crack me up. I served for 21 years and I know a few Jenner types that would crack you in half. A few I know are in spec forces.

Sayai jin2250d ago

That's what people with no argument and cowardly would say.

TheSplooge2253d ago

Boohoo women in a videogame. Grow up, kids.

bolimekurac2253d ago (Edited 2253d ago )

women in games is not the issue, woman in anything is not the issue, the issue is the sjw bullcrap they are pushing down our throats. this inclusion bs is getting out of hand and its an agenda that is being pushed in games and movies and tv and media everyday more then ever and its wrong . They are force feeding the feminist crap and this inclusive crap down peoples throats

Omnislashver362253d ago

Wtf you said women are not the issue then complained about them.

Brave_Losers_Unite2253d ago (Edited 2253d ago )

Yeah lol wth was that

2252d ago
TheSplooge2252d ago

They're not force feeding anything down our throats. Last i checked, they're not holding a gun to your head to force you to buy the game. As many have stated; it was never intended to be historically accurate. I dont see why youre all getting so offended over a videogame. Let the salt flow i guess.

FunAndGun2252d ago (Edited 2252d ago )

How can something optional be pushed down your throat? Do you NOT have the option to turn your head away and look at something else? It's not their fault you're so sensitive.

Also, this phrase "forced down my throat" - dramatic, just like a sjw. Another side to the same coin.

"women in games is not the issue, woman in anything is not the issue"

...a very short time later...

"They are force feeding the feminist crap and this inclusive crap down peoples throats"

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 2252d ago
CurbStompin2253d ago ShowReplies(3)
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Battlefield V now broken on Steam Deck / Linux with EA anticheat live

That's all folks. EA anticheat has now been added into Battlefield V, so it's the end of being able to play it on Steam Deck and other Linux systems.

This joins the likes of Plants vs. Zombies Garden Warfare 2: Deluxe Edition, EA SPORTS FC 24, EA SPORTS FIFA 23, Battlefield 2042 and Madden NFL 24 that all have EA's own homegrown anti-cheat that make them simply unplayable on systems running Linux.

Now if you try to run it, you'll be greeted with an error. A shame to see a game that's multiple years old get broken like this and no doubt EA will continue to use their own EA anticheat in future online games. Battlefield 1 is still okay, and Apex Legends is also still running but perhaps it's only a matter of time before EA force it onto those too?

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just_looken112d ago

more comments here:

47 comments in hours bf5 won't launch anymore ea is saying meh not my prob bitch tosses a faq

Yes counter cheating that is good but when the ea app on pc is still totally broken and these cheaters are on 2042 same anti cheat this is just putting scotch tape on trumps file cabinet to prevent leaks its nothing more than a stop gap.

I mention ea app as for 4years it was in beta then tossed out with 3 year old issues and i still cant not get the products that i purchased on origin yeah i purchased digital but guess what there is no dvd games on pc anymore.

Philaroni111d ago

Likewise, I'm about to do some games with some friends here but if you wish to PM me I could share my Discord if you like to talk further. Oddly you bring up THQ that I did some work for in the past.

Also for Starfield I have just a Stock GTX 1080. Not even the 1080i version on an ultra wide and with some Ini, changes and other weird things I know I got it working at Series X frame rate. Sure not the the fancy graphics options. I know Bethesda games have always been more CPU then GPU limiting. A good application I don't see many using is Process lasso. It helps with may CPU heavy games on PC. (Battletech is the main one I use it for) Can find it here if you like. https://bitsum.com/

""Xbox has made custom engines like forza/unreal they used to support epic back in the day like slipstream like you said but they make so much cash they do not need to work as much as sony.

But the issue i find is the lack of passion behind games aswell as the mass amount of users that love the broken/microtransantion filled games we get every day. Back in the day when a game was crap or had something wrong it was a oh crap are we going to get shutdown or like thq just poof gone. But today its na who cares fix it later or write it off then oh wait never mind they like it such as the new cod.""

Going to combine me response here. You are right, MS and I do feel like what they do with not just Froza and also the tech they use in Flight Sim. Is not given enough credit. If I am correct the next Fable game is going to be using a mix of things from the Turn 10 Team, maybe Unreal? Hard to say at this point, But MS along with Sony both own a full License of the tech (Days Gone for Sony) I agree with you on the talent and passion part, games have become too much, at least AAA games the 'Milk, butter, eggs and toast" to support places now days. Innovations in gameplay and such has fell lower and lower. I still don't see mechanics and ways of playing games like I did so many years back, its a bummer.

