
What I Hate About Halo

Jimmy the Greek writes, "This post has been festering inside me like a microwavable burrito. It was bound to burst out of one of my orifices sooner or later. Let me first qualify my capability to write it. I played Halo, I traded half my Xbox games for Halo 2, I bought Crackdown for the beta, and waited in line for three hours and took a day off work for Halo 3..."

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bgrundman5823d ago

Amazing how such a collection of obscenity can be oh so true. Good Work.

meepmoopmeep5823d ago

this article is just so damn tempting to troll...
but i feel like a nice person today


Xelai5823d ago

Most of his comments are applicable to every single online FPS out there.

Cheaters, rude people, lag, repetitive gameplay, map packs, etc.

Just felt like bashing Halo, it is fashionable but not necessarily true.

Radiodread5823d ago

SO DON'T PLAY IT NO ONE'S FORCING YOU TOO. That's what I hate about haters of this game, it always seems they are forced into buying it which is damn rediculous. Sounds like a ps3 fanboys rants to me. It always is, so damn pathetic they just can't handle Halo being more popular than any game on ps3.

Jimmy the Greek5823d ago

i dont even own a playstation and never have. im more like a halo fanboy than sony. did you even read the article or did your fingers start to spasm uncontrollably at the thought of someone bashing halo?

bgrundman5823d ago

Maybe you should read what he is saying before sh1tting your pants over something like this.

blue_tenshi555823d ago

I always figure if people can't spell properly, they're not intelligent enough to comment. There is a spell check function. Use it.

eagle215823d ago

Popular? Where in Japan? Hell no. This game is only popular in America (middle America most likely...lol). Playstation has far better franchises that surpass anything Halo will ever will be.

Adam Sessler has made numerous videos about BIGOTS on "Halo Live". These little rascals probably have parents who shout all the hateful bigotry hyped up by a McCain/Palin "moose hunt" rally. That ruins anyones experience.

My brother sold his 360 for a PS3 a long time ago. Halo 3 was gone the day he mulled through that mediocre single player campaign. He owned Halo 2 and never finished it from boredom. Don't think the same guys that were duped into buying it day 1 still have or play the game.

Anyway, this guy makes valid arguments. He has owned every game in the franchise. He seems to mostly hate the fanboyism that hides behind sales to justify the FLAWS. Now with the announcement of an expansion of Halo 3 that you will wait 1 year to play, what do you expect on day 1? Probably more of the same.

Cheeseknight285823d ago

I honestly can't believe that last year I actually bought a 360 just for Halo 3.

Then I played Team Fortress 2 on PC... haven't looked at Halo 3 or COD4's online since.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 5823d ago
Mwaan5823d ago

All online games have all the same problems, but let's bash Halo because it has one of the largest communities. People can bash the campaign and the online all they want. It would be different if other games were doing something significantly better.

bgrundman5823d ago

The problem is that there is a vocal minority of that community that is obnoxious and rude to the others (AKA the racist 12 year old bastards). That spoils the experience for the ones that behave like civilized adults. There should be an intelligence test required to play a game like Halo. If you are as brain dead as half of the kids that play it, you should be booted immediately.

Mwaan5823d ago

You can't stop annoying kids from being annoying but you can mute them, or I don't know, organize some games with your friends maybe? If you can't deal with it you might as well give up on online gaming.

bgrundman5823d ago (Edited 5823d ago )

I damn near have given up on it. There is something about my fragile ego that doesn't take well to being insulted by children barely out of diapers.

Sez 5823d ago

there are also obnoxious and rude to the others AKA the racist 12 year old bastards on psn too. to only single out halo because it's has more of a fanbase than other FPS is just hating. i have played warhark,RFoM,and MGO and trust me there have the same obnoxious and racist children on psn just as much as they have them in everyother online game. hell even MMO's have their racist player insulting people too. so please stop trying to single out halo like it's the only game. or better yet get some of these parents to do their job as parents.

Wolverick5823d ago

I play WH quite a bit but don't run into near as many annoying 12 year olds. Maybe because i joined a clan and generally played with the same people but even the opponents in the intermissions never talked near as much bs as i hear after every halo match. Even in halo u can dominate someone and u still gotta hear how much u suck after the game. Gets very old. But i can't say much cuz i keep coming back for more of it. I've neber played MGO and only played a few matches of RFoM online so i can't speak of many experiences there.

Guess i've just made friends with a lot more mature ps3 gamers so it makes my experience there a lot better.

