
Review: Nintendo Labo Toy-Con 02: Robot Kit | Link-Cable

Alex S. from Link-Cable writes: "If you would have told me that I would one day be able to build an entire robot suite out of cardboard, stickers and string and then use that suite to interact with a video game I would have laughed so hysterically that I fear I may have never stopped giggling. Yet that’s exactly what I did last weekend and honestly – it kind of works. The second Labo set, the Robot Set is one of those ideas that on paper seems impossible or at least too complicated to make it to mass market but yet here I am, with a cardboard headset strapped to my face stomping on digital buildings. But now that novelty is starting to wear off a bit I have to ask the question – while we’ve proven we can build giant robots out of cardboard, does that mean we should?"

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superchiller2218d ago

Labo is yet another bad gimmick from Nintendo, in a long line of them over the years (Wii, Wii U, and the many games crippled by terrible motion controls). It's hard to believe that anyone would pay money for such cheap, throwaway junk.

RSKnight2218d ago

After reading the article, this Labo Robo Kit seems to me like a wearable version of the Kinect, and though it's clear to me that this game is meant for kids, it looks as boring as all kinect games in the past. A bad gimmick as you just said.

marloc_x2218d ago

..even Sony is making STEM toys..sad really.

MrSec842218d ago

Sony are also making some of the best games of all time, shoot them and Nintendo for trying to cater to a different audience.

MrSec842218d ago (Edited 2218d ago )

Have you even tried it?
Have you had any hands on time with any of the Labo Kits?

As a person that has had hands on time with both Kits I can tell you now the kits have depth that appeals to this adult and I would happily spend hundreds of hours running around Yarnam, or the world of the Witcher 3, BoTW's Hyrule (among many other versions of it).

On the surface it may seem like a gimmick, but in reality Labo is deep, with a lot of options for experiences and the games that come accompanied with the kits are actually a lot of fun.
TBH I'd say the construction despite being aimed at Kids may be a bit too lengthy, although it's clear that the detailed nature of that building process is required to make the well thought out instructions come to life.

Nintendo have In My Humble Opinion hit on a very genius way of not just making the same old accessories for gamers to have a hands on experience, but truly understand how they work and that's the point of this.

By understanding the ins and outs of how these contraptions work, you gain an appreciation for how they were designed and how you can invent uses for the tools you're given.

The initial kits are worth the asking price, which I say as a person who will usually wait to find games at discounted prices, but with Labo I was happy to pay for my own use to experience what this new innovation has to offer.
Kids would love this if they have the patience to complete the kits and follow the instructions.

It's truly innovative, in a way that seems to be going over the head of many that just seem to be lacking that sense of wonder that gaming and imagination are meant to be all about.

Dreams is another such product, which also looks nigh on limitless in what you'll be able to do from a creative perspective.

If people aren't interested in the creative, construction gaming genre then tbh just ignore it, you don't have to buy it, people like myself will support it.

I personally can't wait to see what other kits Nintendo have planned, it's just too interesting for me to ignore.

Zeldafan642218d ago (Edited 2218d ago )

Thank you for taking the time to say what needed to be said but this article was clearly put here for sony fanboys to have a circle-jerk hate session. I know you already know this but I still felt it needed to be said.

quent2218d ago

You're words are wasted on mindless trolls, that's why they're here, that score nothing else, you won't see them on anything positive related


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The Opportunities of Nintendo Labo VR

Having been out since 2018, Nintendo Labo VR isn't a new thing, but it has been criminally underutilised. With a staggering amount of potential for Switch owners.

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ocelot071114d ago

Skyrim vr on the switch???? I honestly couldn't imagine it. It ready looks a blury mess on psvr. So imagine what a switch vr port would look like.


Nintendo Labo is awesome - so why did it die?

— Nintendo Labo:

Nintendo Labo is an ingenious combination of technology, cardboard, and creativity on Nintendo Switch, yet it didn't sell and is now being forgotten. Why?

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ApocalypseShadow1262d ago

It was imaginative, creative and unique. But ultimately, just another Nintendo gimmick. Tech demos.

They dabbled in it, made high profits on what is basically, expensive paper. AR Mario Kart will be following right behind it and Labo VR that they didn't fully support. Because the RC Kart only works for one game. Just like most of the Labo.

Power Glove and Virtual Boy will have a new friend in the closet to sit next to that eventually, will getting trashed or donated.

Inverno1261d ago

They were tech demos sold with pieces of cardboard. Anyone could see this wasn't anything more than just a one off thing