For MS maybe the end as even though they might have a massive advantage in software and services (I use to work in Azure) They can kind of do some things at cost but seem to fail at it a lot. The cloud gaming push I don't think is going to have the effect so many hope for (Not sure why anyone wants that) I still want MS to have a chance but, if I sit here with my magic dice and roll it on MS games over the last forever, it could land on Crackdown 3 (Remember that?) The cloud powered game... and now they are trying to do it again with Kojima some what. As an engineer, its not happening now, tomorrow or anything in the next 24 years. I remember back on this interview with John,


We are not even at that point yet. So hope we get there and I hope MS is still a player but I do feel you are right in many ways, they are already trying to slowly retreat just by the rhetoric alone.

Ether way again PM me and we should talk more, would love to do so.

Philaroni112d ago

The rough part of all of this is that for those of us on PC mostly be it Windows or Linux based, the anti-cheat sucks up a lot of resources. It kind of reminds me of the conversation between, security and freedom. Too much of ether is both good if managed well or very bad. We just as gamers keep seeing this pop up over and over again. Wish I had some magic wand to stop cheaters... but I don't... hell we just seen what happened with Apex at a high level event.. getting that kind of access and such is not good... but at the same time. Can anyone, one person provide me an example where Anti Cheat has even like a hit rate above 50? I know I'm pulling numbers out of my ass, but it seems the cheaters beat the systems in place time and time again. Where there is a lock, and a smith to make it. We always will have a thief that breaks it.

just_looken112d ago (Edited 112d ago )

I can

Sense everyone seems to have brain rot and forgot the ps3 that is the solution.

The ps3 for its first half had systems that would only launch the game if it saw you had a ps3 controller along with a inhouse operating system and a real gpu/cpu it was way harder to run cheats off of along with the ability to make custom rooms.

Yes there were p2p lag switching then later on thanks to that dev kit leak cheat menus but for years games like killzone/mag had dedicated servers that were hard to crack a operating system/cpu those in public had 0 knowledge how to make stuff on them.

Right now if they put all mp files on the server so we just stream the game that would be a huge step or make the multiplayer run in a sanboxed mode separate on the system.

Philaroni112d ago

I'm glad you brought that up that Killzone had Dedicated servers. I remember the Yellow Dog Linux days of PS3, as well. EA use to do more Dedicated Servers for games but as time went on they would 'rent them out' and slowly the official servers would die down.

P2P Lag always had that magical thing (Gears 2 (Aak the shot gun) and Halo 2,3) fans know as host advantage. That alone allowed for lags switches, booting of others from games. ECT. (Though I admit, was the most fun I had when our team could beat cheaters. Man was that a good time)

I fully agree with you, the fact so much is working how it is has in a hard way compromised network/client security issue. I'll pick on COD for example where some assets are local and other are on server, between games and between even evolutions/iterations of the engines used.

just_looken112d ago


Thank you for the reply i am glad others on here remember

Now back to the series x having games with the same frame rate as a 2005 xbox 360 but the masses thinking that is fine and next gen.

Starfield on series x native 780ishp fallout 3 xbox 360 720p both 30fps gaming has "grown so much"

Sadly we are not in large numbers and see mp/sp tech wise/cheater wise has gotten worse not better.

Philaroni111d ago

I hate to say it about Starfield I'd have too look at reports from way back when. I swear to god they said it was going to launch with Creation Kit 2 (I worked with 1 alot in Skyrim mods in the block based aka cell based structure) Back then it was great, but for the life of me I don't know how a Studio like Obsidian can make a game same as Bethesda but with less bugs and bull shit. (Fallout Veg and Outer Worlds) Not that it was with out bugs but when a 3rd party does better with your own tech... I find an issue... with it all.

Frame rate stuff I only understand from two points, design and marketing. On the Design part yes back in the day 30FPS was I swear almost more common then now days. It was not a design compromise to keep it at 30 as the hardware and the way the game was being 'displayed' (Key thing there) was as impactful. Now days I feel the Marketing side wants a 4K trailer running likely rendered on a Xbox or PS system with little text saying (Oh wit was on a PC that no one is able to afford... of course teasing there a bit.)