Tarasque5823d ago

Kinda funny cause i have had Socom for one day, i have heard so much sh!t talking it isn't even funny. The sonyfanboys have a tendency to think that the precious PSN is nothing but adults and is very sible. But actually one of the main problems is the adults on PSN act like the xbox live 12 year olds.

Jacobite5822d ago (Edited 5822d ago )

listen to my boys and their pals playing Halo can see some of his points, but Xbox live full of prats unless its a locked game. PSN just as bad if not worse. Myself I prefer PC less twats online (get some, lot less than the consoles)Online with Steam is alot better in my opinion : )

+ Show (4) more repliesLast reply 5822d ago
RebornSpy5823d ago

I love the Halo games, but I hate how, since it is one of the most popular games out there, the online mode seems populated by jerks and cheaters. Sometimes I start out by muting everyone but my friends. Personally, I really liked the campaign, though the story could have been better, imho. It is a lot of fun with a friend or three.

It's funny that there's an ad for halo3 cheats at the bottom of the page. Irony FTW?

Jimmy the Greek5823d ago

im totally with you on that. i usually play with friends in the same room as me and dont even put on my headset. the irony is thick, good eye.

killyourfm5823d ago

NICE observation.

To all the people out there hating on the hate...there's a place for opinion on N4G, let's not get all worked up like forum fanboys, huh?

razer5823d ago (Edited 5823d ago )

@4.2 - there is also a nice little section called BLOG for each user of this site and this is where this opinion piece belongs.

JimmyJames705823d ago

When Halo 3 first came out, that's all I played, then I discovered CoD4 and never looked back. Now I'm itching for something new: GoW2, CoD: World at War, Far Cry 2, or even James Bond 007.... OOH the choices!

pumpkinpunker5823d ago (Edited 5823d ago )

Martyrdom is stupid.

people running around like idiots on suicide runs because kill/death ratio doesn't figure into your level (meaning it takes no skill to level up to prestige) unlike Halo

it's a more noob-friendly game therefore you end up playing against and with more noobs because it doesn't have a true-skill ranking like Halo

less maps, less game types, no forge, no vehicles, etc.

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Games That Took An Absolutely Bizzare Turn In Their Narrative

Some titles out there focus on introducing a bizarre turn in their narrative. Check out this list for some solid recommendations for those.

Inverno86d ago

"INSIDE" was bloody amazing, and I miss Uncharted's sci-fi and paranormal aspects greatly.

TricksterArrow86d ago (Edited 86d ago )

TBH, 3 and 4 still have them, but they are heavily implied, which can be terrifying the more you think about it, but it is admittedly, much less scary and less interesting gameplay-wise than what 1 and 2 have done.

Inverno85d ago

U3 did show the Jinn's "bottle" in the end and the city was pretty f-ing dope. Just a little disappointing that they didn't lean just a bit more on the mythical parts of the series. Uncharted is a world rooted in reality and Drake knowing all these mythical stuff exists could've led into something cool.

porkChop86d ago

I remember being particularly confused by the twist in LA Noire where Cole Phelps is sort of "exposed". If you've played it you know what I'm talking about. It always felt weird and odd because the player is Cole Phelps. How can the player not know about these sorts of things happening with their own character? I felt like it came out of nowhere.

Yui_Suzumiya86d ago

Soma, Doki Doki Literature Club, Saya no Uta

UnbreakableAlex85d ago

Is Twelve Minutes on that list? Because IT HAS TO BE ON THAT LIST!
Don’t spoiler yourself with that humongous twist :D

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Report: Halo: Combat Evolved Remaster in Development, Being Considered for PS5

According to insider sources, a Halo Combat Evolved remaster is in development and being considered for launch on PS5.

Rynxie110d ago

So the better version will be on PS5 with VR, haptic feedback, 4k, HDR and so on? Can we ban Xbox owners from buying the PS5 version? Put a requirement to have a psn log in to play it.

andy85110d ago

Tbf considering the Pro will be out you're right. Console wise anyway

BlindMango110d ago (Edited 110d ago )

Why do these news websites keep labeling RUMORS as "Report"? Why even have the word "Report" in the title at all? It's like they are faking an announcement to get more clicks

andy85110d ago

Imagine seeing that headline 2 years ago 😂😂


The Best Four-Player Original Xbox Games

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Exvalos110d ago

If halo comes then nothing is off limits, whole slate is coming.