I do understand that Starfield is a 'simulated world' where like every item you drop is there, for like forever... cool, that is not too new now days and design wise, is kind of a dumb thing.... who cares how many carrots you can collect... is it cool sure, makes for good PR in some ways. Lack of tangible game play is the issue. I can't take credit for this but a buddy of mine worked in advertising and I shit you not at Fast food. They would make wax and even 3D print now and then post render foods you would get, just for you as the client at a Burger King to not be given as you where sold on. (((( He did not work for them FYI.. but others)))

Issue with gaming as you are saying is too much is on the 'presentation.' It does not sell like it use too, that type of advertising. Most of it is word of mouth, who my friends tell me is a good game or not, what my friends are playing. Then comes the reviews.

Its dumb that our next gen systems feel like we gone all but up a step that we already went down two to three on. Take Uncharted 4 for example 30FPS SP and 60 MP. That I can deal with, and that was a PS4 game.

I do at times dis Xbox a lot, but come on, they still have yet to make there own damn game engine. Slipstream failed heavily, where Sony and most of their own studios have tech they made for the games they are trying to build. I am unsure how Xbox is again now saying the 'next' system will be the best ever. Sure it will be duh? Tech changes and grows, but I never seen a system use it so poorly. (I blame alot on the bloated Xbox OS FYI)

just_looken111d ago


You can have both presentation and framerate pc's have been doing both for decades now 4k ray tracing bla bla yeah that is different but starfield is no maxed out minecraft with its seed tech with ray tracing minecraft uses seeds also with huge buildings but for years pc's can do 60fps on that.

I mentioned 30fps because back in the day we had hd consoles alot of users had sd tv's just getting into hd tv's so i get the graphics difference but we are talking about 20years of hardware difference.

A real hardware console 6700 3700x 16gb of ram can run starfield at 60fps not maxed out but its possible this was pre performance patches:

Remember the apu/igpu tablet crap the consoles are using are based off of the 6700

The xbox operating system has always been windows based from windows 2000/xp xbox-xbox 360 the tail end of the 360 using vista/7 then to the series x using windows 10 that is why backwards compatibility works great its all direct x based with the same bc as a window's pc. What we see today is just the change from needing games to survive to making games as a product m$ makes more money in a week than what sony can make in months.

Xbox has made custom engines like forza/unreal they used to support epic back in the day like slipstream like you said but they make so much cash they do not need to work as much as sony.

But the issue i find is the lack of passion behind games aswell as the mass amount of users that love the broken/microtransantion filled games we get every day. Back in the day when a game was crap or had something wrong it was a oh crap are we going to get shutdown or like thq just poof gone. But today its na who cares fix it later or write it off then oh wait never mind they like it such as the new cod.

The new cod is making bank yes users hated it but the sales show the masses that do not post love it sadly

Heck did you see that wow has limited time store items now with hundreds online defending it because they think the store its what's need to keep the game online despite the $15 a month payment and m4 ownership.

I find in the end of this generation Microsoft will go the way of sega they might also just buy sony as everything sony except music/games is not making money they are a cheap buy for microsoft right now so we would just have 2 companies fighting in the gaming ring with papa os watching from the sidelines.

Great chatting 2 you may i recommend looking at rpgm games? they are out there even though i have a i9 4090 custom rig right now along with a ps5 i have been playing 4yr old games or rpgm stuff this year. Its funny i remember being a 2360/ps3 owner stacks of adventures now i am like well time to see what is in the past.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 111d ago

EA anticheat and Battlefield

Battlefield V, getting easy anticheat

We're pleased to share that EA Anticheat will be extended to #BattlefieldV this Wednesday, April 3rd at 08:00 UTC.

You will need to restart your game to benefit from the changes of this Client Update.

Learn more via our updated EA Anticheat Blog:

just_looken120d ago

Other sources from battlefield official accounts.



So steamdeck might have issues and those out there that are anti kernal drm will get a surprise. Depending on your setup you also might get new issues as i know rgb software likes to fight with easy anti cheat.


Amazon Digital Game Sale For Xbox Series X/S & Xbox One

Daily Video Game writes: "There is a new digital game sale Amazon is offering for both Xbox Series X/S and Xbox One that heavily discounts several popular titles like GRID Legends, Mass Effect Legendary, Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order, and more for Xbox owners right now!"

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